

更新时间:2024-04-07 19:45:46作者:留学世界



1. Introduction


Here is a common English word that is used to indicate a specific location or place. It can also be used to refer to the current situation or state of being. However, in some cases, we may need to express the opposite meaning of "here". In this article, we will explore the antonym of "here" and how it can be used in different contexts.

2. Definition of Antonym

An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. It can also be referred to as a "contronym" or "counterterm". In this case, the antonym of "here" would mean a place or situation that is not present or nearby.

3. Synonyms and Antonyms of Here

Before we dive into the antonym of "here", let's first take a look at some synonyms and related words that are commonly used in its place:

- There: This is one of the most common synonyms for "here". It refers to a location that is not close but still within sight.

- Nearby: This word indicates something that is close in distance or proximity.

- Present: Similar to "here", this word can also refer to being in a particular location or situation.

- Hither: This archaic term means moving towards something or someone.

Now, let's explore the antonym of "here":

4. There

The most commonly used antonym for "here" is "there". As mentioned earlier, it refers to a location that is not close but still within sight. For example:

- I left my keys here, but now they are over there.

- The restaurant we were looking for is not here; it's over there.

5. Far Away

Another possible antonym for "here" could be "far away". This term indicates something that is distant or remote from where you currently are. For instance:

- I can't see the house from here, it's too far away.

- The beach is here, but the mountains are far away.

6. Elsewhere

If we want to express that something is not present in a particular location, we can use "elsewhere". This word means somewhere other than the current place. For example:

- The book you are looking for is not here; it must be elsewhere.

- Let's go somewhere else; I'm tired of being here.

7. Absent

In some cases, we may need to use an antonym for "here" to indicate that someone or something is not present. In this case, we can use "absent". For instance:

- The teacher is absent today; we have a substitute.

- My keys are absent from my pocket; I must have left them somewhere else.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, the antonym of "here" can vary depending on the context in which it is used. However, some common antonyms include "there", "far away", "elsewhere", and "absent". By understanding these words and their meanings, you can effectively communicate the opposite meaning of "here" in your writing or conversations. Remember to always choose your words carefully to accurately convey your intended message


1. Definition of "here":

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, "here" is defined as "in or at this place; where the speaker or writer is." It can also refer to the present location or situation.

2. Antonym of "here":

The antonym of "here" is "there". It is used to indicate a place or location that is not close to the speaker or writer. It can also refer to a different time or situation.

3. Pronunciation:

The word "there" is pronounced as /ðɛr/, with a voiced th sound.

4. Usage:

"Here" and "there" are commonly used in everyday language to indicate a specific location or direction. For example, "I am here at the park" and "She lives there, across the street."

5. Other antonyms of "here":

- Away: This word refers to being in a different place, usually far from the current location.

- Somewhere: This word indicates an unspecified place.

- Everywhere: This word refers to all places.

- Nowhere: This word means no place at all.

6. Antonyms in different contexts:

In addition to its literal meaning as an opposite of "here", there are other words that can serve as antonyms depending on the context in which they are used.

- Past: When talking about time, past can be seen as an antonym of here, which refers to the present moment.

- Future: Similar to past, future can also be seen as an antonym of here when talking about time.

- Behind: When talking about directions, behind can be seen as an antonym of here, which refers to being ahead or in front.

- Ahead: Similar to behind, ahead can also be seen as an antonym of here when talking about directions.

7. Examples in sentences:

- She's not here, she went there.

- I was here yesterday, but now I am there.

- The party is happening somewhere in the city.

- He searched everywhere for his lost keys.

- The children were playing hide-and-seek and one of them hid nowhere to be found.

8. Conclusion:

In conclusion, "there" is the antonym of "here" and it is used to indicate a place or situation that is not close to the speaker or writer. It can also refer to different contexts such as time and direction. Knowing the antonym of a word helps expand our vocabulary and allows us to express ourselves more accurately in both speaking and writing


1. "There" - 在翻译行业中,"here"和"there"是常用的对立词。"Here"指的是当前位置或状态,而"There"则表示远离当前位置或状态。在翻译时,我们经常会遇到需要表达距离感的情况,比如描述一个地方的位置或者两个人之间的距离。这时候,使用"there"可以更加准确地传达出这种距离感。

