

更新时间:2024-05-09 23:52:39作者:留学世界




1. 动词lose在句子中通常表示“丢失”或“失去”,例如:


- I lost my keys and couldn't find them anywhere. (我把钥匙弄丢了,找不到了。)

- She lost her job last month and has been looking for a new one. (她上个月失业了,一直在找新工作。)

- The team lost the game by one point. (这个队伍输掉了比赛,差一分。)

2. lose也可以表示“失败”,特别是在谈论竞争或比赛时,例如:

- If we don't work harder, we will lose to our competitors. (如果我们不更加努力,我们就会输给竞争对手。)

- He was afraid of losing the race, so he trained every day. (他害怕输掉比赛,所以每天都训练。)

- The company is losing money every year. (这家公司每年都在亏损。)

3. 作为名词,lose指的是“失败”或“损失”,例如:

- The team suffered a big loss in the game yesterday. (这个队伍昨天在比赛中遭受了重大损失。)

- I can't afford to take another loss like that. (我再也承受不起那样的损失了。)

- The lose of his job was a huge blow to him. (失去工作对他来说是一个巨大的打击。)


1. “lose”这个词怎么读?是“lu:z”还是“ləʊz”?

2. 别再纠结了,其实都可以!无论是美式英语还是英式英语,都可以读作“lu:z”或者“ləʊz”。

3. 那么,“lose”的意思又是什么呢?它的主要意思是“丢失”、“失去”,也可以表示“失败”、“输掉”等含义。

4. 比如,“I always lose my keys.”(我总是丢钥匙。)、“Don't lose hope.”(不要放弃希望。)

5. 不过,有时候“lose”也可以表示放弃某件事情或者某种状态,比如“I lost interest in the movie.”(我对这部电影失去了兴趣。)

6. 除此之外,“lose”的其他意思还包括减少、耗费、错过等,具体要看上下文来确定。

7. 总之,这个词的意思非常丰富多样,根据不同的语境来理解吧!

8. 最后提醒一下,如果你想用“lose”的名词形式,记得加上-e变成“loser”,表示失败者或者输家。比如“He is such a loser.”(他真是个失败者。)

9. 希望本次介绍能帮助你更好地理解“lose”的意思,记住,不要轻易放弃哦!


1. lose的基本含义


2. lose作为及物动词的用法

(1) lose + 名词:表示“丢失某物”。例如:

- I lost my keys and couldn't find them anywhere. (我把钥匙弄丢了,到处都找不到。)

- She lost her phone on the bus yesterday. (她昨天在公交车上把手机弄丢了。)

(2) lose + 宾语从句:表示“失去某种状态”。例如:

- He lost his confidence after failing the exam. (他考试不及格后就失去了信心。)

- They lost their way in the forest and got lost for hours. (他们在森林里迷路了,迷路了几个小时。)

3. lose作为不及物动词的用法

(1) lose + 名词:表示“遗失某物”。例如:

- I always seem to lose my umbrella when it rains. (每次下雨似乎总是会把伞给遗失掉。)

- She often loses her temper when things don't go her way. (当事情不顺利时,她经常会发脾气。)

(2) lose + 副词:表示“变得更差”。例如:

- The team is losing badly in the game. (这支球队在比赛中处境很糟糕。)

- The company is losing money every year. (这家公司每年都在亏损。)

4. lose的双语例句

- She was afraid to lose her job if she didn't work harder.


- I can't afford to lose any more money on this investment.


- He lost his balance and fell off the ladder.


- The team lost the game by a score of 3-1.




1. Lose weight: 减肥,指通过控制饮食和运动来减轻体重。

2. Lose track of time: 忘记时间,指因为专注于某件事情而忘记了时间的流逝。

3. Lose one's mind: 失去理智,指因为某种原因而变得疯狂或不理智。

4. Lose one's temper: 发脾气,指因为受到挫折或刺激而情绪失控。

5. Lose touch with: 失去联系,指与某人或某事物失去联系或不再保持沟通。

6. Lose face: 丢脸,指因为做出错误的决定或行为而丢失尊严和面子。

7. Lose hope: 失去希望,指对未来感到绝望或失望。

8. Lose oneself in: 全神贯注于,指沉浸在某件事情中无法自拔。

9. Lose out on: 错失机会,指由于某种原因错过了获得成功的机会。

10. Lost in translation: 翻译不准确,指由于语言障碍导致翻译出现偏差或误解


1. Misplace - to lose something by putting it in the wrong place or by forgetting where you put it. Example: I always misplace my keys and spend hours looking for them.

2. Mislay - to lose something by accident or carelessly. Example: I must have mislaid my phone because I can't seem to find it anywhere.

3. Misplace - a more formal synonym for "lose". Example: The airline misplaced my luggage and it took them two days to find it.

4. Drop - to accidentally let go of something or lose your grip on it. Example: I dropped my wallet on the street and someone picked it up.

5. Forfeit - to lose something as a penalty for breaking a rule or failing to fulfill an obligation. Example: If you don't pay your rent on time, you will forfeit your security deposit.

6. Shed - to gradually lose something over time, usually hair or leaves from trees. Example: My dog is shedding so much hair that I have to vacuum every day.

7. Misplace - another synonym for "lose" when referring to losing an object or item. Example: I can't believe I misplaced my passport right before my trip.

8. Squander - to waste or lose something valuable, such as money or opportunities. Example: He squandered his inheritance on gambling and now has nothing left.

9. Mislay - a more formal synonym for "lose". Example: The police found the mislaid jewelry in the suspect's house.

10. Fail - when referring to losing a game, competition, or battle against someone else or something else. Example: Our team failed miserably in the championship game and lost by 20 points.

11.Come up short - when referring to losing by a small margin or not achieving a goal due to lack of effort or resources.Example: We came up short in the race, but we'll train harder for the next one.

12. Misplace - when referring to losing something temporarily or not being able to find it. Example: I seem to have misplaced my glasses again, I can't see anything without them.

13. Mislay - when referring to losing something due to carelessness or forgetfulness. Example: I must have mislaid my phone at the party last night, I can't find it anywhere.

14. Let slip - when referring to losing something accidentally or unintentionally. Example: He let slip the secret about the surprise party and ruined the whole thing.

15. Drop - a more casual synonym for "lose". Example: I dropped my wallet somewhere and now I can't find it.

16. Be deprived of - when referring to losing something that you previously had or were entitled to.Example: She was deprived of her inheritance by her greedy relatives.

17. Waste - a more general synonym for "lose" when referring to wasting time, money, or resources.Example: Don't waste your time on that project, it's not worth it.

18. Part with - when referring to losing something that you value or are attached to.Example: It was hard for her to part with her childhood home, but she had no choice.

19. Come out on the losing end - when referring to losing in a competition or argument against someone else.Example: No matter how hard he tried, he always came out on the losing end in debates with his sister.

20. Misplace - a synonym for "lose" when referring specifically to objects or items that are temporarily misplaced.Example: She always misplaces her phone and then blames someone else for taking it.

在英文中,"lose"这个词有许多不同的同义词,每个都有其特定的用法和含义。从最常见的"misplace"和"mislay"到更加正式的"forfeit"和"be deprived of",这些同义词都可以帮助我们更准确地表达失去某物或某事的含义。无论是指丢失物品、失败比赛、浪费资源还是失去机会,这些同义词都可以让我们的语言更加丰富多彩。但是需要注意的是,在使用这些同义词时要根据语境选择合适的词汇,以免造成歧义



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