

更新时间:2024-03-19 22:37:23作者:留学世界



1. 什么是full?



2. full的基本解释

Full可以用来形容物体、空间或者状态。当用来形容物体时,它指物体内部或表面被填满或覆盖。例如,“The glass is full of water.”(玻璃杯里装满了水。)当用来形容空间时,它指空间被充分利用或者没有剩余空间。例如,“The room is full of furniture.”(房间里摆满了家具。)当用来形容状态时,它指某人或某物处于最大限度或最高水平。例如,“I am full of energy today.”(我今天精力充沛。)

3. full作为名词

除了作为形容词外,full也可以作为名词使用。作为名词时,full指代“全部”、“整个”。例如,“He ate the full of the cake.”(他吃掉了整个蛋糕。)此外,在一些固定搭配中,full也可以表示“完全”的意思。例如,“in full”表示“完全地”,“to the full”表示“充分地”。

4. full的同义词和反义词


5. full在其他领域中的用法




1. 发音:full的发音为/fʊl/,其中f的发音为清辅音/f/,u的发音为短元音/ʊ/,l的发音为清辅音/l/。

2. 读法:full是一个单词,通常被读作“富尔”,其中u的发音可以稍微延长一点,但不要太过夸张。在英国英语中,有些人会将最后一个l省略,因此也可以读作“富尔”。在美国英语中,则会更加重读每个字母的发音,因此可能会听起来更像是“弗乌尔”。

3. 音标解释:

- /f/: 这个字母代表了清辅音/f/的发音。这个声音是通过将下巴靠近上唇、牙齿轻轻咬合、气流从嘴里吹出来产生的。

- /ʊ/: 这个字母代表了短元音/ʊ/的发音。这个声音是通过将舌头放置在口腔底部、嘴唇稍微向外突出、气流从口腔中间吹出来产生的。

- /l/: 这个字母代表了清辅音/l/的发音。这个声音是通过将舌头放置在上颚后部、气流从两侧舌尖流出来产生的。

4. 注意事项:

- full是一个单音节词,因此发音较为简单,但在实际使用中,可能会与其他单词连读。例如,当full后面跟着以元音开头的单词时,可能会连读成“ful”+下一个单词的发音。例如,“full of”会连读成“ful-of”,“full and”会连读成“ful-and”。

- 在英语中,有些单词的发音可能因地区、语言习惯等原因而略有差异。因此,不同地区、不同人群可能会对full的发音有所差异。但总体来说,上述介绍的是比较普遍且通用的发音方式


1. Full的基本意思


2. Full作为形容词

a. 形容物体:Full可以用来描述物体内部或表面的状态,表示“装满的”、“充满的”。例如:

- The bottle is full of water.(这个瓶子装满了水。)

- Her eyes were full of tears.(她的眼睛充满了泪水。)

b. 形容状态:Full也可以表示某种状态已经达到最高点,表示“完全”,“彻底”。例如:

- I am full of admiration for her courage.(我对她的勇气感到十分钦佩。)

- The room was full of smoke.(房间里充满了烟雾。)

c. 形容程度:Full还可以用来修饰程度,表示“非常”,“十分”。例如:

- She was full of energy today.(今天她精神十足。)

- He is full of confidence in his new job.(他对自己新工作充满信心。)



- He ate the cake full.(他把蛋糕吃得很饱。)

- She looked at him full in the face.(她满脸正视他。)

4. Full作为名词


- I want the full story.(我想要全部的故事。)

- She gave her full attention to the lecture.(她全神贯注地听讲座。)

5. 双语例句

a. The glass is full of water.


b. I am full of joy.


c. She was full of anger when she found out the truth.


d. He ate the whole pizza and now he's full.


e. The theater was full of excited fans waiting for the concert to start.


f. She gave her full support to her friend's decision.


g. The book gives a full account of his life and achievements.


h. They were all in a state of confusion, with their minds full of questions.


i. The restaurant offers a full menu of delicious dishes.


j. He was full of regret for not taking the opportunity when it was presented to him.