2. "Away" - 与"here"相对应的反义词是"Away"。它表示远离当前位置或者状态,并且带有一种离开的意味。在翻译行业中,我们经常会遇到需要表达某人离开某地或者某物远去的情况。这时候使用"Away"可以更加生动地描述出这种情景。

3. "Elsewhere"- 在翻译行业中,有时候我们需要表达除了当前所提及的地点之外其他地方的意思。这时候就可以使用反义词"Elsewhere"来传递出这种意思。例如:"I can't find the book here, maybe it's elsewhere."(我找不到这本书了,可能在别处。)

4. "Not here"- 当我们想要表达某物不在当前位置时,可以使用反义词"Not here". 这个短语可以更加直接地表达出某物的缺失或者不在场的情况。在翻译时,我们也可以使用"Not here"来表达类似的意思,比如:"The key is not here, maybe you left it at work."(钥匙不在这里,可能你把它忘在了办公室。)

5. "Somewhere else"- 在翻译行业中,有时候我们需要表达某物或者某人在其他地方的意思。这时候可以使用反义词"Somewhere else"来传达出这种含义。例如:"I'm sorry, I can't meet you here. I have to be somewhere else."(对不起,我不能在这里见你。我得去别的地方。)

6. "Offsite"- 在翻译行业中,有时候我们需要描述某人或者某物不在当前位置而是在外部地点的情况。这时候可以使用反义词"Offsite"来表达出这种含义。例如:"The meeting will be held offsite."(会议将在外部举行。)


1. There: 那里


2. Far: 远处


3. Away: 远离


4. Absent: 缺席


5. Not here: 不在这里


6. Everywhere else: 到处都是别的地方




1. There和Here都是指某个位置,但意思却完全相反。Here表示当前所处位置,而There则表示远离当前位置。可以想象,在Here享受阳光,在There却只能感受到寒冷。这也许就是为什么人们总说“天高皇帝远”的原因吧。

2. Far和Here同样也有着相反的含义。Here指的是附近的地方,而Far则表示远处。这也许可以解释为什么人们总喜欢远行,因为在远处,可以找到宁静和平静。

3. Away和Here都有着离开的意思,但却有着不同的语气。Here带有一种温暖和亲切的感觉,而Away则更加强调距离感。这也许可以解释为什么人们总是喜欢回家,在家里才能感受到真正的归属感。

4. Absent和Here都有着“在这里”的含义,但却有着截然不同的用法。在这里,我们必须代替缺席者发表意见。这也许可以解释为什么人们总是希望自己能够出席重要会议,在那里才能发表自己的声音。

5. Not here和Here都含有“在这里”的意思,但一个是否定形式,一个肯定形式。小明今天不在这里,去参加比赛了。也许这就是为什么人们总是喜欢说反话来表达自己的心情吧。

6. Everywhere else和Here都表示某个地方,但一个是具体的位置,一个则是泛指其他地方。我觉得我应该去到其他地方寻找新的机会,因为在这里已经没有发展空间了。也许这就是为什么人们总是喜欢追求新鲜感和变化的原因吧。



1. 同义词:“there”


- “over there”(在那边)

- “yonder”(在远处)

- “thither”(到那里)

2. 同义词:“in this place”


- “at this location”(在这个位置)

- “within these borders”(在这些边界内)

- “hereabouts”(在这附近)

3. 同义词:“at this point”


- “at this juncture”(在这个关键时刻)

- “in this situation”(在这种情况下)

- “at this moment in time”(此刻)

4. 同义词:“in this spot”


- “in this exact place”(在这个确切的地方)

- “right here”(就在这里)

- “on this very spot”(就在这个地方)

5. 同义词:“where I am now”


- “my current location”(我现在的位置)

- “my present whereabouts”(我当前的所在地)

- “my current spot on the map”(我当前的地图位置)

6. 同义词:“at my current position”


- “where I stand now”(我现在站着的地方)

- “my current place in the world”(我当前的世界位置)

- “my present coordinates on the map ” (我当前的地图坐标)

7. 同义词:“in this moment”


- “in this instant”(在这一瞬间)

- “at this point in time”(在这一时刻)

- “during this particular time”(在这特定的时间内)

8. 同义词:“at this stage”


- “at this phase”(在这个阶段)

- “in this period”(在这段时间内)

- “at this point of progress”(在进展的这一点)


上一篇: bushy怎么读




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