

更新时间:2024-05-07 12:49:55作者:留学世界




1. 唇部


首先,“lip”的最基本意思就是“唇部”。它可以指人的嘴唇,也可以指动物的嘴唇。比如说,“She has beautiful lips.”(她有一双漂亮的嘴唇。)或者“The lion's lips were curled in a snarl.”(狮子的嘴唇卷曲着,露出了牙齿。)

2. 边缘

除了指代具体的身体部位外,“lip”还可以表示边缘或者边界。比如说,“the lip of a cup”(杯子的边缘)、“the lip of the cliff”(悬崖的边缘)等等。

3. 说话不清楚

在日常口语中,“lip”还有一个非常常见的用法,就是指说话不清楚或者含糊不清。比如说,“He was so drunk that he couldn't even move his lips.”(他喝得太多了,连嘴唇都动不了。)或者“Don't just move your lips, say something!”(别光嘴上动动,说点什么吧!)

4. 嘴唇状的东西

除了上面提到的意思外,“lip”还可以用来表示某些东西的形状像嘴唇。比如说,“the lip of a bottle”(瓶子的嘴唇)、“the lip of a river”(河流的边缘)等等。

5. 亲吻



1. “lip”是一个英文单词,读作/lɪp/。

2. 它的意思是嘴唇,是人类脸部的一部分。

3. 在英语中,lip可以作为名词或动词使用。

4. 作为名词时,它指的是嘴唇这一身体部位,也可以指代某些物体的边缘或边缘部分。

5. 例如,“She has beautiful lips.”(她有漂亮的嘴唇。)

6. 当“lip”作为动词时,它的意思是轻轻地触碰或抚摸某物。

7. 例如,“He gently lipped her forehead.”(他轻轻地吻了吻她的额头。)

8. “lip”还有一些常用短语搭配,如“bite one's lip”(咬紧牙关)、“keep a stiff upper lip”(保持冷静)等。

9. 此外,在美国俚语中,“lip”还可以表示无礼或无理由地说话。

10. 总的来说,“lip”这个单词在英语中比较常见,在日常生活中也经常会用到


1. "Lip"是一个多义词,通常指的是嘴唇,但也有其他意思。

2. 在非正式场合,"lip"也可以作为动词使用,意为轻蔑地说话或做出挑衅性的言论。

3. 例如:"Don't lip off to your parents like that, young lady!" (不要那样对你的父母说话,小姐!)

4. "Lip"还可以作为名词,指的是容易发生误解或矛盾的事物。

5. 例如:"Their relationship is full of drama and lip." (他们的关系充满了戏剧性和矛盾。)

6. "Lip"也可以表示边缘或边沿部分。

7. 例如:"The boat was just barely hanging on by the lip of the dock." (船只勉强靠在码头的边缘。)

8. "Lip service"是一个常用的短语,意为表面上的支持或赞同,实际上并没有付诸行动。

9. 例如:"The government promised to improve education, but it's all just lip service." (政府承诺改善教育,但只是空口承诺。)

10. "Lipstick on a pig"是一个幽默的表达,意为徒劳地美化某件丑陋或无用之物。

11. 例如:"No matter how much you dress it up, that car is still a lemon. It's just lipstick on a pig." (无论你怎么打扮,那辆车还是一辆破车。就像给猪涂口红一样。)


1. Lip service - 虚假的言辞,只是说说而已

2. Bite one's lip - 咬紧嘴唇,忍住不说话或不哭泣

3. Keep a stiff upper lip - 保持坚强的外表,不流露情绪

4. Slip of the lip - 口误,不经意间说出来的话

5. Read my lips - 听好了我的话,认真听我说

6. On everyone's lips - 众所周知,人人谈论的话题

7. Lipstick on a pig - 在猪身上涂口红,形容虚假美化的行为

8. Smack one's lips - 吧唧嘴巴,表示满足或享受的样子

9. Zip one's lip - 捂住嘴巴,保持沉默

10. Lip service to something - 对某事只是口头上的支持或承诺


1. Mouth

- Definition: the opening through which food and drink enter the body, located on the face and surrounded by lips.

- Example: She applied a fresh coat of lipstick to her mouth before leaving the house.

2. Labium

- Definition: one of the two fleshy folds surrounding the opening of the mouth, also known as lips.

- Example: The doctor examined her labium for any signs of infection.

3. Kisser

- Definition: informal term for lips or mouth.

- Example: He planted a kiss on her kisser before saying goodbye.

4. Pout

- Definition: to push out one's lips in a sulky or displeased manner.

- Example: She pouted her lips in disappointment when she didn't get what she wanted.

5. Smacker

- Definition: slang term for lips or mouth.

- Example: She pursed her smackers when she saw something she didn't like.

6. Oral Orifice

- Definition: anatomical term for the entrance to the oral cavity, including lips and teeth.

- Example: The dentist examined her oral orifice for any signs of tooth decay.

7. Maw

- Definition: a person's open or gaping mouth, often used in a negative connotation.

- Example: The child's maw dropped open in shock when he saw the size of his birthday cake.

8. Kissers

- Definition: plural form of kisser, referring to both upper and lower lip together.

- Example: She applied lip balm to her kissers to keep them soft and moisturized.

9. Chops

- Definition: informal term for cheeks, but can also refer to lips in some contexts.

- Example: He gave her a peck on the chops before heading off to work.

10. Mug

- Definition: slang term for face, including lips and other features.

- Example: She put on her best mug and headed out to the party

我们了解到lip是一个常用的英语单词,它的意思是嘴唇。在发音上,我们可以将“lip”读作/lɪp/。lip作为一个名词,可以用来表示人体的一部分,也可以用来形容物体表面的边缘。在双语例句中,我们可以看到lip在不同语境下的使用方式。例如,“She put on some lip gloss before going out.”(她出门前抹了些唇彩)。除了常见的用法外,我们还可以通过学习一些常用的词组来丰富自己的表达方式,比如“bite one's lip”(咬住嘴唇)、“keep a stiff upper lip”(保持坚强)等等。同时,在同义词示例中,我们也能够发现很多与lip相关的词汇,比如“mouth”(嘴)、“pout”(撅嘴)等等。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和使用这个常见的英语单词。我是网站编辑小张,在未来还会为大家带来更多有趣、实用的英语知识,请继续关注我哦!




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