

更新时间:2024-03-27 09:31:19作者:留学世界



1. good的基本含义



2. good的同义词

good作为一个形容词,有许多同义词可以替代,比如:excellent, great, fine, wonderful等。它们都可以用来表达相似的意思,但在不同的语境下可能会有些微差别。

3. good作为名词

除了作为形容词之外,good也可以作为名词使用。此时,它通常指代道德、品质或价值观等抽象概念。比如:the greater good(最大利益)、do more harm than good(弊大于利)等。

4. good的其他用法

除了上述两种基本用法之外,good还有一些其他的表达方式。比如:be in someone's good graces(受到某人欢迎)、for the greater good(为了更大的利益)、have a good time(玩得开心)等。

5. 与good相关的短语和习语

在英语中,good还经常与其他单词组合成各种短语和习语,它们的意思可能与good本身有些不同。比如:good luck(祝你好运)、good morning(早上好)、feel good(感觉良好)等。

6. good的反义词

作为一个形容词,good的反义词是bad。它们两个常常一起使用,用来表示两种截然相反的状态或品质。比如:a good day vs a bad day(美好的一天 vs 糟糕的一天)、good behavior vs bad behavior(良好的行为 vs 不良行为)等。

7. good在不同语境下的含义




1. good的基本含义


2. 发音及音标


3. 同义词及反义词

good这个单词有许多同义词可以替换,如:excellent, great, superior, fine等。相反地,它的反义词包括:bad, poor, terrible, awful等。

4. 用法示例

(1) Good morning! 早上好!(问候语)

(2) She is a good student. 她是一个优秀的学生。

(3) It's a good idea to go hiking this weekend. 这周末去远足是个不错的主意。

(4) The movie was really good. 这部电影真是太棒了。

(5) He is a good person with a kind heart. 他是一个善良的人。

(6) The weather is good today. 今天天气很好。

(7) Good luck on your exam tomorrow! 明天考试祝你好运!

5. 搭配短语

(1) be good at 擅长于

(2) feel good 感觉良好

(3) do good 做善事

(4) for good 永久地

(5) have a good time 玩得开心

(6) make good progress 取得良好进展

6. 常见用法错误


(1) 错误:He is a very good person.

正确:He is a very kind person.


(2) 错误:I'm feeling well.

正确:I'm feeling good.


7. 总结回顾



1. good作为形容词,意为“好的;优秀的”。它可以用来修饰人、物、事物等,表示其质量或状况良好。例如:

- She is a good student.(她是一个好学生。)

- The food here is really good.(这里的食物真的很好。)

- He did a good job on the project.(他在这个项目上做得很出色。)

2. good也可以用来表示“友好的;亲切的”。例如:

- They are very good neighbors.(他们是非常友好的邻居。)

- The teacher has a good relationship with her students.(老师和她的学生关系很好。)

3. 除了形容词之外,good还可以作为名词使用,意为“善良;优点”。例如:

- He has more goods than bads.(他有更多的优点而不是缺点。)

- Doing good deeds can bring happiness to others.(做善事可以给别人带来幸福。)

4. 此外,good也可以作为副词使用,表示“很;非常”。例如:

- She sings very good.(她唱得非常好。)

- We had a really good time at the party last night.(我们昨晚在派对上玩得非常开心。)

5. 最后,good还有一些固定搭配和短语用法,下面列举几个常见的双语例句:

- be good at:擅长于

He is good at playing basketball.(他擅长打篮球。)

- do good:做好事;有益于

It's always a good idea to do good for others.(为他人做好事总是一个好主意。)

- for good:永久地;彻底地

He left the country for good and never came back.(他永远离开了这个国家,再也没有回来。)

- as good as:几乎等同于

This book is as good as the first one.(这本书和第一本一样好。)


1. Good vibes: 良好的氛围/感觉

2. Good luck: 好运气

3. Good times: 美好的时光

4. Good company: 好伴侣/好朋友

5. Good deeds: 善举/善行

6. Good health: 身体健康

7. Good manners: 礼貌/礼仪

8. Good news: 好消息

9. Good vibes only: 只有良好的氛围/感觉

10. Good to go: 准备就绪/可以进行下一步了

11. Too good to be true: 太美好而不可信

12. Good as new: 像新的一样

13. All good things must come to an end: 所有美好的事情都会有终结

14. In a good mood: 心情愉快

15. Make good use of something: 充分利用某物

16. Look good on someone: 某人穿着很合适/漂亮

17.Good for you!: 为你高兴!/干得好!

