

更新时间:2024-05-08 19:02:05作者:留学世界



1. 什么是lock?



2. lock的具体意思


(1) 名词:指一种用来锁住门、箱子、车辆等物品的装置。

(2) 动词:表示将某物锁住或关闭起来。

(3) 形容词:描述某物被锁住或无法进入。

3. lock在日常生活中的应用


4. lock与其他相关单词

除了lock之外,还有一些与之相关的单词,它们都可以用来描述“锁”的概念。比如key,它是lock的反义词,表示“钥匙”。还有unlock,意思是“解锁”、“打开”或“释放”。另外,还有一些常用短语,如lock up(把某物锁起来)、lock in(把某人困在里面)等。

5. lock在不同语境中的使用

除了在描述实际物品时使用之外,lock这个词也可以在其他语境中使用。比如,在计算机领域中,我们常常听到“lock screen”(锁屏)这个词组。此外,在体育比赛中,“deadlock”(胶着局面)指的就是双方都无法取得胜利的情况。



1. "lock"是一个常见的英语单词,它可以作为动词和名词使用。

2. 当作动词时,它的意思是“锁定”,常用于指将门、窗等关闭并用钥匙固定。

3. 当作名词时,它的意思是“锁”,通常指用来关闭门、箱子等物品的装置。

4. 读音为/lɒk/,第一个音节发短音,第二个音节发长音。

5. 在英语中,“lock”也可以表示“固定”、“限制”的意思,例如:lock the door(锁上门)、lock in(困住)、lock away(封存)等。

6. 如果要表达“锁定状态”的意思,可以使用“locked”这个形容词,例如:the door is locked(门已锁好)。

7. 在口语中,有时也会把“lock”作为一个俚语使用,表示“强制关注”或者“迷恋”的意思。例如:I'm totally locked on this new TV series(我完全沉迷于这部新电视剧)。

8. 总的来说,“lock”的用法非常灵活多样,在不同场合下都能够找到合适的表达方式。所以如果想要提高自己的英语水平,就要多多练习并积累更多的例句


1. 什么是lock?


2. lock的常见用法

- Lock something:锁住某物,如“Lock the door”(锁门);

- Lock in/out:将某人关在/放出,如“Don't forget to lock the cat in before you leave”(离开前别忘了把猫关起来);

- Lock up/down:锁上/下,如“The store is locked up for the night”(商店已经关门了);

- Lock onto:锁定在,如“The missile locked onto its target”(导弹锁定了目标)。

3. lock的双语例句

- Can you help me lock this suitcase?(你能帮我把这个手提箱锁上吗?)

- The front door is locked, we need to find another way in.(前门被锁上了,我们得找其他进入的方法。)

- I always double-check to make sure I've locked my car before leaving.(我总是会再检查一遍确保离开前已经把车子锁好了。)

- The company has locked in a deal with its biggest client.(公司已经与最大的客户签下合同。)

- Don't forget to lock your bike when you park it on the street.(记得把自行车停在街上时要锁好。)


1. Lock away: 将...锁起来,储存起来

例如:I locked away all my valuable jewelry in a safe.

2. Lock down: 封锁,限制出入

例如:The city was on lockdown due to the terrorist threat.

3. Lock in: 限制,困住

例如:I feel like my job is locking me in and I can't pursue my passions.

4. Lock out: 把...关在外面,拒绝进入

例如:The landlord locked me out of my apartment because I was late on rent.

5. Lock up: 锁上,关起来

例如:Don't forget to lock up the house before we leave for vacation.

6. On lock: 完全控制,完美掌握

例如:She has her dance moves on lock, she's definitely going to win the competition.

7. Under lock and key: 被严密监管,在牢房里

例如:The dangerous criminal was kept under lock and key for the safety of society.

8. Keep a tight lock on something/someone: 严密监控某事/某人

例如:The police are keeping a tight lock on the suspect's movements.

9. Lock horns with someone: 与某人发生冲突或争论

例如:The two rival companies have been locking horns over market share for years.

10. Lock lips with someone: 和某人接吻,亲吻

例如:The couple locked lips under the mistletoe at the Christmas party.

11. Lock eyes with someone: 和某人对视,凝视着某人的眼睛

例如:The two lovers locked eyes across the crowded room and couldn't look away.

12. Lock and load: 准备好,做好准备

例如:We're about to start the race, lock and load everyone!

13. Lockstep with: 与...一致,同步进行

例如:The company's policies are not in lockstep with the current market trends.

14. Lock in a rate: 锁定利率

例如:We were able to lock in a low mortgage rate for our new home.

15. Lock on target: 把目标锁定在准确位置

例如:The missile's guidance system locked on target and hit its mark perfectly.

16. Lock and key: 锁和钥匙,象征着安全和保护

例如:She keeps all her important documents under lock and key in a fireproof safe.

17. Lock of hair: 头发束,象征着爱情和纪念

例如:She keeps a lock of her deceased husband's hair as a keepsake.

18. Lock screen: 锁屏,用来保护手机或电脑的隐私信息

例如:Don't forget to set up a password for your lock screen on your new phone.

19. Lock and leave: 关门走人,出门就锁上门离开

例如:We love living in our apartment complex because it's easy to just lock and leave when we travel.

20. Lockstep agreement: 一致意见的协议,共同行动的协议

例如:The two countries signed a lockstep agreement to tackle climate change together


1. Secure: This word is often used to describe something that is locked, such as a door or a safe. It conveys the idea of being tightly closed or fastened, making it a good synonym for lock.

2. Fasten: To lock something is to fasten it, whether with a key, code, or other mechanism. This word emphasizes the act of securing something in place.

3. Seal: Similar to secure and fasten, seal implies closing something tightly and securely. It can also refer to marking something as official or final, which can be relevant in certain contexts.

4. Shut: While not exclusively used to describe locking mechanisms, shut can be a synonym for lock when referring to closing and securing something.

5. Bolt: This word can refer to both the physical mechanism used for locking doors and windows, as well as the act of securing them. It can also convey the idea of moving quickly and decisively, which may be relevant in certain contexts.

6. Block: When we lock something, we are essentially blocking access to it. This word emphasizes the action of preventing entry or access.

7. Clasp: Often used when referring to locking jewelry or clothing items together, clasp can also be a synonym for lock in a broader sense of securing things together.

8. Engage: In certain contexts, engage can be used as a synonym for lock when describing activating or connecting mechanisms that secure things in place.

9. Latch: Similar to bolt and clasp, latch refers to both the physical mechanism and the action of securing something in place by closing it tightly.

10. Hold: When we lock something, we are holding it tightly in place so that it cannot move or be accessed without proper authorization. This word emphasizes the idea of keeping something secure and under control

通过本文的介绍,我们可以知道lock是一个英语单词,它的意思是“锁”,读作/lɒk/。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到lock这个词,比如“lock the door”(锁门)、“lock the bike”(锁自行车)等。同时,我们也可以通过双语例句更加深入地了解lock的用法。此外,还有一些常用的lock词组和同义词示例也为我们提供了更多的学习资源。最后,我是网站的编辑,如果你喜欢本文,请关注我获取更多有趣、实用的英语知识。谢谢阅读!




2024-05-08 18:33


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lock in time 的翻译是

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