更新时间:2024-03-13 04:18:30作者:留学世界
1. 简介
2. 源起
3. 类型
4. 功能
5. 使用范围
6. 操作
7. 与其他交通工具的比较
8. 常见用语
在英语中,ferry还有一些常见搭配用语。例如,“take a ferry”表示搭乘渡轮,“ferry crossing”指渡运过程,“ferry terminal”则表示渡轮码头等。
1. “ferry”一词的发音为[fɛri],其中的“e”发音为短元音,类似于“bed”的发音。
2. “ferry”是一个名词,意为“渡船”,也可以作动词使用,意为“运送、运输”。
3. 在英国英语中,“ferry”也可以指代“渡轮”,是指用于在水上运输人员和车辆的船只。
4. 这个词源于古英语的“ferian”,意为“渡过、携带”,后来演变成现在的意思。
5. 在美国英语中,“ferry”还可以作为名词,指代由飞机或直升机提供的定期航班服务。
6. 除了作为名词和动词外,“ferry”还可以用作形容词,表示“通过渡船进行的交通方式”。
1. “ferry”也可以用作复数形式,“ferries”,表示多艘渡船或多次运送。
2. “ferryboat”是“渡船”的同义词,常用于美国英语中。
3. “ferryman”是指驾驶或管理渡船的人,也可以泛指任何从事渡船工作的人员。
4. “crossing by ferry”是指乘坐渡船进行的旅行,常用于描述旅游活动。
5. “ferry”还可以用作一些地名,例如英国的“Ferryhill”和美国的“Ferry County”。
1. take a ferry:乘坐渡船
2. ferry service:渡船服务
3. ferry terminal:渡船码头
4. ferry crossing:渡船旅行
5. ferry route:渡船航线
6. ferry ticket:渡船票
7. car ferry:汽车渡轮
8. passenger ferry:客运渡轮
1. ferry passengers/cars/trucks: 运送乘客/汽车/卡车
2. river/cross-channel ferry: 河流/跨海峡渡船
3. board/get on a ferry: 登上渡船
4. disembark/get off a ferry: 下船离开渡船
5. operate/run a ferry: 经营/运营渡船服务
1. “ferry”还可以指代“轮渡”,是指在水下或陆地上运输人员和车辆的交通工具。
2. “ferry”也可以用作动词,“ferry someone/something across”: 将某人/某物运送过去。
3. “ferry”的同义词包括:transport, convey, carry, shuttle等
1. 什么是ferry?
2. 如何使用ferry?
- The ferry took us across the river. (这条渡船把我们带过了河流。)
- The helicopter ferried supplies to the remote village. (直升机将物资运送到偏远的村庄。)
3. 双语例句
- We took a ferry to the island and enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the way. (我们乘坐渡船去了那个岛屿,在途中欣赏了美丽的风景。)
- The company uses a private jet to ferry their executives between offices in different cities. (公司使用私人飞机来接送高管们在不同城市间的办公往返。)
1. "Ferry me across the river": 这是一个常用的英语短语,意为“帮我渡过这条河”,可以用来表达请求帮助或指引的意思。
2. "Ferry someone's luggage": 这个词组指的是帮忙搬运某人的行李,也可以引申为帮助解决某人的问题或负担。
3. "Ferry back and forth": 指来回穿梭,可以用来形容频繁往返或不断移动的情况。
4. "Ferry passengers to safety": 这个词组常用于新闻报道中,意为“将乘客安全转移”,形容救援行动或紧急情况下的转移工作。
5. "Ferry service": 通常指渡轮服务,也可以泛指任何提供运输服务的机构或公司。
6. "Ferry someone around": 意为“开车载某人四处走动”,也可以指带领某人参观游览。
7. "Ferry someone through something": 指帮助某人度过困难、克服挑战等,类似于“护送”、“支持”的意思。
8. "Ferryman's fee": 这个词组来源于古代神话故事中渡船老板收取的费用,现在可以用来形容不合理的收费或过高的价格。
9. "Ferry across the channel": 这个词组指的是渡过海峡,也可以引申为克服难关或跨越困难。
10. "Ferry of emotions": 指情绪起伏或心情变化,类似于“感情的摆渡”
1. Transport: This word is often used to describe the act of carrying people or goods from one place to another, just like a ferry does.
2. Shuttle: Similar to a ferry, this word refers to a form of transportation that moves back and forth between two points.
3. Convey: This word can be used to describe the movement of something from one place to another, much like how a ferry conveys passengers across the water.
4. Transfer: Just as a ferry transfers people or vehicles from one side of the water to the other, this word can be used to describe the movement of something from one place or person to another.
5. Carry: A ferry carries passengers and vehicles across bodies of water, while this word can also be used in a similar sense to describe the act of transporting something or someone from one place to another.
6. Transporter: This word can be used as a synonym for "ferry" in certain contexts, as it also refers to something that carries people or goods from one place to another.
7. Vessel: While typically used in reference to ships or boats, this word can also be used as a synonym for "ferry," especially when referring to smaller vessels that transport passengers and vehicles across shorter distances.
8. Watercraft: Similar to "vessel," this word is often associated with boats and ships but can also be used as a synonym for "ferry."
9. Barge: While not commonly associated with passenger transportation, this word can still be used as a synonym for "ferry" in certain contexts where large barges are used for transporting people and vehicles across water.
10. Boat ride: This phrase may not directly translate into "ferry," but it is often associated with leisurely trips on boats and can convey the same idea of crossing bodies of water in a similar manner as a ferry does
ferry是一个常用且多义的英语单词,它可以作为名词或动词使用,意为“渡船;渡运;运送;运输”。它的发音为/ˈferi/,读者可以通过多次练习来提高自己的口语表达能力。在日常生活中,我们可以用ferry来描述渡船、轮渡、汽车渡轮等交通工具。除此之外,ferry也可以指代“运送”、“转移”等含义,在不同的语境下有着不同的用法。例如,“The boat ferried us across the river.”(这条船将我们从河这边运送到了河对岸。)最后,我是网站编辑小明,希望通过本文的介绍能够帮助大家更好地理解和使用ferry这个单词。如果你喜欢本文,请关注我并分享给更多的朋友吧!