

更新时间:2024-03-16 15:58:10作者:留学世界









1. 原谅的意义


2. 原谅的方式


3. 原谅需要勇气


4. 从原谅中学习成长


5. 原谅的好处


6. 原谅是一种选择




1. 什么是forgiveness?


2. 如何正确读写forgiveness?

根据英语发音规则,forgiveness应该读作/fərˈɡɪvnəs/。其中,“f”发音为/f/,“o”发音为/ə/,“r”发音为/r/,“g”发音为/ɡ/,“i”发音为/ɪ/,“v”发音为/v/,“e”发音为/n̩/,“s”发音为/s/。如果你想要更准确地听到这个单词的发音,可以在网上搜索“forgiveness pronunciation”的视频来学习。

3. forgiveness的双语例句

- He asked for her forgiveness after realizing his mistake.


- Forgiveness is the key to a happy and peaceful life.


- She found it hard to forgive him for what he had done.


- The act of forgiveness can bring healing and closure to a broken relationship.


- Forgiveness is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength and maturity.


4. 如何运用forgiveness?



1. Forgiveness is the act of pardoning someone for their mistakes or wrongdoings.

2. To forgive means to let go of anger, resentment, and bitterness towards someone who has hurt you.

3. Forgiveness is not about forgetting what happened, but rather choosing to release the negative emotions associated with it.

4. It takes strength and courage to forgive someone who has caused you pain.

5. Asking for forgiveness is a way to take responsibility for one's actions and seek reconciliation.

6. Giving forgiveness does not mean condoning the behavior, but rather choosing to move forward without holding onto grudges.

7. Holding onto grudges can lead to bitterness and can prevent personal growth and healing.

8. Forgiveness can be a difficult process, but it is necessary for inner peace and emotional well-being.

9. It is important to forgive oneself as well, as we are all human and make mistakes.

10. Forgiveness is a choice that can bring about healing, closure, and freedom from negative emotions.

小标题:The Benefits of Forgiveness


1. Forgiveness can improve relationships by fostering understanding, empathy, and compassion towards others.

2. It can also lead to improved communication and conflict resolution skills.

3. Letting go of grudges can decrease stress levels and improve overall mental health.

4. Studies have shown that forgiveness is linked to lower blood pressure and reduced risk of heart disease.

5. Choosing forgiveness can also increase self-esteem and self-worth by releasing feelings of victimhood.

6. It allows us to move on from past hurts and focus on the present moment instead of dwelling on the past.

7. Forgiveness can bring about a sense of closure and allow us to let go of negative emotions that may be holding us back.

8. It promotes inner peace and allows us to live in harmony with ourselves and others.

9. Forgiveness can also lead to personal growth and the ability to empathize with others who have made mistakes.

10. Ultimately, forgiveness is a powerful tool that can bring about positive changes in our relationships, mental health, and overall well-being


1. Pardon

Pardon是forgiveness的同义词,意为“宽恕”,常用于官方或法律上的原谅。例如:The prisoner was granted a pardon for his crimes.

2. Mercy

Mercy也可以表示forgiveness,特别强调对他人的仁慈和宽容。例如:The judge showed mercy and reduced the sentence for the young offender.

3. Absolution

Absolution是指神或宗教领袖给予的赦免,也可以表示对他人的原谅。例如:The priest offered absolution to the repentant sinner.

4. Remission

Remission通常用于医学上,指疾病的缓解或消退,但也可以表示对罪过的赦免。例如:The patient's cancer was in remission, and he was grateful for the remission of his sins.

5. Clemency

Clemency是指政府或法律机构对罪犯的特别宽容和仁慈。例如:The governor granted clemency to the convicted felon on humanitarian grounds.

6. Reprieve

Reprieve是指暂时停止执行死刑或惩罚,也可以表示暂时放松对某人的责备。例如:The prisoner received a reprieve from his death sentence, but he still had to face the consequences of his actions.

7. Amnesty

Amnesty是政府给予全体罪犯的大赦,也可以表示个人间相互原谅。例如:After years of conflict, the two countries finally agreed to an amnesty and ended the war.

8. Clemency

Clemency是指政府或法律机构对罪犯的特别宽容和仁慈。例如:The governor granted clemency to the convicted felon on humanitarian grounds.

9. Tolerance

Tolerance是指对他人的观点、行为或信仰的宽容,也可以表示对错误的原谅。例如:We should all practice tolerance and learn to forgive each other's mistakes.

10. Reconciliation

Reconciliation是指通过和解来修复关系,也可以表示和解之后的原谅。例如:After years of estrangement, the siblings finally achieved reconciliation and forgave each other for past grievances.

11. Redemption

Redemption是指通过付出代价来获得赎罪和原谅,也可以表示对他人的赦免。例如:The criminal sought redemption for his past actions and hoped for forgiveness from his victims.

12. Pardonable

Pardonable是forgiveness的形容词形式,意为“可被原谅的”。例如:His actions were not pardonable, and he must face the consequences of his choices.

13. Excusable

Excusable也可以表示“可被原谅的”,但更强调情有可原或理解。例如:Her lateness was excusable because of traffic, and we forgave her for being late to the meeting.

14. Indulgence

Indulgence是指宽容和纵容,也可以表示对错误的宽恕。例如:The parents showed indulgence towards their mischievous child and forgave his pranks.

15. Clemency

Clemency是指政府或法律机构对罪犯的特别宽容和仁慈。例如:The governor granted clemency to the convicted felon on humanitarian grounds





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