更新时间:2024-05-01 04:33:21作者:留学世界
1. lantern的发音
2. lantern的读法
3. lantern的意思
4. lantern在句子中的用法
- The street was lined with colorful lanterns, creating a festive atmosphere.
- He carried a lantern to light his way through the dark forest.
5. lantern与其他相关词汇
- paper lantern:纸制灯笼
- Chinese lantern:中国灯笼
- candle lantern:蜡烛灯笼
6. 如何正确发音“lantern”
- 第一步:先单独练习读出单词的每个音节,注意重音在第一个音节上。
- 第二步:将每个音节连起来,读成一个整体,注意不要断开或加重某个音节。
- 第三步:尝试用自然的语调和语速读出整个单词。
- 第四步:多听多练习,熟练掌握发音。
7. 一些常见的发音错误
- 将重音放在第二个音节上,如[lanˈtern]。
- 将最后一个音节读成[ən]而不是[n],如[ˈlæntərən]。
- 连读时,忽略了第二个t的发音,如[ˈlænərn]
在英语中,“light the lantern”是一种常见的表达方式,意为“点亮灯笼”。这个短语也有引申含义,在某些情况下可以指代“启发”、“启迪”
1. "The lanterns were hung along the streets, creating a warm and festive atmosphere."(灯笼挂在街道两旁,营造出温馨而喜庆的氛围。)
2. "He lit the lantern and guided us through the dark forest."(他点燃了灯笼,带领我们穿过黑暗的森林。)
3. "The lanterns flickered in the wind, casting shadows on the walls."(灯笼在风中摇曳,将墙上投下阴影。)
4. "My grandfather used to tell me stories about lantern festivals when I was a child."(我小时候,爷爷常给我讲关于灯笼节的故事。)
5. "The traditional Chinese lanterns are made of paper and bamboo."(传统的中国灯笼是由纸和竹子制作而成。)
6. "We could see colorful lanterns hanging from every house during the Mid-Autumn Festival."(中秋节期间,我们可以看到每家每户都挂着五彩缤纷的灯笼。)
7. "The lantern parade was a highlight of the Chinese New Year celebration."(走春游行是中国新年庆祝活动的一个亮点。)
8. "The intricate designs on the lanterns were handcrafted by skilled artisans."(灯笼上精美的图案是由熟练工匠手工制作的。)
9. "The children ran around with their glowing lanterns, laughing and chasing each other."(孩子们手里拿着发光的灯笼,跑来跑去,笑着追逐。)
10. "The lanterns were released into the sky, symbolizing wishes for a bright future."(灯笼被放飞到天空,象征着对美好未来的祝愿。)
1. 灯笼 (dēnglóng) - lantern
2. 灯光 (dēngguāng) - light
3. 光芒四射 (guāngmáng sìshè) - shining brightly
4. 照亮 (zhàoliàng) - illuminate
5. 点亮 (diǎnliàng) - light up
6. 明亮 (míngliàng) - bright
7. 暗淡 (àndàn) - dim
8. 发光 (fāguāng) - emit light
9. 阳光 (yángguāng) - sunlight
10. 蜡烛 (làzhú) - candle
11. 灯泡 (dēngpào) - light bulb
12. 电灯 (diàndēng) - electric light
13. 火把 (huǒbǎ) - torch
14. 花灯 (huādēng)- festive lanterns used for celebrations like Chinese New Year.
15. 摇灯欲睡(yáodēng yùshuì)- swaying lanterns make one sleepy, used to describe a peaceful and calming atmosphere.
16. 抬头看灯(táitóu kàn dēng)- lift your head to look at the lanterns, used to describe someone who is easily distracted or not focused.
17. 埋头看灯(máitóu kàn dēng)- bury your head in the lanterns, used to describe someone who is fully immersed in something.
18. 一盏孤灯(yìzhǎn gūdēng)- a lone lantern, used to describe someone who is alone or isolated.
19. 灯火通明(dēnghuǒ tōngmíng)- brightly lit, used to describe a place with many lights.
20. 灯红酒绿(dēng hóng jiǔ lǜ)- red lanterns and green wine, used to describe a lively and bustling atmosphere
1. 同义词:灯笼、灯盏、灯光
2. 反义词:黑暗、阴暗、无光