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除了上述的基本含义,luck还有一些其他的用法。例如,我们常常会说“good luck”或“best of luck”,表示祝福或鼓励他人。在这种情况下,luck可以被理解为一种祝愿,希望对方能够获得好运气。此外,还有一些固定搭配的短语,如“run of luck”表示连续发生的好运或坏运,“pure luck”表示纯粹的偶然性,“down on one's luck”则指某人遭遇不幸。



1. "luck"一词的正确发音是/lʌk/,其中的"u"发音为短元音,类似于中文的"啊"。

2. 这个词源自古英语的"gelūcke",意为幸运或成功。

3. 在英文中,"luck"通常指运气、幸运或命运。

4. 它可以用作名词,也可以用作动词。例如:"I wish you good luck!"(祝你好运!)和"I'm feeling lucky today."(我今天感觉很幸运。)

5. "luck"这个词在英文中经常被用来表达对某人的祝福或希望。它也可以用来形容某人的状态或情况,如"I'm in luck."(我很幸运。)和"He had no luck in finding a job."(他找工作没什么好运气。)

6. 除了常见的表达方式外,还有一些习语和短语与该词相关,如:"better luck next time."(下次会更顺利。)和"in the luck."(有好运气。)

7. 总的来说,无论是在生活中还是在学习中,了解并正确使用这个词都能让你更加地流利地表达自己,并更准确地理解别人所说的话


1. 概念解释


2. 用法示例

- As luck would have it, I found my lost wallet on the street. (幸运的是,我在街上找到了丢失的钱包。)

- He had the luck to win the lottery twice in a row. (他有幸连续两次中了彩票。)

- She was just lucky to escape from the accident with only a few scratches. (她很幸运,只受了些擦伤就从事故中逃脱了。)

3. 双语例句

- I can't believe my luck! (我简直不敢相信我的运气!)

- You're in luck, they still have tickets for the concert. (你很幸运,他们还有演唱会的门票。)

- It's all down to luck now, we've done everything we can. (现在全凭运气了,我们已经尽力了。)

- He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he has never known bad luck. (他生来就享福,从未经历过坏运气。)

- The team's success is largely due to their hard work and a bit of good luck. (这个团队的成功很大程度上归功于他们的努力和一点好运气。)


1. Beginner's luck: 初学者的运气

- 意思:指初次尝试就获得成功的运气,通常是因为缺乏经验而导致的成功。

- 例句:I can't believe I won the game on my first try, it must be beginner's luck.

2. Down on one's luck: 倒霉的,运气不好的

- 意思:指处境不佳,遭遇不幸或挫折。

- 例句:He lost his job and his house in the same week, he's really down on his luck.

3. Good luck charm: 幸运符

- 意思:指能带来好运的物品或符号。

- 例句:She always carries a good luck charm with her when she takes exams.

4. Push one's luck: 越界,冒险

- 意思:指过分冒险或贪心,超越自己能力范围。

- 例句:You've already won a lot of money, don't push your luck or you might lose it all.

5. The luck of the draw: 随机选择的结果,机遇

- 意思:指依靠随机选择或偶然性获得的结果。

- 例句:We didn't choose our roommates, it was just the luck of the draw.

6. Stroke of luck: 幸运之事

- 意思:指突然发生的幸运事件。

- 例句:Winning the lottery was a real stroke of luck for him.

7. Tempt fate/luck: 挑战命运,冒险

- 意思:指故意挑衅或冒险,试图改变自己的命运。

- 例句:Don't tempt fate by driving without your seatbelt, it's not worth the risk.

8. Thank your lucky stars: 感谢幸运之神

- 意思:表示感激或庆幸自己的好运。

- 例句:I thank my lucky stars every day that I didn't miss my flight.

9. Tough luck: 倒霉,运气不佳

- 意思:表示同情或幸灾乐祸地说对方倒霉。

- 例句:Tough luck, you'll have to wait until next year to try again.

10. Turn one's luck around: 改变自己的运气

- 意思:指通过努力或改变方式来改变自己的运气。

- 例句:She turned her luck around by studying hard and getting a scholarship for college


1. Fortune: This word is often used to describe luck or good fortune, especially in a positive sense. For example, "She had the good fortune to win the lottery."

2. Serendipity: This word refers to a fortunate or happy accident, often used to describe unexpected luck or good fortune. For example, "It was pure serendipity that I found my lost wallet on the street."

3. Chance: This word can be used to describe a random event or occurrence that brings about good luck. For example, "By chance, I ran into my old friend at the grocery store."

4. Blessing: This word has religious connotations and is often used to describe good luck or fortunate events that are seen as gifts from a higher power. For example, "Winning the scholarship was truly a blessing."

5. Opportunity: This word can be used to describe a favorable situation or event that brings about positive outcomes and is often seen as lucky. For example, "I was given the opportunity of a lifetime when I was offered my dream job."

6. Stroke of luck: This phrase is commonly used to describe an unexpected turn of events that brings about good fortune. For example, "Finding a parking spot right in front of the restaurant was a stroke of luck."

7. Windfall: This term refers to an unexpected gain or profit and is often associated with lucky circumstances. For example, "The inheritance from her distant relative was a windfall for her family."

8. Fluke: This word refers to an unlikely and unexpected event that brings about success or good luck by chance rather than skill or effort. For example, "Her perfect score on the test was just a fluke."

luck是一个非常有趣的词汇,它既可以表示运气,也可以表示机会。它的发音也很特别,读起来像是“拉克”。在英语中,luck也有许多有趣的用法和习惯用语,比如“good luck”和“bad luck”。同时,它也有许多同义词可以替代使用。希望通过本文的介绍,大家对于luck有更深入的了解,并能够在日常生活中灵活运用。最后,我是网站编辑小明,喜欢就关注我吧!祝愿大家都能拥有好运气!




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