

更新时间:2024-03-13 08:42:57作者:留学世界



1. 简介



2. Few作为形容词的用法

作为形容词时,few表示“数量很少”的意思,常与不可数名词连用,例如:a few water(几滴水)、a few sugar(几块糖)。它也可以修饰可数名词的复数形式,例如:a few apples(几个苹果)、a few books(几本书)。

3. Few作为副词的用法

作为副词时,few表示“很少”或“几乎没有”的意思,常与动词连用。例如:He has few friends(他没有多少朋友)、I have few interests in common with him(我和他没有太多共同爱好)。在肯定句中,few可以表示程度轻微;在否定句中,则强调数量极其有限。

4. Few与little的区别

Few和little都有“少数”的意思,但few更多指数量上的稀缺,而little则更多指质量上的缺乏。例如:I have a little time to spare(我有一点空闲时间);There are few people in the park today(今天公园里的人很少)。

5. Few的同义词


6. Few的反义词

Few的反义词是many,表示“许多”的意思。它也可以用作形容词或副词,在句子中通常用来修饰名词或动词。例如:Many people came to the party(许多人来参加了聚会)、There are many reasons for his success(他成功的原因有很多)


1. "Few"的英语发音为[fjuː],读音与单词"view"中的"v"相同。

2. 如果觉得发音有些困难,可以尝试将"f"和"yoo"连起来快速念成一个音节。

3. 也可以将"f"发成轻声,然后再读出后面的两个音节,这样会更容易一些。

4. 如果你是一个爱玩游戏的人,可以把"few"读成"f-you",这样不仅好记,还有点幽默感。

5. 不要担心自己的发音不标准,只要能让别人听懂就可以啦!毕竟语言是用来交流的嘛~

6. 总之,记住[fjuː]这个发音就对了!多练习几次,很快就能说得地道又流利啦!


1. Few的基本用法



- There are few people in the park today. (今天公园里人很少。)

- I have few friends in this city. (我在这个城市几乎没有朋友。)

- There is little time left for us to finish the project. (我们完成这个项目的时间很少。)

2. Few和a few的区别

Few和a few都表示数量不多,但是意义上有所区别。Few表示数量非常少,几乎没有,而a few则表示有一些,但是数量也不多。


- There are a few apples on the table. (桌子上有几个苹果。)

- There are few apples left in the basket. (篮子里剩下很少的苹果了。)

3. Few和little的对比



- She has little patience for rude customers. (她对粗鲁的顾客没有什么耐心。)

- They have few complaints about their new boss. (他们对新老板没有什么抱怨。)

4. Few和couple of的替换

在口语中,few经常被替换为couple of,表示几个,一些。


- I have a couple of books to read this weekend. (这个周末我有几本书要读。)

5. Few的双语例句

- There are few things more satisfying than a good night's sleep. (没有什么比一夜好眠更令人满足的了。)

- It's hard to find good friends, but I'm lucky to have a few. (找到好朋友很难,但是我很幸运有几个。)

- Few people can resist the temptation of chocolate. (很少有人能抵挡住巧克力的诱惑。)

- A few students stayed after class to ask the teacher some questions. (有几个学生放学后留下来问老师问题。)


1. A few: 几个,少数

例句:I have a few friends in this city.(我在这个城市有几个朋友。)

2. Few and far between: 稀少的,罕见的

例句:Good job opportunities are few and far between in this town.(这个城镇的好工作机会很少。)

3. A few of a kind: 与众不同的,独特的

例句:She has a style that is truly a few of a kind.(她有一种真正独特的风格。)

4. Few and short: 短暂的,不久的

例句:Their marriage was few and short, ending in divorce after only two years.(他们的婚姻很短暂,在仅仅两年后就以离婚告终。)

5. A few steps away: 几步之遥,很近

例句:The store is just a few steps away from here, we can walk there easily.(商店距离这里只有几步之遥,我们可以轻松走过去。)

