

更新时间:2024-04-06 08:24:43作者:留学世界





1. here:这个词是hear的同音词,它在英语中意为“这里”,常用来指代某个位置或地点。例如,“我在这里等你”就可以说成“I'm waiting for you here”。

2. hair:这个词也是hear的同音词,它在英语中意为“头发”。我们都知道,头发是人体上最容易受损的部分,因此保养头发也变得非常重要。例如,“她有一头乌黑亮丽的长发”可以说成“She has long and shiny hair”。

3. heir:与hear同样的发音,但含义却完全不同。heir在英语中指“继承人”,通常用来描述某人将要继承财产或权力。例如,“他是公司老板唯一的继承人”可以说成“He is the sole heir to the company”.

4. here's:这个词其实是here is的缩写形式,在口语中比较常见。它表示“这里有”,通常用来介绍某物或提供某种信息。例如,“这里有一张你想要的照片”可以说成“Here's a photo you wanted”。

5. hearth:这个词在英语中意为“壁炉”,通常用来指代家庭温暖的场所。它也可以引申为家庭的象征。例如,“在这个温馨的壁炉旁,我们度过了一个愉快的夜晚”可以说成“We spent a lovely evening by the hearth”.

6. hereafter:这个词是hear的同音词,它在英语中意为“今后,以后”。它通常用来指代未来发生的事情。例如,“从今以后,我将更加努力工作”可以说成“From hereafter, I will work harder”。

7. hero:与hear同样的发音,但意义完全不同。hero在英语中指“英雄”,通常用来形容勇敢、无畏或有特殊贡献的人。例如,“他是一位真正的英雄,拯救了许多人的生命”可以说成“He is a true hero who saved many lives”.

8. hare:最后一个同音词是hare,它在英语中意为“野兔”。野兔是一种灵巧、敏捷的动物,常被用来比喻速度快或行动迅速。例如,“他跑得像一只野兔”可以说成“He runs like a hare”。



1. Homophones of hear

Hear is a verb that means to perceive sounds through the ear. It is pronounced as [hɪər]. Here are some common homophones of hear in English:

2. Here

Here is an adverb that means in, at, or to this place or position. It is pronounced as [hɪər].

3. Hare

Hare is a noun that refers to a fast-running mammal with long ears and long hind legs. It is pronounced as [heər].

4. Heir

Heir is a noun that means a person who inherits or has the right to inherit the property of another after their death. It is pronounced as [eər].

5. Hair

Hair is a noun that refers to the thin strands growing from the skin of humans and animals, especially on the head. It is pronounced as [heər].

6. How to pronounce these homophones?

To correctly pronounce these homophones, you should pay attention to the vowel sound in each word.

- For "hear," make sure you pronounce the "ea" sound as in "ear."

- For "here," pronounce it with a short "i" sound like in "hit."

- For "hare," use a long "a" sound like in "air."

- For "heir," pronounce it with an "e" sound like in "air."

- For "hair," use an open vowel sound like in "air."

7. Tips for mastering homophones

Homophones can be tricky because they have different meanings but are pronounced the same way. To help you remember them better, here are some tips:

- Practice saying them out loud.

- Use them in sentences so you can see how they are used differently.

- Create flashcards with pictures and examples for each word.

- Play games or quizzes to test your knowledge of homophones.

- Read and listen to English materials to expose yourself to different homophones in context.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, hear has various homophones in English such as here, hare, heir, and hair. To pronounce them correctly, pay attention to the vowel sound in each word. With consistent practice and exposure, you can master these homophones and improve your English pronunciation skills. Remember to always use them in the right context to avoid confusion


1. "Here"的用法和双语例句

- 用法:"Here"是一个副词,表示在某个地方或位置。它也可以用作代词,指代某个地方或位置。

- 双语例句:

- Come here and sit next to me.


- Here is your coffee, as you requested.


2. "Hear"的用法和双语例句

- 用法:"Hear"是一个动词,表示听到声音或信息。它也可以用作名词,表示听力。

- 双语例句:

- Did you hear that noise just now?


- I have good hearing, so I can hear even the faintest sounds.


3. "Here's"的用法和双语例句

- 用法:"Here's"是“here is”的缩写形式,常用于口语中。它通常用来引出某物或提供某物。

- 双语例句:

- Here's your pen, I found it on the floor.


- Here's a gift for you, I hope you like it.


4. "Hear"和"Here"的区别

- "Hear"和"Here"的区别在于它们的意思和用法不同。"Hear"是动词,表示听到声音或信息,而"Here"是副词,表示在某个地方或位置。

- 双语例句:

- I can hear the birds singing outside.


- Come here and see the beautiful view.


5. "Hear, hear!"的用法和双语例句

- 用法:"Hear, hear!"是一种英式英语表达,常用于会议或演讲中,表示赞同或支持某人说的话。

- 双语例句:

- The proposal to increase salaries was met with a loud "Hear, hear!" from the audience.


- When the speaker finished his speech, the crowd shouted "Hear, hear!" in agreement.


6. "Here and there"的用法和双语例句

- 用法:"Here and there"是一个短语,意为“到处”。它通常用来描述事物分散或散落在不同的地方。

- 双语例句:

- I found some scattered toys here and there in the room.


- She likes to travel and has been to many places here and there.


7. "Hear from"的用法和双语例句

- 用法:"Hear from"是一个短语,意为“收到某人的来信或消息”。它通常用来询问某人最近的近况或表示期待收到某人的消息。

- 双语例句:

- I haven't heard from my friend in a long time, I wonder how he's doing.


- I hope to hear from you soon about your decision.


