

更新时间:2024-04-08 09:29:47作者:留学世界



1. hide的过去式是什么



2. hide的基本概念

首先,让我们来了解一下hide这个单词的基本概念。hide是一个动词,它可以表示“隐藏”、“遮盖”,也可以表示“躲藏”、“隐瞒”。例如,“She hides her feelings well.”(她把自己的感情隐藏得很好。)此外,hide还可以作名词,表示“兽皮”、“兽毛”。

3. hide的过去式


4. hide的过去式为hid


5. hide的变化形式


6. 如何正确使用hide的过去式

在使用hide的过去式时,需要注意一些细节。首先,hid是不规则动词,所以要记住它的正确拼写;其次,在句子中要注意时态和主谓一致性。例如,“I hid the key under the mat.”(我把钥匙藏在垫子下面。)这里hid与主语I保持一致;再比如,“She hid her face in her hands.”(她用双手遮住了脸。)这里hid与主语she也保持一致。

7. hide在日常生活中的用法

除了上述基本用法外,hide还有一些常见的搭配用法。比如,“hide and seek”(捉迷藏游戏)、“hide one's face”(遮住脸部)、“hide one's emotions”(隐藏情感)等等。这些搭配可以帮助我们更好地理解和记忆hide这个单词。

8. 其他相关词汇

在学习hide的过去式时,还可以顺便了解一些其他相关词汇。比如,hide的反义词是reveal(揭露)、disclose(透露),同义词则有conceal(隐藏)、cover(遮盖)等。此外,还有一些常用短语,如“hide one's true colors”(掩饰真实面目)、“hide behind”(躲在...后面)等。



1. 隐藏的过去式是hid,不要被它的简单发音所欺骗哦!

2. 你是不是也曾经困惑过如何读这个单词的过去式?

3. 别担心,让我来告诉你hide的过去式怎么读吧!

4. 首先,你需要知道hide是一个动词,意思是“隐藏”、“躲藏”。

5. 在使用时,hide的过去式hid和现在分词hiding都会保留原来的发音。

6. 并且,hid在句子中通常作为谓语动词,后面需要接一个宾语来完整表达意思。

7. 比如,“I hid the key under the mat.”(我把钥匙藏在垫子下面了。)

8. 还有一点需要注意的是,在英式英语中,hide的过去式也可以写作hided。

9. 不管怎么写,只要发音正确就可以啦!

10. 希望这个小标题能够帮助你更加流利地使用hide的过去式


1. hide的过去式用法


2. hide的双语例句

- I hid behind the tree and watched the birds fly by. (我躲在树后面,看着鸟儿飞过。)

- She hid her face in her hands, trying to hold back her tears. (她把脸藏在手里,试图控制住自己的眼泪。)

- The children hid under the bed when they heard a loud noise. (孩子们听到巨响后躲到了床底下。)

- He always hid his true feelings behind a smile. (他总是用微笑掩饰自己真实的感受。)

3. 幽默例句

- I hid my chocolate bar from my little brother, but he found it and ate it all! (我把巧克力棒藏起来不让弟弟找到,但他还是找到了并且吃掉了!)

- The cat is hiding under the couch, waiting to pounce on its unsuspecting prey. (猫咪躲在沙发下面,等待着偷袭毫无戒备的猎物。)

4. 反问例句

- Why did you hide your phone from me? Do you have something to hide? (你为什么要把手机藏起来不让我看到?你有什么要隐藏的吗?)

- How long did you hide your true identity from your friends? (你把真实身份隐藏了多久才告诉朋友们?)


1. Hidden

隐藏是hide的过去式,它可以用作动词,表示“把某物藏起来,不让它被看到或发现”。例如:He hid the key under the doormat.(他把钥匙藏在门垫下。)

2. Concealed

Conceal是hide的过去式,它也可以用作动词,表示“隐藏、隐瞒”。例如:She concealed her true feelings from her family.(她对家人隐瞒了自己的真实感受。)

3. Covered

Cover是hide的过去式,它可以用作动词,表示“覆盖、遮盖”。例如:The bushes covered the entrance to the secret garden.(灌木丛遮盖了通往秘密花园的入口。)

4. Disguised

Disguise是hide的过去式,它也可以用作动词,表示“伪装、掩饰”。例如:He disguised himself as a waiter to sneak into the party.(他伪装成服务员偷偷潜入聚会。)

5. Obscured

Obscure是hide的过去式,它可以用作动词,表示“使模糊、使难以理解”。例如:The fog obscured our view of the mountains.(雾笼罩着我们看不清山脉。)

6. Masked

Mask是hide的过去式,它也可以用作动词,表示“掩盖、掩饰”。例如:She masked her disappointment with a smile.(她用微笑掩盖了失望。)

7. Veiled

Veil是hide的过去式,它可以用作动词,表示“遮盖、掩饰”。例如:The bride's face was veiled by a thin layer of fabric.(新娘的脸被一层薄薄的面纱遮住。)

8. Shrouded

Shroud是hide的过去式,它也可以用作动词,表示“覆盖、笼罩”。例如:The city was shrouded in darkness during the power outage.(城市在停电期间被黑暗笼罩。)

9. Cloaked

Cloak是hide的过去式,它也可以用作动词,表示“遮盖、掩饰”。例如:He cloaked his true intentions with a friendly smile.(他用友好的微笑掩饰自己真实的意图。)

10. Screened

Screen是hide的过去式,它可以用作动词,表示“遮蔽、隔离”。例如:The trees screened the house from view.(树木挡住了房子的视线。)


1. Concealed: The past tense of hide can also be expressed as concealed, meaning to keep something hidden or secret.

2. Disguised: Another synonym for the past tense of hide is disguised, which refers to hiding one's true identity or intentions.

3. Buried: To hide something by burying it is another possible way to use the past tense of hide.

4. Camouflaged: This word can be used as a synonym for the past tense of hide when referring to blending in or disguising oneself.

5. Veiled: When something is veiled, it is hidden from view or concealed from others.

6. Obscured: To obscure something means to make it difficult to see or understand, and can also be used as a synonym for the past tense of hide.

7. Shrouded: A shroud is a covering that hides or conceals, making this word a suitable synonym for the past tense of hide.

8. Masked: To mask something means to conceal it or cover it up, making it another possible synonym for the past tense of hide.

9. Covered: This word can be used as a simple and straightforward synonym for the past tense of hide, meaning to place something over so that it cannot be seen.

10. Sheltered: When someone is sheltered, they are protected from harm or kept hidden from danger, making this word an appropriate synonym for the past tense of hide in certain contexts

hide的过去式是hid。读者可以通过练习来熟练掌握hide的过去式的发音,以便在日常生活中更加流利地使用。hide的过去式可以用于表示过去发生的动作或状态,如“I hid my phone under the pillow”(我把手机藏在枕头下面)。同时,hide的过去式也可以和一些词组搭配使用,如“hide away”(隐藏),“hide from”(躲避),“hide out”(躲藏)。另外,如果需要表达类似意思的词语,也可以使用同义词如conceal、cover、disguise等。希望本文能够帮助读者更好地掌握hide的过去式,并在英语学习中取得进步。我是网站编辑小明,喜欢就关注我吧!




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