

更新时间:2024-03-25 12:02:00作者:留学世界






1. 字母g发音为/g/:与中文拼音中的“j”相似。

2. 字母l发音为/l/:与中文拼音中的“l”相同。

3. 字母o发音为/ʌ/:与中文拼音中的“ao”相似。

4. 字母v发音为/v/:与中文拼音中的“w”相似。

5. 字母e发音为/z/:与中文拼音中的“yi”相似。






1. 词性:名词(noun)

2. 词义解释:指手套,一种用来保护手部的服饰,通常由布料、皮革或橡胶制成,有五个手指部分。

3. 源自古英语单词"glofe",意为"手套"。

4. 在英式英语中,也可以指棒球运动员所戴的手套。

5. 在美式英语中,还可以指医生或护士所戴的一次性手套。

6. "gloves"也可以用作动词,意为"戴上手套"。例如:"Don't forget to gloves before you go outside in the cold."(在出门前别忘了戴上手套防寒。)


1. gloves是手套的意思,常用于保护手部和指尖。

例句:He put on a pair of gloves to protect his hands from the cold weather.


2. gloves也可以用作动词,表示穿戴手套。

例句:She always gloves her hands before going out in the winter.


3. gloves还可以指代棒球运动员、拳击手等比赛时所穿的手套。

例句:The boxer took off his gloves after the match.


4. 在英式英语中,gloves也可以用作复数形式gloveses,表示多种不同类型的手套。

例句:She has a collection of different types of gloveses for different occasions.


5. 表示“戴上/脱下手套”的常用短语有:

- put on/take off one's gloves

- glove up/unglove

- slip on/off one's gloves

6. 表示“打拳击”的短语有:

- put up one's dukes (举起拳头准备打)

- throw in the towel (认输)

- go toe-to-toe (面对面交手)

7. 表示“保持谨慎”的短语有:

- handle with kid gloves (小心翼翼地处理)

- treat with gloves (小心对待)

- walk on eggshells (小心翼翼地行事)


1. Gloves - 手套

2. Mittens - 连指手套

3. Fingerless gloves - 无指手套

4. Leather gloves - 皮手套

5. Knitted gloves - 针织手套

6. Rubber gloves - 橡胶手套

7. Work gloves - 工作手套

8. Winter gloves - 冬季手套

9. Driving gloves - 驾驶手套

10. Gardening gloves - 园艺手套

11. Woolen gloves - 羊毛手套

12. Fleece-lined gloves - 绒里手套

13. Touchscreen gloves - 触屏手套

14. Disposable gloves - 一次性手套

15. Boxing gloves - 拳击手套

16. Latex gloves - 乳胶手套

17. Vinyl gloves- 聚氯乙烯(PVC) 手套

18.Gauntlet- 长袖护腕

19.Motorcycle Gloves- 摩托车手套

20.Surgical Gloves- 外科医生的专用医用胶皮或塑料制成的无菌外科操作用的一次性医用器具

21.Glove size- 手套尺寸

22.Knuckle protection- 关节保护

23.Cuff- 袖口

24.Palm grip- 手掌抓地力

25.Waterproof- 防水

26.Breathable- 透气

27.Insulated- 保暖

28.Abrasion resistant- 耐磨

29.Stretchable- 可拉伸的

30.Elastic wristband- 弹性腕带

31. Grip strength - 握力

32. Dexterity - 灵活性

33. Lining - 内衬

34. Reinforced stitching - 加强缝线

35. Velcro closure - 魔术贴封口

36. Thinsulate lining - 丁腈里料

37. Windproof - 防风

38. Reflective strips - 反光条

39. Thermal gloves - 保暖手套

40. Anti-slip grip - 防滑抓地力

41. Merino wool gloves - 羊毛手套

42. Cashmere gloves - 开司米尔手套

43. Silk gloves- 丝绸手套

44. Linen gloves- 亚麻手套

45. Satin gloves- 缎面手套

46.Velvet gloves- 天鹅绒手套

47.Knit cuffs- 编织袖口

48.Thermal insulation layer- 保温层

49.Reinforced palm patch- 加强掌心补丁

50.Wrist warmers- 手腕保暖器材


1. Mittens

- Definition: a type of glove that covers the whole hand but does not have separate finger openings

- Example sentence: She wore a pair of warm mittens to protect her hands from the cold winter weather.

2. Gauntlets

- Definition: a type of glove that covers the wrist and part of the forearm, often used for protection in activities such as welding or motorcycling

- Example sentence: The blacksmith wore thick gauntlets to protect his hands from the hot metal he was working with.

3. Handwear

- Definition: any type of garment worn on the hands, including gloves and mittens

- Example sentence: The hiker packed several different types of handwear for her trip, including gloves for warmth and fingerless gloves for dexterity.

4. Fingerless gloves

- Definition: a type of glove that covers the palm and wrist but does not have coverings for the fingers, allowing for more dexterity while keeping hands warm

- Example sentence: The musician wore fingerless gloves while playing guitar to keep his hands warm in the chilly venue.

5. Hand coverings

- Definition: any type of garment or material used to cover the hands, including gloves, mittens, or even socks in a pinch

- Example sentence: She forgot her gloves at home, so she used her socks as hand coverings while walking in the snow.

6. Gauntlets vs Gloves

- Definition: gauntlets are typically longer and offer more protection than traditional gloves, while gloves usually have separate openings for each finger.

- Example sentence: The knight's armor included metal gauntlets to protect his entire forearm, while his squire wore leather gloves with individual finger holes.

7. Hand protection

- Definition: any type of covering or gear used to protect the hands from harm or injury

- Example sentence: The construction worker always wears hand protection, such as gloves or gauntlets, while working with heavy machinery.

8. Handwear accessories

- Definition: any additional items that can be worn with gloves or mittens for added warmth or functionality, such as hand warmers or finger inserts

- Example sentence: The skier packed handwear accessories like hand warmers and finger inserts to keep her hands warm while on the slopes.

9. Paw protectors

- Definition: a humorous term for gloves or mittens, often used when referring to animal paws

- Example sentence: The cat's paws were cold from playing in the snow, so the owner put on paw protectors (mittens) to keep them warm.

10. Hand coverings vs Footwear

- Definition: hand coverings refer to any type of garment or material used to cover the hands, while footwear refers to any type of covering for the feet

- Example sentence: The hiker packed both hand coverings and footwear for her trip, making sure to keep both her hands and feet warm and protected


上一篇: Casey[凯西




2024-03-25 11:21



2024-03-25 10:37



2024-03-25 09:49

glossmen nm 的翻译是

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