更新时间:2024-03-16 06:37:52作者:留学世界
1. forecaster是一个英文单词,读作/fɔːˈkæstə(r)/。
2. 它的词性为名词,意为“预测者”、“预报员”、“预言家”,也可以指“天气预报员”。
3. 这个单词由forecast和-er两部分组成,其中forecast是动词,意为“预测”、“预报”,-er是名词后缀,表示从事某种活动的人。
4. 因此,forecaster的字面意思就是“进行预测的人”或者“从事预报工作的人”。
5. 在实际使用中,forecaster可以指任何进行预测、估计或者推测的人,不仅限于天气方面。
6. 例如,在股市、经济、政治等领域,也会有专门从事预测工作的人被称为forecaster。
7. 总的来说,forecaster指那些通过研究数据、趋势、模式等来做出未来发展趋势或结果的推测,并将其告知他人的人群。
8. 除了作为名词使用外,forecaster还可以作为形容词使用,在这种情况下它的意思是“可靠的”、“准确的”,用来形容一个能够提供准确预测或估计信息的人或事物。
9. 总的来说,forecaster是一个常用的英语单词,它的意思相对简单明了,但在不同的语境下会有不同的指代对象。如果您对这个单词还有其他疑问,请随时提出
1. forecaster的定义
2. 如何正确读音
3. 常见错误发音及纠正方法
- 将字母o发成[o]:这种发音比较接近汉语拼音中的“欧”,因此容易出现错误。正确的方法是将字母o发成[aw]。
- 将字母o发成[oh]:这种发音比较接近汉语拼音中的“哦”,也容易造成误读。正确的方法是将字母o发成[aw]。
- 将字母o发成[u]:有些人习惯将字母o发成[u],这种发音在英语中并不常见。正确的方法是将字母o发成[aw]。
4. 练习方法
- 口语练习:反复朗读这个单词,注意将字母o发成[aw]音。
- 听力练习:听英语新闻或电影中出现的这个单词,并模仿原声读出。
- 记忆法:将forecaster与其他以[o]结尾的单词进行对比,如poster、booster等,以此巩固正确的发音。
5. 如何运用
1. forecaster的用法
2. 双语例句
1) The forecaster predicted that there would be heavy rain tomorrow.
2) The economic forecaster believes that the stock market will continue to rise.
3) According to the weather forecaster, there will be a heat wave in the coming week.
4) The company hired a professional forecaster to predict market trends.
5) As a language model AI, I can be a reliable forecaster for your translation needs.
6) The forecaster's predictions were surprisingly accurate.
7) The job of a weather forecaster is not easy, as it requires constant monitoring and analysis of weather patterns.
8) The forecaster's report warned of potential economic downturn in the near future.
9) The company relies on the expertise of their forecaster to make important business decisions.
10) The forecaster's accurate predictions helped the government prepare for the upcoming typhoon.
1. 预测师 - forecaster的直接翻译,指能够做出准确预测的人。
2. 预言家 - 指具有预知未来能力的人,也可以用来形容那些善于预测未来趋势的人。
3. 预测专家 - 指在某一领域拥有专业知识和经验,能够做出精准预测的人。
4. 预测大师 - 指在预测领域有着卓越成就和权威地位的人。
5. 预测分析师 - 指通过对数据和信息进行分析,从中得出未来发展趋势的专业人士。
6. 未来学者 - 指研究未来发展趋势和变化规律的学者或专家。
7. 前瞻者 - 指具有前瞻性思维和观察力,能够提前洞察未来变化的人。
8. 超前部署者 - 指在行动上提前做出准备,以应对未来可能发生的变化的人。
9. 超前者 - 指比别人更早意识到某种趋势或现象,并采取行动进行调整或应对的人。
10. 预测策略师 - 指制定预测策略,帮助人们做出正确决策的专业人士
1. Predictor
- This word is derived from the Latin word "praedictor", which means "foreteller" or "prophet". It can be used as a synonym for forecaster, especially in the context of predicting future events or outcomes.
2. Prognosticator
- This word comes from the Greek word "prognōstikós", which means "able to foretell". It is often used to describe someone who makes predictions or forecasts about future events.
3. Seer
- This term refers to a person who is believed to have the ability to see into the future or predict future events. It can be used as a synonym for forecaster, especially in a mystical or supernatural sense.
4. Diviner
- Derived from the Latin word "divinare", meaning "to foresee", this term refers to someone who uses supernatural powers or methods to predict future events. It can also be used as a synonym for forecaster, particularly in a spiritual or religious context.
5. Oracle
- This word has its roots in ancient Greek and refers to a person through whom a deity speaks and reveals hidden knowledge or predictions about the future. It can be used as a synonym for forecaster, especially in a mystical or spiritual sense.
6. Soothsayer
- This term comes from Old English and refers to someone who predicts the future through signs and omens. It can be used interchangeably with forecaster, particularly when referring to someone who makes predictions based on intuition or instinct rather than scientific analysis.
7. Visionary
- Derived from the Latin word "visionarius", meaning "having visions", this term describes someone who has clear ideas about what might happen in the future and works towards making them a reality. It can be used as a synonym for forecaster, especially when referring to someone with innovative ideas and insights.
8. Futurist
- This word is derived from the Latin word "futurus", meaning "about to be". It refers to someone who studies and predicts future trends and developments, often using scientific methods and data analysis. It can be used as a synonym for forecaster, particularly in fields such as technology or economics.
9. Clairvoyant
- This term comes from the French words "clair" (clear) and "voyant" (seeing), and refers to someone who has the ability to see things beyond the range of normal perception. It can be used as a synonym for forecaster, especially in a supernatural or paranormal sense.
10. Augur
- This word comes from the Latin word "augur", meaning "to interpret omens". It refers to someone who makes predictions based on signs or omens, often related to natural phenomena. It can be used interchangeably with forecaster, particularly when referring to someone who predicts future events through divination or other mystical practices