

更新时间:2024-03-15 15:49:07作者:留学世界



1. 什么是focus?



2. focus的词源


3. focus作为动词的用法


4. focus与concentrate的区别


5. focus作为名词时的用法

当focus作为名词时,它可以指某个具体的事物或者抽象概念。比如,“The focus of the meeting is on the new project.”(会议的重点是新项目),“She has lost her focus on her studies.”(她已经失去了对学业的关注)。

6. focus也可用来表示摄影术语

在摄影术语中,focus指镜头对焦的位置,也可以用来表示照片中清晰的主体部分。例如,“The focus of this photo is on the beautiful flowers.”(这张照片的焦点是美丽的花朵)。

7. focus还可以表示“聚光灯”


8. focus也可用来表示“中心点”

除了上述用法外,focus还可以指某个事物或地方的中心点。比如,“The focus of the city's nightlife is in this area.”(这个城市夜生活的中心在这个地区)。




1. 真正的发音是什么?


2. 为什么有些人会读成“佛克斯”?


3. 重复练习才能准确掌握


4. 另外还有一个小技巧



1. 什么是focus?


2. focus作为动词的用法

- 动词focus的基本意思是“集中注意力”,例如:

- I need to focus on my studies.(我需要专心学习。)

- He couldn't focus on his work because of the loud noises outside.(外面的嘈杂声让他无法集中精力工作。)


- The camera needs to be focused before taking a picture.(在拍照前需要对相机进行聚焦。)

- The company is focusing on expanding its market in Asia.(该公司正在关注亚洲市场的扩张。)

3. focus作为名词的用法


- The main focus of the meeting was to discuss the budget for next year.(会议的主要重点是讨论明年的预算。)

- The photographer adjusted the focus of his lens to capture the perfect shot.(摄影师调整镜头焦距来拍摄完美的照片。)

4. focus作为形容词的用法


- She has a very focused mind.(她的思维非常专注。)

- The team needs to have a more focused approach to achieve their goals.(团队需要采取更专注的方式来达成目标。)

5. 双语例句

- I have trouble focusing on my work when there are distractions around me.(当周围有干扰时,我很难专注于工作。)

- The focus of this project is to improve customer satisfaction.(这个项目的重点是提高客户满意度。)

- She has a laser-like focus when it comes to achieving her goals.(她在实现目标时有着像激光一样的专注力。)

- The camera automatically adjusts the focus for better image quality.(相机会自动调整焦距以获得更好的图像质量。)


1. Focus on:专注于,集中于

例句:In order to achieve success, you need to focus on your goals and work towards them consistently.

2. Focus group:焦点小组,聚焦小组

例句:The company conducted a focus group to gather feedback from their target audience.

3. Focus in on:聚焦于,集中于

例句:The camera focused in on the main character as she delivered her powerful monologue.

4. Out of focus:模糊的,不清晰的

例句:The picture was out of focus, so I couldn't see the details clearly.

5. Focus point:焦点,重点

例句:The focus point of this presentation is the new product launch strategy.

6. Keep your focus on:保持专注于

例句:Don't get distracted, keep your focus on the task at hand.

7. Main focus:主要关注点,重点

例句:Our main focus for this quarter is to increase sales and improve customer satisfaction.

8. Laser-like focus:激光般的专注力

例句:She has a laser-like focus when it comes to achieving her goals.

9. Narrow your focus:缩小你的关注范围

例句:Instead of trying to do everything at once, narrow your focus and prioritize your tasks.

10. Shift the focus to:把注意力转移到...

例句: Let's shift the focus to our marketing strategy for next year.

11. Lose one's focus: 失去专注力

例句: I lost my focus during the meeting because I was thinking about other things.

12.Focus solely on: 仅仅关注于,专注于

例句:It's important to focus solely on your own progress and not compare yourself to others.

13. Focus your energy on:把精力集中在...

例句:Instead of wasting time on unimportant tasks, focus your energy on the ones that will bring the most results.

14. Intense focus:强烈的专注力

例句:She was able to finish the project quickly due to her intense focus and determination.

15. Focus your mind on:集中注意力在...

例句:Before a big game, athletes often use visualization techniques to focus their mind on winning


1. Concentration

Concentration is a synonym for focus and refers to the ability to direct one's attention and efforts towards a specific task or goal. It also implies a state of deep mental focus and absorption in the task at hand.

2. Attention

Attention is another word for focus and describes the act of paying close or careful attention to something. It also suggests being fully engaged and present in the moment, without being distracted by other thoughts or stimuli.

3. Emphasis

Emphasis is a synonym for focus and emphasizes the importance or significance of a particular aspect or idea. It also implies giving special attention or weight to something.

4. Centering

Centering is another word for focus and describes the act of bringing one's attention to a central point or core idea. It also suggests finding balance and grounding in one's thoughts and actions.

5. Fixation

Fixation is a synonym for focus and refers to the strong attachment or preoccupation with something, often to the exclusion of other things. It also implies being completely absorbed in one's thoughts or actions related to that thing.

6. Intensity

Intensity is another word for focus and describes the level of energy, effort, or concentration put into something. It also suggests a high level of determination and dedication towards achieving a goal.

7. Clarity

Clarity is a synonym for focus and refers to having a clear understanding or vision of what needs to be done. It also implies being able to prioritize tasks effectively and eliminate distractions.

8. Single-mindedness

Single-mindedness is another word for focus and describes having one clear goal or objective in mind, without being swayed by other influences or distractions. It also suggests unwavering determination towards achieving that goal.

9. Absorption

Absorption is a synonym for focus and refers to being fully engrossed in an activity, thought, or idea without any external interruptions. It also implies a deep level of concentration and immersion in the task at hand.

10. Fixity

Fixity is another word for focus and describes the state of being firmly fixed on a particular thing or idea. It also suggests having a strong sense of purpose and direction towards achieving a goal



focuson是什么意思 focuson的中文翻译、读音、例句


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