8. "Hear of"的用法和双语例句

- 用法:"Hear of"是一个短语,意为“听说过”。它通常用来指听说过某个人或事物,但没有亲身经历过。

- 双语例句:

- Have you ever heard of the famous singer Beyoncé?


- I've heard of this restaurant, but I've never been there.


9. "Hear out"的用法和双语例句

- 用法:"Hear out"是一个短语,意为“听完”。它通常用来表示继续听某人讲完话或完成某件事。

- 双语例句:

- Please hear me out before you make a decision.


- The judge promised to hear out both sides before making a ruling.


10. "Hear me!"的用法和双语例句

- 用法:"Hear me!"是一种命令式表达,意为“听我说!”它通常用来强调自己的话语或请求别人注意自己。

- 双语例句:

- Hear me! I have an important announcement to make.


- Hear me! I need your help with this problem.



1. Here - 这里,表示位置或地点

2. Hare - 野兔,一种小型哺乳动物

3. Hair - 头发,身体上的毛发

4. Heir - 继承人,指将来继承财产或权利的人

5. Her - 她的,指女性所有的事物或关系

6. Hear - 听见,接收声音并理解其含义

7. Heart - 心脏,身体内部的重要器官,也用来表示感情和爱

8. Here's - 这是,用来介绍某人或某物时常用的短语

9. Hearsay - 谣言,未经证实的消息或传闻

10. Hero - 英雄,杰出的人物或角色

11. Hire - 雇佣,聘请某人为工作而付费

12. Heel - 脚后跟,脚后部分与脚掌相对应的部分

13. Heal - 治愈,使伤口恢复健康状态

14. Hail - 冰雹,降落在地面上的冰粒;也可以表示欢呼、致敬

15. Hale - 健壮的,身体强健健康的

16. Hall – 大厅,在建筑物中指大型公共空间

17. Hull – 船体,船的主体部分

18. Hill – 小山,比山更小的自然地形

19. Heal – 治愈,使伤口恢复健康状态

20. Heel – 脚后跟,脚后部分与脚掌相对应的部分

21. Hail – 冰雹,降落在地面上的冰粒;也可以表示欢呼、致敬

22. Hale – 健壮的,身体强健健康的

23. Hall – 大厅,在建筑物中指大型公共空间

24. Hull – 船体,船的主体部分

25. Hill – 小山,比山更小的自然地形

26. Heel – 脚后跟,脚后部分与脚掌相对应的部分

27. Heal – 治愈,使伤口恢复健康状态

28. Hailstone - 冰雹颗粒,指降落在地面上的冰粒子

29. Halve - 把...平均分成两份,减半

30. Hell - 地狱,在基督教和伊斯兰教中指罪恶之处

31. Haircut - 理发,在头发上进行修剪或修整

32. Herd - 兽群,在野生动物中指一群同类的动物;也可以表示人群或集体

33. Heard - hear的过去式和过去分词形式,表示曾经听到或知道某事

34. Hoard - 贮藏,秘密地收集或保存某物

35. Horde - 部落,指游牧民族的一个部落

36. Hymn - 赞美诗,一种宗教歌曲

37. Him - 他,指男性个体

38. Hum – 哼,发出低沉连续的声音;也可以表示轻微的嗡嗡声

39. Home – 家,指居住地;也可以作为副词表示“回家”

40. Hone – 磨刀石,用来磨刀具的石头;也可以表示磨练、提高技能

41. Hoarse – 嘶哑的,声音沙哑难听

42. Horse – 马,在马科动物中指一种大型哺乳动物

43. Host – 主人,在宾客中指主持宴会或活动的人;也可以表示主办方、东道国

44. Hostel – 青年旅社,提供廉价住宿服务的旅馆

45. Hustle – 催促、推销;也可以表示快速移动、挤压

46. Haste - 匆忙,在做某事时用来表示快速行动的状态

47. Waist - 腰部,身体上分隔胸部和腹部的部位

48. Waste - 浪费,指不合理地使用或消耗某物;也可以表示垃圾、废弃物

49. Whir - 呼啸声,指高速旋转或振动产生的声音

50. Were - be的过去式和过去分词形式,表示过去某一时刻的状态或行为


1. Listen - to pay attention to and make an effort to hear something

Ex: I can't hear you, can you speak up?

2. Hark - to listen attentively or be attentive

Ex: Hark! Do you hear that beautiful music?

3. Eavesdrop - to secretly listen to a conversation

Ex: I couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversation, it sounded interesting.

4. Catch - to perceive with the ear; to understand or grasp mentally

Ex: Did you catch what he said? It was quite important.

5. Overhear - to accidentally hear something not intended for one's ears

Ex: I overheard my parents talking about a surprise party for me.

6. Attend - to listen carefully; to give heed or consideration

Ex: Please attend closely, this information is crucial.

7. Receive - to take in and understand information through hearing

Ex: The students received the instructions for the test.

8. Perceive -to become aware of through the senses, especially through hearing or seeing

Ex: I could perceive a hint of sadness in her voice.

9. Discern -to distinguish or recognize as separate and distinct; perceive by sight or some other sense or by the intellect.

Ex: It was difficult for me to discern what she was saying with all the background noise.

10. Catch on -to understand and become enthusiastic about something; grasp an idea quickly.

Ex: It took me a while, but I finally caught on to the new concept my teacher was teaching us





2024-04-06 08:05



2024-04-06 07:46

Heartbreaker 的翻译是


2024-04-06 07:27



2024-04-06 07:08



2024-04-06 06:49

heartbeats什么意思 的翻译是


2024-04-06 06:30