1. Full of: 充满,充足的

例句:This cup is full of water.(这个杯子装满了水。)

2. Full-time: 全职的,全日制的

例句:She works as a full-time teacher at the university.(她在大学担任全职教师。)

3. Full blast: 全力以赴,全速前进

例句:The car was going full blast down the highway.(汽车在高速公路上全速行驶。)

4. Full swing: 全力进行,全面展开

例句:The project is now in full swing and we are making good progress.(该项目正在全面展开,我们取得了良好的进展。)

5. Full potential: 全部潜力,最大限度发挥

例句:We need to help our employees reach their full potential in order to achieve success as a company.(为了公司的成功,我们需要帮助员工发挥他们的全部潜力。)

6.Full house: 满座,客满

例句:The concert was a huge success with a full house of excited fans.(音乐会客满,粉丝们都很兴奋。)

7.Full package: 完整套餐,一揽子服务

例句:This tour includes a full package of transportation, accommodation and meals.(这次旅行包含了交通、住宿和餐饮的一揽子服务。)

8.Full potential: 最大限度,充分发挥

例句:We believe that every student has the full potential to succeed.(我们相信每个学生都有最大的成功潜力。)

9.Full disclosure: 完全披露,全部公开

例句:The company made a full disclosure of their financial records to the shareholders.(公司向股东完全披露了他们的财务记录。)

10.Full of oneself: 自负的,自命不凡的

例句:He's always talking about his achievements, he's so full of himself.(他总是在谈论自己的成就,太自负了。)


1. Complete

- The project is now complete.

- She has a complete understanding of the subject.

- The report is a complete overview of the situation.

2. Entire

- I spent the entire day working on this project.

- He ate the entire pizza by himself.

- The entire team was present at the meeting.

3. Total

- The total cost of the project is estimated to be $50,000.

- She has a total of 10 years of experience in this field.

- The company's total revenue for the year was $1 million.

4. Whole

- I ate the whole cake by myself.

- She has a whole collection of rare books.

- The whole town gathered to celebrate the festival.

5. Maximum

- You can only have a maximum of three items on this menu.

- He reached his maximum potential in his career.

- The maximum speed limit on this road is 60 miles per hour.

6. Plenary

- We had a plenary meeting to discuss all aspects of the project.

- She received plenary approval for her proposal.

- The conference included plenary sessions and workshops.

7. Comprehensive

- This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the market trends.

- She has a comprehensive understanding of the company's operations.

-The course offers comprehensive coverage of all topics related to finance.

8. Replete

-The book is replete with examples and case studies.

-She was replete with knowledge on the subject matter.

-The buffet table was replete with delicious dishes.

9. Saturated

-The market is saturated with similar products already.

-His brain was saturated with information after studying for hours.

-The sponge was saturated with water and could not absorb any more liquid.

10. Brimming

-Her eyes were brimming with tears when she heard the news.

-The cup was brimming with hot coffee, be careful not to spill it.

-The garden was brimming with colorful flowers.

11. Overflowing

-The river was overflowing due to heavy rain.

-The room was overflowing with guests at the party.

-His heart was overflowing with gratitude for their help.

12. Abundant

-There is an abundant supply of fresh fruits and vegetables at the market.

-She has an abundant amount of energy and can work for hours.

-Their love for each other is abundant and visible to everyone.

13. Copious

-He took copious notes during the lecture.

-The book is filled with copious amounts of information on the topic.

-She has a copious amount of experience in this field.

14. Ample

-There is ample parking space available in the lot.

-We have ample time to finish this project before the deadline.

-She has an ample amount of resources at her disposal.

15. Plentiful

-The restaurant offers a plentiful selection of dishes on their menu.

-They have a plentiful supply of raw materials to meet the demand.

-Her garden is plentiful with fresh vegetables and herbs.

16. Loaded

-The presentation was loaded with statistics and data.

-He has a loaded schedule for the week, with back-to-back meetings.

-The car was loaded with groceries after their trip to the supermarket.

17. Stuffed

-I am so stuffed after that big meal, I can't eat another bite.

-The pillow was stuffed with feathers, making it soft and comfortable to sleep on.

-She stuffed her bag full of snacks for the long journey ahead.

18. Packed

-The concert venue was packed with excited fans waiting for their favorite band to perform.

-She packed her suitcase full of clothes for her vacation trip.

-His schedule is packed with meetings from morning till evening.

19. Filled

-The room was filled with laughter and joy as they celebrated together.

-Her heart was filled with love for her family.

-The bottle was filled with water to the brim.

20. Satiated

-After eating a big meal, I felt satiated and didn't want to eat anything else.

-Her thirst was satiated after drinking a glass of cold water.

-The audience was satiated with laughter after watching the comedy show



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