
headlights是什么意思 headlights的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-04-05 23:44:43作者:留学世界



1. headlights的定义


headlights是什么意思 headlights的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. headlights的中文翻译


3. headlights的读音


4. headlights的例句

(1) The car's headlights were so bright that they blinded me for a moment.


(2) The mechanic said I need to replace the headlights on my car.


(3) She forgot to turn on the headlights and almost hit a deer on the dark road.




1. The car's headlights were so bright that they blinded the driver in front of me. (这辆车的前灯太亮了,让我前面的司机看不清路了。)

2. Make sure to turn on your headlights when driving at night. (晚上开车时记得打开前灯。)

3. The headlights of the truck illuminated the dark road ahead. (卡车的前灯照亮了前方黑暗的道路。)



1. headlights的中文翻译:车头灯

2. headlights的中文读音:[ˈhedlaɪts]

3. 例句:

- The car's headlights illuminated the dark road ahead.


- Don't forget to turn on your headlights when driving at night.


- She was blinded by the bright headlights of the oncoming car.





1. 汽车前灯:在美国英语中,headlights通常指汽车前灯,用来照亮前方道路。例如:“The headlights of the car were so bright that I couldn't see anything else.”(汽车的前灯太亮了,我什么都看不见了。)

2. 火车头灯:在英国英语中,headlights也可以指火车头灯。例如:“The train's headlights illuminated the dark tunnel ahead.”(火车头灯照亮了前方黑暗的隧道。)

3. 头戴式手电筒:在一些地区,headlights也可以指头戴式手电筒。例如:“I always bring my headlights with me when I go camping.”(我去野营时总是带着我的头戴式手电筒。)

4. 舞台上的聚光灯:在演艺圈中,headlights也可以指舞台上的聚光灯。例如:“The singer was bathed in the bright headlights during his performance.”(歌手在表演时被明亮的聚光灯照射着。)


1. The car's headlights were broken, so we had to drive in the dark.(汽车的前灯坏了,所以我们只能在黑暗中开车。)

2. The train's headlights shone brightly in the night.(火车头灯在夜晚闪耀着明亮的光芒。)

3. The hiker used his headlights to navigate through the dark forest.(徒步旅行者用他的头戴式手电筒在黑暗的森林中导航。)

4. The singer was mesmerized by the bright headlights shining on him during his performance.(歌手被表演时照射在他身上的明亮聚光灯所吸引。)


1. headlights的常用搭配:high/low beam headlights (远光/近光灯)、LED headlights (LED大灯)、headlights switch (车灯开关)、headlights assembly (大灯总成)

2. headlights的同义词:headlamps、front lights、beams、head beams

3. headlights在文学作品中的例句:

- The car's headlights illuminated the dark road ahead, guiding us through the night.


- She could see the reflection of her own face in the shiny surface of the car's headlights.


- The police officer signaled for us to turn off our bright headlights and dim them to low beams.


4. headlights常用搭配及同义词在日常生活中的应用:

- 我们需要更换一下坏了的LED大灯。(We need to replace the broken LED headlight.)

- 请把你的远光灯关掉,别影响其他车辆。(Please turn off your high beam headlights, don't affect other vehicles.)

- 这款车型采用了最新款的前灯设计。(This model features the latest front light design.)

- 我们需要一个新的车头总成来修复撞坏的大灯。(We need a new headlight assembly to fix the damaged headlight.)



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