18.Good enough is good enough.: 够用就行了。

19.Good things take time.: 一切美好都需要时间。

20.Good riddance!: 终于摆脱了!/再也不要见到你了!


1. Excellent

- Meaning: Extremely good, of the highest quality.

- Example: The food at that restaurant is excellent.

2. Great

- Meaning: Very good, impressive.

- Example: She did a great job on her presentation.

3. Fine

- Meaning: Of high quality, satisfactory.

- Example: The weather is fine today.

4. Superb

- Meaning: Outstanding, exceptional.

- Example: The performance was superb.

5. Wonderful

- Meaning: Extremely pleasing or impressive.

- Example: It was a wonderful experience.

6. Terrific

- Meaning: Very good, fantastic.

- Example: The movie was terrific.

7. Amazing

- Meaning: Astonishing, incredible.

- Example: Her artwork is amazing.

8. Splendid

- Meaning: Magnificent, excellent.

- Example: The view from the top of the mountain was splendid.

9. Marvelous

- Meaning: Remarkable, wonderful.

- Example: They had a marvelous time on their vacation.

10. Superior

- Meaning: Higher in quality or rank.

- Example: Their product is superior to others in the market.

11. Exceptional

- Meaning: Unusually good or outstanding.

- Example: He has exceptional talent in music.

12. Prime

- Meaning: Of the best possible quality or value.

- Example: This is prime real estate.

13. First-rate

- Meaning:Of the highest quality or standard.

-Example:The service at this hotel is first-rate.

14. Top-notch

-Meaning:Excellent, of the highest level.

-Example:They have top-notch facilities at their gym.

15. Exemplary

-Meaning:Serving as an example of excellence or perfection.

-Example:Her work ethic is exemplary.


-Meaning:Marked by excellence or recognition for achievement and distinction.

-Example:He is a distinguished professor at the university.

17. Admirable

-Meaning:Deserving respect and approval.

-Example:Her dedication to her job is admirable.

18. Exceptional

-Meaning:Unusually good or outstanding.

-Example:She has exceptional leadership skills.

19. Top-quality

-Meaning:Of the highest quality.

-Example:Their products are known for their top-quality materials.

20. Superiority

-Meaning:The state of being higher in quality or rank.

-Example:Their team's superiority was evident in the game.

21. Exquisite

-Meaning:Beautifully made or designed, delicate.

-Example:The jewelry was exquisite.

22. Supreme

-Meaning: Of the highest quality or degree.

-Example: He is considered a supreme authority on the subject.

23. Exceptionalism

-Meaning: The belief that something or someone is exceptional and superior to others.

-Example: American exceptionalism is often debated in politics.

24. High-grade

-Meaning: Of superior quality, high-class.

-Example: They only use high-grade materials in their products.

25. Premium

-Meaning: Of superior quality, top-notch.

-Example: This brand is known for its premium products.

26. Elite

-Meaning: The best of a group, exclusive and superior.

-Example: Only the elite members of society were invited to the event.

27. Matchless

-Meaning: Unrivaled, incomparable.

-Example: His skills on the piano are matchless.

28. Optimal

-Meaning: Best possible, most favorable.

-Example: The optimal time to visit this city is during spring.

29. Pristine

-Meaning: Pure and untouched, perfect condition.

-Example: The beach was pristine with crystal clear water and white sand.

30. Unparalleled

-Meaning: Unequaled, unmatched.

-Example: Their customer service is unparalleled



good的比较级 的翻译是


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GOODlucky什么意思 的翻译是


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