

更新时间:2024-04-06 13:28:44作者:留学世界



1. 首先,让我们来解释一下什么是“heel”。对于翻译行业来说,heel是一个很常见的词汇,它可以指代不同的含义,具体取决于上下文。但总的来说,它通常有以下几种意思:

2. 在鞋类中,“heel”指的是鞋子后跟的部分。比如我们常说的高跟鞋(high heels),就是指后跟有一定高度的女性鞋子。


3. 在英语中,“heel”还可以作为动词使用,意思是“跟随”、“服从”。比如,“I will heel to your command”就表示“我会服从你的命令”。

4. 另外,在美国俚语中,“heel”也可以用来形容一个人或事物很厉害、很棒。比如,“That guy is a real heel!”就表示“那个人真厉害!”

5. 总之,无论在哪种情况下,“heel”的意思都与“跟随”、“后跟”、“服从”等相关,但具体含义还需根据具体语境来理解。

6. 希望本次介绍能帮助你更好地理解“heel”的含义,并在翻译工作中有所帮助。记住,在不同场景下使用不同含义的单词也是提升英语水平的一个小技巧哦!


1. 首先,我们来看看heel这个单词的发音。它的读音是/hil/,其中h发音为清辅音,i发音为长元音,l发音为清辅音。

2. heel作为一个名词,有两个主要的意思。第一个意思是“脚后跟”,指脚部身体最后面的部分。第二个意思是“鞋跟”,指鞋子底部与地面接触的部分。

3. 除了作为名词,heel也可以作为动词使用。作为动词时,它的意思是“跟随”、“服从”或者“控制”。例如,“She always heels her dog when they go for a walk.”(她每次带狗出去散步时都会让它跟着走。)

4. 在一些特定的场合中,heel也可以用来表示一种特定的姿势或者动作。“He stood with his heels together and his arms at his sides.”(他站立时双脚并拢,双臂放在身旁。)

5. 最后,值得一提的是,在英式英语中,heel还可以指代男性配偶或者情人。“Her heel left her for another woman.”(她的男朋友离开她和另一个女人在一起了。)

6. 总之,在不同语境下,heel可能有不同的意思,所以要根据具体的句子来确定它的意思。但是不管怎么说,掌握这个单词的发音和基本意思是很重要的哦!


1. 什么是heel?


2. heel作为名词的用法

- 指鞋子的后跟:He wore a pair of black high heels to the party.(他在派对上穿了一双黑色高跟鞋。)

- 指脚后跟:She hurt her heel while running.(她在跑步时伤了脚后跟。)

- 指某人的随从或忠实支持者:She is always by his heel, no matter what he does.(无论他做什么,她总是紧随其后。)

3. heel作为动词的用法

- 表示向某个方向移动:The dog obediently heeled to its owner's command.(狗顺从地朝着主人的命令走去。)

- 表示服从或遵守:You need to learn to heel and follow the rules.(你需要学会遵守规则。)

4. 双语例句

- She walked gracefully in her red heels, catching everyone's attention.(她穿着红色高跟鞋优雅地走路,吸引了所有人的注意力。)

- The runner had a blister on his heel from wearing new shoes.(这名运动员因为穿新鞋,脚后跟起了水泡。)

- The politician's heel was his loyal assistant, who was always by his side.(这位政治家的忠实支持者就是他身边的助手。)

- The dog heeled to its owner's command without hesitation.(狗听到主人的命令立刻就朝着他走去。)

- It's important to heel and follow the company's guidelines for a successful career.(遵守公司的规定对于成功的职业生涯很重要。)


1. "At heel" - 意为紧跟在...后面,通常用来形容某人紧随在另一个人的身后,或者是紧跟着某个规定或指示。

例如:The dog stayed at his master's heels as they walked through the park.

2. "Dig one's heels in" - 意为顽固拒绝改变立场,通常用来形容某人坚持自己的想法或决定不改变。

例如:No matter how much we tried to convince him, he dug his heels in and refused to change his mind.

