

更新时间:2024-03-12 19:53:38作者:留学世界




1. “Feel”是一个动词,读作/fiːl/,意为“感觉”,“触摸”。

2. 除了基本的意思外,“feel”还有很多不同的用法和含义,比如:

- 感受:I can feel the warmth of the sun on my skin.(我能感受到阳光在我的皮肤上的温暖。)

- 认为:I feel that we should do something to help.(我认为我们应该做些什么来帮助。)

- 觉得:I feel happy today.(我今天感觉很快乐。)

- 知道:I feel like I've seen you somewhere before.(我感觉好像以前在哪里见过你。)

3. “Feel”也可以作为名词使用,表示“感觉”,“气氛”,“手感”等等。

4. 在口语中,“feel”还可以用来表示某种情绪或状态,比如:

- feel good/bad: I always feel good after exercising.(运动后我总是感觉很好。)

- feel nervous/anxious: She feels nervous before exams.(她考试前总是很紧张。)

5. 此外,“feel”还可以与其他词组合使用构成复合词,比如:

- feel free: Feel free to ask me any questions.(随意问我任何问题。)

- feel sorry: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.(对不起,我不是故意伤害你的感情的。)

- feel like: I feel like going for a walk.(我想去散步。)

6. 总之,“feel”是一个非常常用的词语,具有多种含义和用法,需要根据具体语境来理解其意思。希望以上内容能够帮助你更好地理解和使用这个词语


1. feel的读音是/fiːl/,重音在第一个音节。

2. feel是一个动词,意为“感觉”,常用于描述人的感受或情绪。

3. 在口语中,feel可以作为连词使用,表示“觉得”或“认为”。

4. feel也可以作为名词使用,表示“感觉”或“手感”。

5. feel的过去式和过去分词形式分别是felt,读音为/felt/。

6. feel的现在分词形式是feeling,读音为/ˈfiːlɪŋ/。

7. 如果在feel后面加上名词作宾语,表示某种感觉。例如:I can feel the wind on my face.(我能感觉到风吹在我的脸上。)

8. 如果在feel后面加上形容词作宾语,表示某种状态。例如:She feels happy today.(她今天感觉很开心。)

9. feel也可以与介词to连用,表示对某事有某种感受。例如:I don't feel up to going out tonight.(我今晚不想出去了。)

10. 在一些特定的短语中,feel有着特殊的含义:

- feel like doing sth 想要做某事

- feel free 随意

- feel sorry 抱歉

- feel good/well 感觉良好

- feel bad/ill 感觉不舒服

- feel at ease 感觉轻松自在

- feel for 同情

11. 除了作为动词,feel还可以作为名词使用,表示“感觉”或“手感”。例如:The fabric has a soft feel.(这种布料手感很柔软。)

12. 当feel作为连词使用时,通常放在句首,表示“我认为”或“据我所知”。例如:Feel, it's going to rain tomorrow.(据我所知,明天会下雨。)

13. 在一些固定的搭配中,feel有着特殊的用法:

- have a feel of sth 触摸某物

- get the feel of sth 体会到某事物的感觉

- lose one's feel for sth 对某事物失去感觉

14. 总的来说,feel是一个常用的单词,在日常生活中经常会遇到。掌握好它的读音和用法,能够更准确地表达自己的感受和想法


1. feel的基本用法

- feel作为动词,意为“感觉”,常用于描述身体上的感受或情绪上的感受。

例如:I feel happy today. (我今天感觉很开心。)

- feel也可以作为名词,意为“触摸、手感”,常用于描述物体表面的质地或手指的触摸。

例如:The fabric has a soft feel. (这种布料手感很柔软。)

2. feel的双语例句

- I can't believe how amazing this dress feels! (我简直无法相信这件连衣裙穿起来有多舒服!)

- I can't feel my toes, they're so cold! (我的脚趾都没感觉了,太冷了!)

