

更新时间:2024-05-03 01:29:12作者:留学世界




1. lead的基本定义


2. lead在不同语境下的意义

a. 领导者:在组织、团队或群体中担任领导地位的人被称为lead。例如,“John is the lead of our team.”(约翰是我们团队的领导)。

b. 主角:在电影、戏剧或小说中,主要扮演角色被称为lead。例如,“Tom Hanks played the lead in the movie.”(汤姆·汉克斯在这部电影中饰演了主角)。

c. 铅:铅是一种金属元素,其英文单词为lead。它常用于制造铅笔、电池等产品。

d. 引导:当我们带领他人去某个地方时,我们可以说we are leading them to somewhere。这里的lead就表示引导。

e. 导致:当某件事情产生某种结果时,我们可以说it leads to something。例如,“Stress can lead to health problems.”(压力可能导致健康问题)。

f. 主要的:当某件事情最重要或最具影响力时,我们可以说it is the lead。例如,“The lead story on the news tonight is about the presidential election.”(今晚新闻的主要内容是关于总统选举的)。

g. 领先的:当某个人或团队在比赛或竞争中处于领先地位时,我们可以说they are in the lead。例如,“Our team is currently in the lead in the tournament.”(我们的团队目前在比赛中处于领先地位)。

h. 铅制的:铅制的物品通常指用铅制成的,如铅笔、铅球等。

3. lead的常见短语和表达

a. take the lead:带头、领导

b. follow someone's lead:跟随某人的步伐、效仿某人

c. be in the lead:处于领先地位

d. have a leading role:拥有主要角色

e. have a leading edge:拥有优势、领先优势

f. be a leader in something:在某方面是领军人物

g. give someone a lead:给某人提示或线索

h. on the leading edge of something:在某方面处于前沿位置

4. lead的常见用法错误

a. lead和lead不是同一个单词,前者发音为/liːd/,后者发音为/lɛd/。

b. 不要把lead当作led的过去式,led才是正确的过去式形式。

c. 不要把lead当作名词时的复数形式,正确的复数形式是leads。

d. 不要把lead用作动词时加s或ed,它已经是不规则动词了


1. lead是一个英语单词,发音为/liːd/,其中的“ea”发音为/iː/,类似于“希”这个汉字的读音。

2. 在英语中,lead可以作为动词、名词和形容词使用,具体含义取决于上下文。

3. 作为动词时,lead的意思包括“领导、引导、带领”等,例如:

- He is leading the team to victory.(他正在带领团队取得胜利。)

- This road leads to the city center.(这条路通往市中心。)

- The teacher led the students to explore the museum.(老师带领学生探索博物馆。)

4. 作为名词时,lead可以指“领导者、主角、首位”等,例如:

- She is the lead singer of the band.(她是乐队的主唱。)

- The lead in this movie is played by a famous actor.(这部电影的主角是一位著名的演员。)

- The company's sales lead has increased by 10% this quarter.(公司本季度的销售额增长了10%。)

5. 作为形容词时,lead常用来表示“主要的、最重要的”,例如:

- What are your lead concerns about this project?(你对这个项目最关注的问题是什么?)

- The lead story on tonight's news is about the election.(今晚新闻的主要内容是关于选举的。)

- The lead character in this book is very relatable.(这本书的主要角色非常易于理解。)

6. 此外,lead还有一些其他的意思,例如:

- “铅”:这是lead最常见的意思,表示一种金属元素。

- “引线、导线”:例如电池中的正极和负极就分别被称为positive lead和negative lead。

- “先行者、领先优势”:例如我们常说的“take the lead”就是指“取得领先优势”。

7. 总之,lead是一个多义词,在不同语境下可能会有不同的含义。因此,如果遇到不确定的情况,可以通过上下文来推断其具体含义


1. 什么是lead?


2. lead的常见用法

- 名词用法:

a. a lead on: 暗示,提示

b. take the lead: 领先,带头

c. in the lead: 处于领先地位

d. lead role: 主演角色

- 动词用法:

a. to lead to: 导致,引发

b. to lead by example: 以身作则

c. to lead someone astray: 引入歧途

- 形容词用法:

a. leading brand: 领先品牌

b. leading cause: 主要原因

c. leading lady/man: 女主角/男主角

3. 双语例句:

- He took the lead in organizing the event.


- The new product is expected to be a market leader.


- The study found that smoking can lead to serious health problems.


- The teacher's words led me to rethink my approach.


- The lead actress in the play delivered a stunning performance.



1. Leading role: 领导角色,指在某个领域或组织中具有主导地位的人。

2. Lead the way: 带路,引导,指领先或带领他人前进。

3. Follow someone's lead: 跟随某人的示范,指遵循某人的做法或意见。

4. Take the lead: 带头,领先,指在某个活动或竞赛中处于领先位置。

5. Lead by example: 以身作则,通过自己的行为影响他人。

6. Lead to success: 导致成功,指某个行动或决策最终带来成功的结果。

7. In the lead: 处于领先地位,在前面,指在比赛、竞争等中处于第一名位置。

8. Lead to misunderstanding: 导致误解,在沟通中出现误解或不理解的情况。

9. Lead a fulfilling life: 过上充实的生活,指过着有意义、满足的生活方式。

10. Be in the lead: 处于领先地位,在前面,指在比赛、竞争等中处于第一名位置


1. Guide

- Definition: to show the way by going in front of or along with; to direct the course or movement of

- Example: The tour guide led us through the city, pointing out all the famous landmarks.

2. Direct

- Definition: to manage or guide by advice, helpful information, instruction, etc.

- Example: The teacher directed us on how to complete the project successfully.

3. Conduct

- Definition: to lead or guide; manage

- Example: The conductor conducted the orchestra with precision and skill.

4. Steer

- Definition: to guide or direct in a course; navigate

- Example: The captain expertly steered the ship through rough waters.

5. Guidebook

- Definition: a book of directions, advice, and information about a place, subject, etc.

- Example: I always carry a guidebook when traveling to a new country.

6. Pilot

- Definition: one who steers a ship or guides a vessel through difficult waters; someone who guides or directs another's course of action

- Example: The experienced pilot safely landed the plane during a storm.

7. Mentor

- Definition: an experienced and trusted advisor; someone who guides and teaches another person

- Example: My mentor has helped me develop my skills and achieve my goals in my career.

8. Lead role

- Definition: the main character or most important role in a performance

- Example: She landed the lead role in the school play and delivered an outstanding performance.

9. Front-runner

- Definition: someone who is leading in a race or competition; someone who is favored to win

- Example: He is currently the front-runner in the election polls.

10. Head

- Definition: to be at the forefront; to be in charge of something

- Example: She heads the marketing team at her company and has led them to great success


上一篇: feared 的翻译是




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