3. "Head over heels" - 意为头朝下,通常用来形容某人摔倒或跌倒。

例如:She tripped on the stairs and went head over heels, but luckily she wasn't hurt.

4. "Heel and toe" - 意为脚跟和脚尖,通常用来形容一种步伐或舞蹈动作。

例如:The dancers moved gracefully, performing the heel and toe steps with precision.

5. "On someone's heels" - 意为紧跟着某人,通常用来形容紧密的追赶或监视。

例如:The paparazzi were always on her heels, trying to get a photo of her every move.

6. "Down at heel" - 意为破旧不堪,通常用来形容衣着、建筑物等的破旧程度。

例如:The old house looked down at heel, with its peeling paint and broken windows.

7. "Kick up one's heels" - 意为放松享乐,通常用来形容某人尽情享受生活。

例如:After a long week of work, she was ready to kick up her heels and have some fun with her friends.

8. "On the heels of" - 意为紧随其后,通常用来形容某件事情发生后紧接着另一件事情的发生。

例如:On the heels of their successful product launch, the company announced a new partnership with a major retailer.

9. "Achilles' heel" - 意为致命弱点,通常用来形容某人或事物的最大弱点。

例如:His lack of confidence was his Achilles' heel, preventing him from achieving his full potential.

10. "Bring someone to heel" - 意为使某人听从命令,通常用来形容控制或驯服某人。

例如:The strict teacher quickly brought her unruly students to heel and maintained order in the classroom


1. Heel – meaning in English

In English, the word “heel” can have multiple meanings depending on the context. It is both a noun and a verb, and can be used to describe different things. Some of the common meanings of “heel” in English include:

2. Back part of the foot

One of the most common meanings of “heel” is the back part of the foot. It is the rounded portion at the back of your foot, just below your ankle. This is where most shoes have their heels, which provide support and balance while walking.

3. Synonyms: hindfoot, rearfoot

4. To tilt or lean to one side

Another meaning of “heel” is to tilt or lean to one side. This can refer to a person or an object that is leaning or tilting in a particular direction.

5. Synonyms: slant, incline, lean

6. To follow closely behind

“Heel” can also mean to follow closely behind someone or something, usually at a short distance.

7. Synonyms: trail, shadow, tag along

8. The bottom part of a shoe

In some cases, “heel” refers specifically to the bottom part of a shoe that touches the ground.

9. Synonyms: sole, base

10.To repair or fix something

As a verb, “heel” can also mean to repair or fix something that is broken or damaged.

11.Synonyms: mend, fix, restore

12.To control someone or something

Another meaning of “heel” as a verb is to control someone or something by giving commands or orders.

13.Synonyms: command, dominate, rule

14.Synonym examples for "heel"

- Hindfoot - The hindfoot includes both the heel and ankle bones.

- Rearfoot - The rearfoot consists of three bones: calcaneus (heel bone), talus, and navicular.

- Slant - The tower had a noticeable slant to one side due to strong winds.

- Incline - She walked up the steep incline of the mountain with ease.

- Lean - He leaned against the wall, waiting for his turn to speak.

- Trail - The dog trailed behind its owner, eagerly sniffing everything in its path.

- Shadow - The detective shadowed the suspect, trying to gather evidence against him.

- Tag along - My little sister always wants to tag along with me wherever I go.

- Sole - The sole of her shoe was worn out from walking long distances every day.

- Base - The base of the vase was cracked and needed to be fixed.

- Mend - He took his car to the mechanic to mend the broken engine.

- Fix - She used super glue to fix her broken sunglasses.

- Restore - The team worked hard to restore the old building back to its former glory.

- Command - As a captain, he had to command his team during every game.

- Dominate - The team dominated their opponents throughout the entire match.

- Rule - She ruled over her kingdom with kindness and fairness





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