

更新时间:2024-03-24 22:52:55作者:留学世界



1. glad的定义



2. glad的中文翻译

根据glad在不同语境下所表达的含义,它可以有多种中文翻译。一般来说,最常见的中文翻译有“高兴、快乐”、“满意”、“感激”等。例如,“I am glad to see you.”可以翻译为“我很高兴见到你。”,“He is glad with his new job.”可以翻译为“他对他的新工作很满意。”,“She was glad for their help.”可以翻译为“她对他们的帮助很感激。”

3. glad发音来源


4. glad的常见用法

a. be glad to do something:表示乐意做某事。

例如,“I am glad to help you with your project.”(我很乐意帮你完成这个项目。)

b. be glad of something:表示对某事感激。

例如,“She was very glad of their support during the difficult time.”(在困难时期,她非常感激他们的支持。)

c. be glad for someone:表示为某人高兴。

例如,“I am so glad for you that you got the promotion!”(我为你升职感到非常高兴!)


1. 格拉德的发音来源


2. glad的中文翻译意思


3. glad在英文中的用法

除了作为一个名字,glad也是一个常用的形容词。它可以用来修饰人或物,表示他们给人带来欢乐和满足。例如:“I am glad to see you.”(我很高兴见到你。);“She has a glad heart.”(她心里很快乐。)

4. glad与happiness和joy的区别


5. glad作为英文名的含义


6. glad与其他英文名的搭配

如果你喜欢这个名字,但想要更多选择,可以考虑将它与其他英文名搭配使用。例如,“Glad Grace”(格拉德·格雷斯)、“Glad Elizabeth”(格拉德·伊丽莎白)等。

7. 命名灵感



1. "glad"的中文翻译意思是"高兴的",源自于古英语单词"glæd"。

2. "glad"常用作形容词,表示感到高兴、满意或愉悦。例如:"I'm glad to see you." (我很高兴见到你。)

3. "glad"也可以用作动词,表示使某人感到高兴或满意。例如:"Her smile gladdened my heart." (她的微笑让我心情愉快。)

4. "glad"还可以用作名词,表示快乐、欢乐的感觉。例如:"The children's laughter brought gladness to the room." (孩子们的笑声给房间带来了欢乐。)

5. 以下是一些关于"glad"的双语例句:

- I am so glad to have you as my friend. (我很高兴有你作为我的朋友。)

- She was glad to hear the good news. (她很高兴听到这个好消息。)

- We are all glad that you could come to the party tonight. (我们都很高兴你能来参加今晚的派对。)

- His parents were filled with gladness when he graduated from college. (他毕业时,父母都感到非常欢喜。)


1. Glad tidings:喜讯,指好消息或好运。

2. Glad rags:漂亮的衣服,指穿着得体的服装。

3. Glad-handing:热情招待,指对人表现出友好和热情的态度。

4. Glad eye:赞赏的目光,指对某人或某物表示欣赏。

5. Glad-hand:热情地和某人握手,也可用作动词形式。

6. Glad to hear it:听到这个消息很高兴,表示对某件事感到高兴或满意。

7. Glad tidings of great joy:大喜讯,指非常令人高兴的消息。

8. Gladstone bag:格拉德斯通包,指一种硬质小箱子,常用于携带文件、衣物等物品。

9. Glad-hander:热情招待者,指善于与人交际并表现出友好态度的人。

10. Gladstone Gander:格拉德斯通·甘德鸭,迪士尼卡通片《唐老鸭》中登场的角色


1. Happy - "Glad" is often used as a synonym for "happy," meaning feeling or showing pleasure, contentment, or joy. Examples: I am glad to see you. She was glad to hear the good news.

2. Pleased - Another synonym for "glad" is "pleased," which means feeling satisfied or happy about something. Examples: He was pleased with his test results. The children were pleased with their new toys.

3. Delighted - This word has a stronger connotation of extreme happiness and satisfaction. It can be used interchangeably with "glad." Examples: We were delighted to receive your invitation. She was delighted with her birthday surprise.

4. Joyful - Similar to "delighted," this word expresses a deep sense of happiness and fulfillment. It can also be used as a synonym for "glad." Examples: The couple was joyful on their wedding day. He felt joyful after achieving his dream.

5. Grateful - This word implies being thankful and appreciative, which can also be associated with feeling glad about something or someone. Examples: I am grateful for your help. She was grateful to have such supportive friends.

6. Satisfied - When you are satisfied, you feel content and pleased with the outcome of something, which can also make you feel glad about it. Examples: I am satisfied with my performance at work. They were satisfied with the quality of the product.

7. Relieved - This word conveys a sense of being free from worry or stress, which can also bring about feelings of gladness and happiness. Examples: I am relieved that the exam is over. She felt relieved after finding her lost wallet.

8.Cheerful - Being cheerful means being in a positive mood and displaying happiness, similar to feeling glad about something or someone.Examples: The children's laughter made everyone feel cheerful.She always has a cheerful outlook on life.

9. Content - This word means feeling satisfied and at peace with oneself, which can also be associated with feeling glad. Examples: He was content with his simple life. She felt content after finishing her book.

10. Thrilled - When you are thrilled, you are extremely excited and happy, which can also be used as a synonym for "glad." Examples: I am thrilled to be going on vacation. They were thrilled to win the game

glad是一个很常用的英文单词,它的中文翻译意思是“高兴的”、“愉快的”。发音来源于古英语“glæd”,读作/glad/。在日常生活中,我们可以用它来表达自己的喜悦和满足,也可以用它来祝福他人。例如,“I'm glad to see you.”(我很高兴见到你。)“I'm glad that you're feeling better.”(我很高兴你感觉好些了。)除此之外,glad还有许多常用的词组,如“be glad to do something”(乐意做某事)、“be glad of something”(对某事感激)、“glad tidings”(喜讯)等等。如果需要替换一下同义词,我们可以使用delighted、pleased、happy等词语。最后,我是网站编辑小张,在这里非常荣幸能为大家提供有价值的知识和信息。如果您喜欢我的文章,请关注我并给予支持。谢谢!




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