6. In a few words: 简言之,简单来说

例句:In a few words, I would say that our company values teamwork above all else.(简言之,我想说我们公司最看重团队合作。)

7. Few and between: 很少见到,难得发生

例句:Opportunities like this come along only once in a few and between.(像这样的机会很少出现。)

8. Few and little: 少量,不多

例句:She has few and little savings, so she can't afford to travel right now.(她的存款很少,所以现在无法承担旅行费用。)

9. A few of the many: 少数中的一部分,其中一些

例句:These are just a few of the many reasons why I love living in this city.(这些只是我爱在这个城市生活的众多原因中的一小部分。)

10. Few and sundry: 各种各样的,不同的

例句:The event attracted people from all walks of life, both young and old, rich and poor, few and sundry.(这次活动吸引了各行各业、年轻人和老年人、富人和穷人等各种不同背景的人。)


1. Limited

Few: Limited is a synonym of few, which means a small number or amount. For example, there are only a limited number of seats available for the concert.

2. Scant

Few: Scant is another word that can be used to replace few, meaning insufficient or barely enough. For instance, there was only a scant amount of evidence to support the claim.

3. Sparse

Few: Sparse is a synonym for few that refers to something being thinly scattered or distributed. An example sentence could be "The sparse population in the rural area makes it difficult to find employees."

4. Meager

Few: Meager is a word that can be used interchangeably with few, meaning lacking in quantity or quality. For example, we only have a meager amount of food left in the pantry.

5. Handful

Few: Handful can also be used as a synonym for few, referring to a small number that can be counted on one hand. For instance, there were only a handful of people at the meeting.

6. Scarce

Few: Scarce is another word that can replace few, meaning not enough or hard to find. A sentence using this synonym could be "During the drought, water became scarce in the village."

7. Insufficient

Few: Insufficient means not enough or inadequate and can be used as an alternative for few in some contexts. For example, there were insufficient funds to cover all the expenses.

8. Inadequate

Few: Inadequate has a similar meaning to insufficient and can also be used as a synonym for few in certain situations. An example sentence could be "The team's performance was inadequate due to having too few players."

9. Rare

Few: Rare refers to something being uncommon or not often found and can also replace few in some cases. For instance, it's rare to find someone who speaks multiple languages fluently.

10. Handful

Few: Handful can also be used as a synonym for few, referring to a small number that can be counted on one hand. For instance, there were only a handful of people at the meeting.

11. Paltry

Few: Paltry is another word that can be used to replace few, meaning insignificant or of little value. An example sentence could be "The company's profits were paltry compared to last year."

12. Slight

Few: Slight is a synonym for few that means small in amount or degree. For example, there was only a slight chance of rain in the forecast.

13. Dearth

Few: Dearth refers to a scarcity or shortage and can also be used as an alternative for few in certain contexts. A sentence using this synonym could be "There was a dearth of volunteers for the charity event."

14. Insufficient

Few: Insufficient means not enough or inadequate and can be used as an alternative for few in some contexts. For example, there were insufficient resources available to complete the project.

15. Limited

Few: Limited is a synonym of few, which means a small number or amount. For instance, there are only limited options available for this product.

16. Sparse

Few: Sparse is another word that can replace few, meaning thinly scattered or distributed. An example sentence could be "The sparse population in the area makes it difficult to find customers."

17. Scanty

Few: Scanty is another synonym for few that means inadequate or barely enough. For example, we only have scanty evidence to support our theory.

18. Modest

Few: Modest refers to something being limited in quantity or size and can also replace few in certain situations. A sentence using this synonym could be "We received only a modest amount of donations for the charity."

19. Insignificant

Few: Insignificant means not important or of little consequence and can be used as a synonym for few in certain contexts. For instance, there were only insignificant changes made to the report.

20. Rare

Few: Rare refers to something being uncommon or not often found and can also replace few in some cases. An example sentence could be "It's rare to see such a talented musician at such a young age."


上一篇: cinematic怎么读




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