

更新时间:2024-05-01 16:56:50作者:留学世界






1. lateron是一个英语单词,读作/leɪtərɒn/,其中重音在第二个音节上。

2. lateron是由later和on两个词组合而成,later意为“稍后,以后”,on则表示“在……之上”或“接着”的意思。

3. 在句子中,lateron可以作为副词使用,表示“稍后”或“随后”,也可以作为形容词使用,表示“稍后的”或“接下来的”。

4. 例如,“I will finish this task now, and lateron I will start working on the next one.”(我现在会完成这项任务,稍后我会开始做下一个。)

5. 另外,在口语中也常用lateron来代替afterwards(之后)或later(以后)这样的表达方式。

6. 除了作为副词和形容词外,lateron还可以用作名词,意为“将来的时候”或“以后的事情”。

7. 比如,“I don't want to think about the lateron right now, let's focus on the present.”(我现在不想考虑将来的事情,让我们专注于现在。)

8. 需要注意的是,在使用lateron时要注意上下文语境,避免出现歧义。

9. 同时,在写作中也应该避免过度使用lateron这样的副词,在一些情况下可以用其他词语替换,比如afterwards、later或subsequently(随后)等。

10. 总的来说,lateron是一个常用的词汇,可以帮助我们表达时间上的先后关系,但需要注意使用方式和频率,避免影响句子的流畅性


1. Lateron, I realized that studying abroad was the best decision I ever made. (后来我意识到出国留学是我做过的最好的决定。)

2. We can discuss this matter lateron, let's focus on the task at hand first. (我们可以之后再讨论这件事,现在先专注于手头的任务。)

3. Lateron, I found out that my roommate and I have a lot in common. (后来,我发现我的室友和我有很多共同点。)

4. You can pay for your meal lateron, let me treat you this time. (你可以之后付餐费,这次我请客。)

5. Lateron, when we look back on our memories, we will cherish these moments spent together. (以后当我们回顾我们的回忆时,会珍惜一起度过的这些时光。)

6. Don't worry about it now, we can deal with it lateron when we have more time. (现在不用担心,我们可以在以后有更多时间时处理这件事。)

7. Lateron in life, you will understand the importance of hard work and perseverance. (生活中的某个时候,你会明白努力和坚持的重要性。)

8. We'll meet up lateron and catch up on each other's lives over a cup of coffee. (我们以后会见面,在喝杯咖啡时聊聊彼此的生活。)

9. Lateron, she regretted not taking the opportunity to travel when she was young. (后来,她后悔年轻时没有抓住机会去旅行。)

10. Don't procrastinate, do it now or you'll have to do it lateron. (不要拖延,现在做还是以后做都一样。)


1. later on in the day: 在今天晚些时候

例句:I have a meeting later on in the day, so I can't go out for lunch with you now.

2. later on in life: 在生活的后期

例句:She pursued her dream of becoming a dancer later on in life, after retiring from her corporate job.

3. come back to me later on: 稍后回来找我

例句:I'm busy right now, can you come back to me later on?

4. see you later on: 待会见

例句:I have to go now, see you later on at the party.

5. think about it later on: 稍后再考虑

例句:I don't have time to make a decision right now, I'll think about it later on and let you know.

6. catch up with you later on: 稍后联系你

例句:I have some work to finish, but I'll catch up with you later on and we can plan our trip together.

7. happen later on: 发生在稍后的时间

例句:The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow morning, but anything could happen later on that could change the plans.

8. look into it later on: 稍后调查一下

例句:I'm not sure what happened with the project, but I'll look into it later on and get back to you.

9. decide that at a later time: 在稍后决定那件事情

例句:We don't need to make a decision right now, we can decide that at a later time when we have more information.

10. talk about it again at a later date: 在稍后的时间再谈论这件事情

例句:We've discussed this issue enough for today, let's talk about it again at a later date when we have more input from everyone


1. In the future, I will use "lateron" to mean "eventually".

2. From now on, I'll use "lateron" instead of "ultimately".

3. "Lateron" can also be used in place of "eventually".

4. In the long run, I think I'll start using "lateron" more often.

5. As time goes by, I'll probably switch to using "lateron" as a synonym for "finally".

6. Instead of saying "in the end", I'll just say "lateron".

7. In due course, I'll get used to using "lateron" as a replacement for "ultimately".

8. Whenever something is delayed, I'll just say it's happening lateron.

9. Down the road, I might even forget that there was ever a word other than "lateron" to express this idea.

10. Sooner or later, everyone will catch on and start using "lateron"



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