

更新时间:2024-04-09 17:16:49作者:留学世界









1. “holi”是印度教的一个节日,也被称为“色彩节”。

2. 它的发音类似于“holy”,但是重音在第一个音节上,所以读作[hoh-lee]。

3. 这个词的意思是“欢乐、祝福和友谊”的象征。

4. 在这个节日里,人们会用各种颜色的粉末和水彩来彼此涂抹,庆祝春天的到来和新生活的开始。

5. 除了印度,尼泊尔、孟加拉国和斯里兰卡等国家也会庆祝这个节日。

6. “holi”也被认为是克里希纳神的诞辰纪念日,因此在印度北部地区还有一些宗教仪式和传统舞蹈表演。

7. 这个节日通常在每年的3月或4月举行,具体日期根据印度历法而定。

8. 如果你想参加这个欢乐的节日,不妨学习一下如何说出“holi”的正确发音吧!


1. Holi的意思


2. Holi的用法


3. Holi的双语例句

1) “We celebrated Holi by throwing colored powders at each other and dancing to traditional music.” (我们通过相互抛洒彩粉和跳传统音乐来庆祝Holi。)

2) “The streets were filled with laughter and joy as people celebrated Holi together.” (随着人们一起庆祝Holi,街道上充满了笑声和快乐。)

3) “I love the vibrant colors of Holi, it brings so much happiness to everyone.” (我喜欢Holi鲜艳的色彩,它给每个人带来了很多快乐。)

4) “Holi is a time to forgive and forget, to let go of grudges and start anew.” (Holi是一个原谅和忘记的时刻,放下怨恨,重新开始。)

5) “During Holi, people come together regardless of their differences and celebrate as one community.” (在Holi期间,人们不分彼此的差异团结在一起,作为一个社区共同庆祝。)



1. Holi festival - 胡里节

2. Holi colors - 胡里色彩

3. Holi celebration - 胡里庆祝活动

4. Holi traditions - 胡里传统

5. Holi rituals - 胡里仪式

6. Holi bonfire - 胡里篝火

7. Holi sweets - 胡里甜点

8. Holi songs - 胡里歌曲

9. Holi dance - 胡里舞蹈

10. Holi water guns - 胡里水枪游戏

11. Holi powder - 胡里粉末颜料

12. Holi greetings - 胡里祝福语

13. Holi decorations - 胡里装饰品

14. Holi feast - 胡里盛宴

15. Holi blessings - 胡里祝福

16. Thandai drink- 印度特色冷饮,用于胡立节庆祝活动中。

17. Gujiya- 印度甜点,胡立节期间必不可少的食品。

18.Holika Dahan- 传统的胡立节仪式,燃烧木柴和草木象征消除邪恶和开始新生活。

19.Bhang- 印度特色饮品,由大麻制成,在胡立节期间被认为是一种放松和欢乐的方式。

20.Pichkari- 胡立节水枪,用于喷洒色彩和水。

21. Rang barse- 胡立节期间的一首流行歌曲,意为“色彩飞溅”。

22. Gulal- 胡里节用的粉末颜料,象征着欢乐和友谊。

23. Holika- 胡立节传统中的邪恶女神,被燃烧以庆祝胜利和新生活。

24. Phagwah parade- 胡立节游行,人们在街上唱歌跳舞并喷洒色彩和水。

25. Holi Milan- 胡立节聚会,朋友和家人相聚分享欢乐和美食


1. Holi festival

Holi festival is a popular Hindu spring festival, also known as the "Festival of Colors" or the "Festival of Love". It is celebrated in India and other countries with large Hindu populations, such as Nepal, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.

2. Festival of colors

Holi is often referred to as the "Festival of Colors" due to the tradition of throwing brightly colored powders and water on each other during the celebrations. This symbolizes the welcoming of spring and the victory of good over evil.

3. Phagwah

In Guyana and Trinidad, Holi is known as Phagwah, derived from the Sanskrit word "phalgun", which is the name of the Hindu month in which Holi takes place.

4. Dol Jatra

In West Bengal, Holi is known as Dol Jatra or Basant Utsav. It is celebrated with singing, dancing, and throwing colored powder on each other.

5. Rangapanchami

In Maharashtra and parts of Madhya Pradesh, Holi celebrations continue for five days and end with Rangapanchami – a day dedicated to playing with colors.

6. Dhulandi

Dhulandi is another name for Holi in some regions of India like Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. It comes from the Sanskrit word "dhul", meaning dust or ash, as people used to smear ashes on each other during this festival.

7. Fagu Purnima

In Nepal, Holi is known as Fagu Purnima or Faguwa Dahan which means burning of demon Holika's effigy on a full moon night.

8. Shimga or Shigmo

In Goa and parts of Maharashtra, Holi celebrations are called Shimga or Shigmo. It lasts for five days and includes folk dances, singing, drumming, and playing with colors.

9. Vasantotsav

In Assam, Holi is known as Vasantotsav and is celebrated with traditional Bihu dance performances and playing with colors.

10. Kamavilas

In Manipur, Holi is known as Kamavilas and is celebrated by throwing colored water on each other.

11. Lathmar Holi

Lathmar Holi is a unique celebration that takes place in the town of Barsana in Uttar Pradesh, where women chase men away with sticks while men try to protect themselves with shields.

12. Yaosang

In Manipur, Holi celebrations are also known as Yaosang and include traditional folk dances and bonfires.

13. Basant Utsav

In Punjab, Holi celebrations are known as Basant Utsav and are marked by flying kites and playing with colors.

14. Shyamala Bajey

In Himachal Pradesh, Holi celebrations are called Shyamala Bajey and involve singing traditional songs and playing with colors.

15. Dhulheti or Dhuleti

Dhulheti or Dhuleti is another name for Holi in some parts of Gujarat where people celebrate by throwing colored powder on each other.


holi是一个印度节日,也被称为“色彩节”,它代表着欢乐、友谊和团结。它的英文意思是“快乐”,读音为[həʊli]。在英语中,我们可以用“Happy Holi!”来祝福他人。除了印度,许多其他国家也庆祝这个节日,并且有许多与holi相关的词组和同义词。希望本文能够帮助你更好地了解holi,并且在未来的holi节日里能够更加充分地享受这个欢乐的节日!我是网站编辑,如果你喜欢本文,请关注我们网站获取更多有趣的内容。谢谢阅读!




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