
hurt 的翻译是

更新时间:2024-04-12 09:35:53作者:留学世界


hurt 的翻译是


1. 什么是hurt?


2. hurt作为动词的含义

2.1 伤害


2.2 痛苦


2.3 使受伤


3. hurt作为名词的含义

3.1 伤痛


3.2 损伤


4. hurt与其他词汇的搭配

4.1 hurt feelings

当我们说“hurt feelings”时,通常指的是精神上受到了伤害,感到心里很难过。比如,“她听到那些话后,十分hurt feelings”。

4.2 hurt someone's pride/ego


4.3 hurt oneself

当我们说“hurt oneself”时,通常指的是身体上受到了伤害。比如,“他在做运动时不小心hurt了自己的腿”。

5. hurt的同义词




1. “hurt”这个单词,读起来是不是很像“哈特”?它的发音其实就是[hɜːt],但是如果你想要更加地自然地说出来,可以把第一个音节轻轻地念成“哈”的音调,再顺着发音流畅地读出后面的“特”。这样一来,就像是在说一句很亲切的“哈特你啦!”一样。

2. 哎呀,我又开始跑题了。回到正题,“hurt”其实就是“伤害”的意思。所以如果你想要表达“我被伤害了”,可以用“I got hurt”或者“My feelings were hurt”来表达。

3. 但是有时候我们也会用到“hurt”的其他意思。比如说,“这个药膏会治疗伤口的疼痛和痒感”,我们就可以说“This ointment will relieve the pain and itchiness of your hurt”. 这里的“hurt”指的就是身体上的伤口。

4. 不过,“hurt”的含义并不限于身体上的伤害。在情感上,“hurt”也可以表示心灵受伤。比如,“他对我的话感到很受伤”,我们可以说“He was hurt by what I said”。这里的“hurt”指的就是内心受到了伤害。

5. 除了作为动词,“hurt”也可以作为名词使用,表示痛苦或伤害的感觉。比如,“这件事给我带来了很多伤害”,我们可以说“This thing caused me a lot of hurt”。这里的“hurt”指的就是痛苦的感觉。

6. 总而言之,无论是身体上还是情感上,都要小心保护自己,避免受到“hurt”的伤害哦!如果你需要翻译这个单词,记住它的发音[hɜːt]和不同含义的用法,就能更加自信地表达出来啦!


1. hurt的基本含义及用法


2. hurt的双语例句

1) His harsh words hurt my feelings.


2) The athlete's injury was so severe that it hurt his chances of winning the race.


3) It hurts me to see you in pain.


4) The company's reputation was hurt by the scandal.


5) Don't say things that will hurt others' feelings.


3. hurt在不同语境下的用法

a. 指身体上的疼痛:如My head hurts(我的头疼);

b. 指心理上的痛苦:如Her words really hurt me(她的话真让我受伤);

c. 指对某人的伤害:如I didn't mean to hurt you(我不是故意伤害你的);

d. 指对某物的损害:如The storm hurt the crops(暴风雨破坏了庄稼);

e. 指感觉受到伤害:如It hurts to see him like this(看到他这样很心疼)。

4. hurt的常用搭配

a. hurt one's feelings(伤害某人的感情);

b. hurt one's pride(伤害某人的自尊心);

c. hurt someone's reputation(损害某人的声誉);

d. hurt someone's chances/opportunities(影响某人的机会/机遇);

e. physically/mentally/emotionally hurt(身体/心理/情感上受到伤害)。

5. 中文对hurt的翻译

hurt可以根据具体语境来决定最合适的翻译,一般可以用“伤害”、“使痛苦”、“损害”等词来表示。例如:他说话很刻薄,伤了我的感情。His harsh words hurt my feelings


1. "伤心透顶" - 形容极度伤心的心情,比如被爱人背叛后的感受。

2. "伤痕累累" - 比喻身体上或心理上遭受到多次伤害,无法愈合。

3. "伤疤累累" - 指身上留下的多处伤疤,也可以用来形容内心深处的创伤。

4. "心如刀绞" - 形容内心被强烈的悲伤和痛苦所折磨,无法忍受。

5. "泪流满面" - 形容悲伤到了极点,眼泪止不住地流淌。

6. "撕心裂肺" - 形容内心被剧烈的痛苦撕裂,难以忍受。

7. "刻骨铭心" - 形容某种经历或感情深深地留在内心,永远无法忘记。

8. "血泪斑斑" - 形容经历了巨大的磨难和挫折后留下的无数伤口和挣扎的痕迹。

9. "哀怨满怀" - 指内心充满了悲伤和苦涩,无法释怀。

10. "痛彻心扉" - 形容内心被巨大的痛苦所折磨,无法忍受


1. Painful - This word is often used to describe something that causes physical or emotional discomfort, just like "hurt". For example, "The wound was very painful and it took a long time to heal."

2. Injured - This word refers to physical harm or damage to the body, similar to "hurt". For instance, "He was injured in a car accident and had to go to the hospital."

3. Suffering - This term is often used to describe the experience of pain or distress, just like "hurt". For example, "She was suffering from a broken heart after her breakup."

4. Wounded - This word is used to describe an injury or damage caused by a weapon or object, similar to "hurt". For instance, "The soldier was wounded in battle and had to be taken to the hospital."

5. Afflicted - This term refers to someone who is experiencing pain or suffering due to an illness or condition, similar to "hurt". For example, "The old woman was afflicted with arthritis and had trouble walking."

6. Agonizing - This word describes something that causes intense physical or emotional pain, just like "hurt". For instance, "The loss of her loved one was agonizing for her."

7. Distressed - This term is often used when someone is experiencing great sorrow or pain, similar to "hurt". For example, "He looked very distressed after hearing the news of his friend's death."

8. Tormented - This word describes someone who is experiencing severe mental or physical pain, just like "hurt". For instance, "She was tormented by her past traumas and couldn't sleep at night."

9. Aching - This term refers to a dull or persistent pain in a specific part of the body, similar to how something can hurt in a specific area. For example, "Her head was aching after a long day at work."

10. Sore - This word is often used to describe a feeling of discomfort or tenderness, similar to "hurt". For instance, "His muscles were sore after his intense workout at the gym."

11. Harmed - This term refers to causing damage or injury to something or someone, just like "hurt". For example, "The storm had harmed many houses in the neighborhood."

12. Damaged - This word is used to describe something that has been physically or emotionally injured, similar to "hurt". For instance, "Her self-esteem was damaged by years of bullying."

13. Strained - This term is often used when something has been put under excessive pressure or tension, just like how something can hurt from being strained. For example, "He strained his back while lifting heavy boxes."

14. Traumatized - This word describes someone who has experienced severe emotional shock or distress, similar to how something can hurt emotionally. For instance, "The accident left her traumatized and afraid of driving again."

15. Troubled - This term refers to someone who is experiencing difficulty or distress, just like how something can hurt emotionally. For example, "She was troubled by her past mistakes and couldn't forgive herself."





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hurray是什么意思 hurray的中文翻译、读音、例句


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