- The puppy's fur feels so soft and fluffy. (小狗的毛发摸起来好柔软好蓬松。)

- She felt a sudden surge of anger towards her boss. (她突然对老板产生了一股愤怒。)

3. 谐音短语

- feel free: 意为“随意、无拘束”,常用于邀请别人做自己想做的事情。

例如:Feel free to grab a drink from the fridge. (随意从冰箱里拿点喝的。)

- catch feelings: 意为“产生感情、陷入爱恋”,通常用于形容感情的发展。

例如:I didn't expect to catch feelings for him so quickly. (我没想到自己会这么快就喜欢上他。)

4. feel的幽默用法

- I feel you: 意为“我能理解你、我和你有同感”,常用于表达对别人的共鸣。

例如:I hate Mondays too, I feel you. (我也讨厌周一,我能理解你。)

- feel like a million bucks: 意为“感觉像百万富翁一样、感觉非常棒”,常用于形容自己的心情或状态。

例如:After my vacation, I feel like a million bucks. (度假后,我感觉非常棒。)


1. Get a feel for - 感受到

例如:I need to get a feel for the language before I can start speaking it fluently. (我需要先感受到这种语言,才能开始流利地说话。)

2. Feel at home - 感觉像在家一样

例如:The hotel was so cozy, I immediately felt at home. (这家酒店非常舒适,我立刻感觉像在家一样。)

3. Feel free - 随意,自由

例如:You can feel free to express your opinions in this group. (你可以随意在这个团体中表达你的想法。)

4. Feel like - 感觉像是

例如:I feel like I've known you my whole life, even though we just met yesterday. (虽然我们昨天才认识,但我感觉像是认识你一辈子了。)

5. Feel good - 感觉良好,感觉舒服

例如:After a long day at work, a hot shower always makes me feel good. (工作了一整天后,洗个热水澡总是让我感觉很舒服。)

6. Catching feelings - 开始喜欢上某人

例如:I didn't expect to start catching feelings for my coworker, but here we are. (我没想到会开始喜欢上我的同事,但现在就是这样。)

7. In the heat of the moment - 在激动的情绪中

例如:I said some things I didn't mean in the heat of the moment. (我在激动的情绪中说了一些我不是真心的话。)

8. Feel like a million bucks - 感觉非常棒

例如:After getting a promotion, I feel like a million bucks. (升职后,我感觉非常棒。)

9. Gut feeling - 直觉,第六感

例如:My gut feeling tells me that something is not right about this situation. (我的直觉告诉我这种情况不对劲。)

10. Emotional rollercoaster - 情绪过山车

例如:Going through a breakup can be an emotional rollercoaster. (经历分手会让人情绪起伏不定。)


1. Sense

- I can sense the tension in the room.

- She has a keen sense of smell.

2. Perceive

- I can perceive that she is not happy.

- He could perceive the danger ahead.

3. Experience

- I have experienced this feeling before.

- She experiences a range of emotions every day.

4. Emotion

- What emotion do you feel right now?

- His emotions were written all over his face.

5. Sensation

- The cold water gave her a tingling sensation.

- He felt a strange sensation in his stomach.

6. Touch

- The soft blanket feels nice against my skin.

- He felt a gentle touch on his shoulder.

7. Mood

- Her mood changed from happy to sad in an instant.

- The music created a calming mood in the room.

8. Atmosphere

- There was a tense atmosphere in the courtroom.

-The party had a lively and festive atmosphere.

9. Vibe

-The vibe at the concert was electric.

-She got a good vibe from him when they first met.

10. Sentiment

-I can understand your sentiment towards this issue.

-Her sentiment towards him changed after she got to know him better.

11. Reaction

-I was surprised by her reaction to the news.

-His reaction showed that he was angry and disappointed.

12. Perception

-People's perception of beauty varies greatly.

-The company's poor reputation affects people's perception of their products.

13. Impression

-The city left a lasting impression on me.

-She made a good impression at her job interview.

14. Intuition

-She had an intuition that something was wrong.

-I followed my intuition and it led me to success.

15. Instinct

-His instinct told him to run away from danger.

-Mothers have strong instincts when it comes to their children's safety.

16. Hunch

-I have a hunch that he is lying.

-Her hunch turned out to be true.

17. Gut feeling

-My gut feeling tells me that we should trust him.

-She had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen.

18. Inner voice

-His inner voice told him to be brave and speak up.

-She listened to her inner voice and followed her dreams.

19. Sixth sense

-Some people believe in having a sixth sense.

-He had a sixth sense for detecting lies.

20. Premonition

-I had a premonition that something bad was going to happen.

-He ignored the premonition and regretted it later





2024-03-12 19:31



2024-03-12 19:00

feel good inc 的翻译是

"feel good inc",这个看似简单的词组,在翻译行业中却有着丰富的含义。它不仅仅是一个简单的翻译,更是一种心情,一种态度。那么,你是否好奇它到底是什么意思?又该如何正确地发音?在

2024-03-12 18:35

feeing 的翻译是


2024-03-12 18:10



2024-03-12 17:39



2024-03-12 17:10