

更新时间:2024-05-02 08:36:25作者:留学世界



1. "Lay"这个词源于英语,是一个常用的动词,它的含义有很多种,下面我来为大家详细介绍一下。

2. 首先,"lay"可以表示“放置”,比如你需要将书放在桌子上,就可以说"I will lay the book on the table." 这个意思也可以用来描述把东西放在某个特定的位置。


3. 另外,"lay"也可以表示“安排”或者“准备”,比如你要举办一场聚会,你需要做很多准备工作,这时候就可以说"I will lay out the decorations for the party." 表示你会安排好聚会的装饰。

4. 此外,"lay"还可以表示“产卵”,通常用来描述鸟类或其他动物产卵的行为。比如"The hen laid three eggs this morning." 小母鸡今天早上产了三个蛋。

5. 另外一个常见的用法是指“制定”或者“制订”,比如政府发布新政策时可以说"The government has laid out new regulations." 政府已经制定了新的规定。

6. 最后,"lay"还有一个非正式的用法是指“性交”,但是注意这个用法通常只在口语中使用,并不适合正式场合。

7. 总结一下,“lay”的含义可以涵盖放置、安排、产卵、制定等多种意思,具体的用法要根据语境来决定。

8. 希望以上介绍能够帮助大家更好地理解和使用这个词,记得多多练习哦!


1. 发音指导


2. 读音练习


3. 音标解析


/l/ - 这个字母代表一个辅音,需要将舌头放在上颚后部。

/eɪ/ - 这个字母组合代表一个长元音。它由两个元素组成:第一个元素/e/代表半闭前不圆唇元音;第二个元素/ɪ/代表短元音/i/。

4. 注意事项


- 长元音/eɪ/的发音要比汉语中的“ai”更长;

- /eɪ/的发音中,舌头要放平,不要卷起来;

- 发音时要注意舌头的位置,不要将其放在牙齿后面。



1. 作为动词,lay的意思是“放置”、“安排”,在翻译行业中常用来指代“译文的排版”或“译稿的整理”。


- Please lay the translated text out in a clear and organized format. (请将翻译好的文字以清晰有序的格式排版。)

- The translator laid out the document according to the client's specifications. (译者按照客户的要求对文档进行了排版。)

2. Lay也可以指代“放置某物在某处”,在翻译行业中常用来表示“将某个术语或短语放置在特定位置”。


- Can you please lay the glossary at the end of the document? (你能把术语表放在文档的最后吗?)

- The translator laid the footnotes next to the relevant paragraphs. (译者将脚注放置在相关段落旁边。)

3. 作为名词,lay可以指代“布局”、“安排”,在翻译行业中常用来表示“整体结构”或“文章结构”。


- The lay of this article is very clear and easy to follow. (本次介绍的结构非常清晰易懂。)

- The translator changed the lay of the original text to make it more reader-friendly. (译者改变了原文的结构,使其更容易阅读。)

4. Lay还可以指代“传说”、“故事”,在翻译行业中常用来表示“文学作品”。


- This book is a collection of ancient lays from different cultures. (这本书收集了来自不同文化的古老传说。)

- The translator did an excellent job of conveying the beauty of the original lay. (译者出色地传达了原作的美感。)

5. 最后,lay还可以指代“放置工作”或“工作安排”,在翻译行业中常用来表示“分配任务”或“安排项目”。


- The project manager will lay out the tasks for each team member. (项目经理将为每个团队成员分配任务。)

- The translator laid out a detailed plan for completing the translation project. (译者制定了详细的计划完成翻译项目。)


1. lay down - 放下,放置

例句:She laid down her pen and looked up at me.

2. lay off - 解雇,裁员

例句:The company had to lay off several employees due to financial difficulties.

3. lay out - 安排,规划

例句:We need to lay out a detailed plan for the project before we can start.

4. lay aside - 搁置,放下

例句:He decided to lay aside his personal feelings and focus on the task at hand.

5. lay hands on - 找到,获得

例句:I've been trying to lay my hands on a copy of that book for months.

6. lay claim to - 声称拥有,要求所有权

例句:The neighboring country has laid claim to the disputed territory for years.

7. lay waste to - 毁坏,破坏

例句:The hurricane laid waste to the entire town, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake.

8. lay low - 保持低调,隐藏身份

例句:He decided to lay low until the scandal died down and he could return to public life.

9. lay bare - 揭露,暴露

例句:The investigation laid bare the corruption within the company's top management.

10. lay eyes on - 看见,目睹

例句:She couldn't wait to finally lay eyes on her newborn baby after months of anticipation


1. Definition of lay

Lay is a verb that means to put something down gently or in a horizontal position. It can also refer to the act of placing or arranging something in a particular position.

2. Synonyms for lay

- Place: This word has a similar meaning to lay, as it also refers to putting something down or arranging it in a certain way.

- Set: This synonym can be used interchangeably with lay, as it also means to put something down or arrange it.

- Position: Like lay, this word can be used to describe the act of placing something in a particular position.

- Rest: This synonym emphasizes the gentle manner in which something is put down, similar to how lay is used.

3. Examples of using lay

- Please lay the book on the table.

- She set the dishes on the counter.

- The carpenter positioned the boards carefully before nailing them together.

- The mother rested her sleeping baby in the crib.

4. Differentiating between synonyms

While these words may have similar meanings, there are subtle differences between them that can affect their usage. For example:

- Place and set are more commonly used when referring to objects being put down or arranged, while position is often used when describing placement in relation to other objects or people.

- Rest usually implies a gentler action compared to lay, which can also mean simply putting something down without much care.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, lay has several synonyms that can be used interchangeably depending on context and personal preference. These include place, set, position, and rest. However, it's important to note their slight differences in meaning and usage for accurate communication





2024-05-02 08:06



2024-05-02 07:38

layout是什么意思 layout的中文翻译、读音、例句


2024-05-02 07:11

layout 的翻译是


2024-05-02 06:44



2024-05-02 06:10



2024-05-02 05:48