

更新时间:2024-04-17 16:35:25作者:留学世界





1. 介词“into”

作为介词时,into通常表示“进入”,用来指示运动的方向。例如,“She walked into the room.”(她走进了房间。)此外,它还可以表示“转变为”、“变成”、“变化为”等意思。例如,“The caterpillar turned into a butterfly.”(毛毛虫变成了蝴蝶。)

2. 副词“into”

作为副词时,into通常表示“向内部”,用来指示位置或状态的改变。例如,“The water spilled into the cup.”(水溅进了杯子里。)此外,它还可以表示“完全沉浸在某种状态中”。例如,“He was deep into his book and didn't hear me come in.”(他完全沉浸在书中,没有听到我进来。)

3. 动词“into”

作为动词时,into通常表示“使……变成”,用来描述一种行动或结果的转变过程。例如,“The teacher turned the boring lesson into an interesting one.”(老师把无聊的课程变成了有趣的。)此外,它还可以表示“投入”、“参与”。例如,“She is really into yoga these days.”(她最近对瑜伽很有兴趣。)



1. 简单直接:最简单的方法就是直接按照字母发音读出来,“in-to”。这种方式简单明了,容易记忆。

2. 音标法:如果你想更准确地掌握英文发音,可以通过查看字典或者学习音标来读出“into”的正确发音。它的音标为/ˈɪntuː/。

3. 拼读法:对于一些常用的单词,我们也可以通过拼读来快速掌握其正确发音。例如,“into”可以拆分成两部分,“in”和“to”,分别读作/ɪn/和/tuː/。

4. 口语化:在日常口语中,人们也会将“into”缩写为“in'to”,并且发音为/in'tə/。这种方式比较随意,但在口语交流中也是常见的


1. into的基本用法


2. into的双语例句

(1) He walked into the room. 他走进了房间。

(2) The car drove into the garage. 汽车开进了车库。

(3) She fell into a deep sleep. 她陷入了沉睡。

(4) The children jumped into the pool. 孩子们跳进了游泳池。

(5) He threw the ball into the basket. 他把球投进了篮筐。

3. 特殊用法


a. 表示方向或目标

例如:He walked into town. 他走向镇上。

b. 表示转变或变化

例如:She has grown into a beautiful young lady. 她已经长成了一个美丽的年轻女子。

c. 表示分配或转移

例如:The money was divided equally into three parts. 钱被平均分成三份。

d. 表示加入或融入某个群体

例如:He was accepted into the club. 他被接纳为俱乐部的一员。

e. 表示状态或情况

例如:The country has fallen into chaos. 这个国家陷入了混乱。

4. 注意事项

a. 不要把into和in混淆使用。into表示“进入”,in表示“在...里面”。

b. 不要把into和onto混淆使用。onto表示“到...上面”。

c. 不要在句子中过多地使用into,避免重复和啰嗦。



1. "Step into" - 走进


2. "Dive into" - 深入


3. "Jump into" - 投身于


4. "Plunge into" - 投入


5. "Sink into" - 沉浸在


6. "Step into the shoes of" - 身临其境地体验


7. "Fall into" - 陷入


8. "Ease into" - 缓慢适应


9. "Look into" - 调查研究


10. "Step into the spotlight" - 走上舞台



1. How to pronounce "into" in English?

2. What are some synonyms for "into"?

3. Different ways to say "into" in English.

4. Alternative words for "into".

5. Expressions with the word "into".

6. How to say "into" in different contexts.

7. Ways to use the word "into" correctly.

8. Understanding the meaning of "into" in English.

9. Learning the correct pronunciation of "into".

10. Exploring different ways to use the word "into".

1. How to pronounce "into" in English?

When it comes to pronouncing the word "into", there are a few variations depending on dialects and accents. However, the most common way is to pronounce it as [in-too] or [in-tuh]. The emphasis is usually on the first syllable, and the second syllable is pronounced quickly.

2. What are some synonyms for "into"?

Some synonyms for "into" include: inside, within, towards, onto, inside of, within reach of, among, amid, through, among others.

3. Different ways to say "into" in English.

- In: This preposition can be used instead of into when talking about movement or direction towards something.

- To: Similar to in, this preposition can also be used instead of into when indicating movement or direction towards something.

- Inside: This word can be used as a synonym for into when talking about going inside something or entering a place.

- Within: This preposition is often used instead of into when indicating movement or direction towards something that is within a certain area or distance.

- Towards: This preposition can also be used instead of into when talking about movement or direction towards something.

4. Alternative words for "into".

Some alternative words for into include: inside, within, toward(s), onto, inside of, within reach of, among, amid, through, among others.

5. Expressions with the word "into".

- Dive into: This expression means to jump or plunge into something.

- Step into: This expression means to enter or go inside something.

- Fall into: This expression can mean to accidentally enter or become involved in something.

- Look into: This expression means to investigate or examine something.

- Run into: This expression means to unexpectedly meet someone or come across something.

6. How to say "into" in different contexts.

- Direction/movement: "We walked into the forest."

- Change/transition: "She transformed herself into a butterfly."

- Involvement/participation: "He got into trouble with the law."

- Action/positioning: "She jumped into the pool."

- Interest/focus: "He is really into sports."

7. Ways to use the word "into" correctly.

When using the word "into", it is important to pay attention to the context and make sure it is used correctly. Some common mistakes include:

- Using it instead of in or onto when indicating location or position. For example, saying "I put my keys back INTO my bag" instead of "I put my keys back IN my bag".

- Using it instead of in when talking about time. For example, saying "I will see you INTO next week" instead of "I will see you IN next week".

- Using it after verbs that do not require a preposition. For example, saying "She ran INTO the store" instead of "She ran TO the store".

8. Understanding the meaning of "into" in English.

The preposition into indicates movement or direction towards something and can also indicate involvement or change. It is often used when talking about entering a place, changing from one state to another, or becoming interested in something.

9. Learning the correct pronunciation of "into".

As mentioned earlier, the most common way to pronounce "into" is [in-too] or [in-tuh]. However, it is important to pay attention to the context and accent when pronouncing it.

10. Exploring different ways to use the word "into".

Aside from its literal meaning, "into" can also be used in idiomatic expressions or phrasal verbs. Some examples include:

- Get into: To become interested in something.

- Put into: To invest time, effort, or money into something.

- Look into: To investigate or research something.

- Break into: To enter a place by force.

- Tune into: To pay attention to something





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