

更新时间:2024-05-12 15:09:43作者:留学世界





1. “lure”的基本释义


2. 衍生含义


3. 举例说明


- The company used a variety of marketing tactics to lure customers to their new product. (这家公司采用了多种营销策略来吸引顾客购买他们的新产品。)

- The beautiful scenery of the island is a lure for tourists. (这个岛上美丽的风景是吸引游客的诱惑。)

- The hunter set up a trap with a piece of meat as the lure. (猎人用一块肉做诱饵设置了一个陷阱。)

4. 幽默一下


1. 解读lure的含义:lure是一个英文单词,读作/luːr/,意为“诱惑、引诱、吸引”。

2. 来源及用法:lure源自古法语的“leurre”,最初指的是用来吸引猎物的假饵。现在常用作动词,表示“吸引、引诱”;也可以作名词,表示“魅力、诱惑”。

3. 拼读技巧:lure的发音与英文单词“tour”相似,只是/t/换成了/l/。记住这个发音规律可以帮助你更快地掌握这个单词。

4. 举例说明:他们使用美食来lure顾客进入餐厅。 (They use delicious food to lure customers into the restaurant.)

5. 幽默点拨:如果你想要吸引某人做某事,可以说:“I'll lure you with a piece of cake.”(我会用一块蛋糕来引诱你。)这样既幽默又有效。

6. 总结回顾:lure是一个常用的动词和名词,在日常生活中经常被使用。记住它的发音和含义,并结合实际情境运用,一定会让你更加流利地使用英语表达


1. "Lure"是一个名词,意为诱惑、吸引力。它也可以作为动词使用,意为吸引、引诱。


- The beautiful scenery of the island was a great lure for tourists.(这座岛屿的美景对游客来说是一个巨大的吸引力。)

- The company used various marketing strategies to lure customers to buy their products.(公司采用了多种营销策略来吸引顾客购买他们的产品。)

2. "Lure"也可以指一种装备,通常用于钓鱼,意为鱼饵、诱饵。


- The fisherman used a shiny lure to attract the fish.(渔夫使用一条闪亮的鱼饵来吸引鱼儿。)

- This type of lure is very effective for catching bass.(这种类型的诱饵对捕捉黑鲈非常有效。)

3. "Lure"也可以指某种手段或方法,用于吸引或诱导某人做某事。


- The company offered high salaries as a lure to attract top talents.(公司提供高薪水作为吸引顶尖人才的手段。)

- The promise of fame and fortune was the main lure for many young people to pursue their dreams in the entertainment industry.(成名和财富的承诺是许多年轻人在娱乐业追求梦想的主要诱因。)

4. "Lure"也可以指某种诱惑或诱人的事物。


- The lure of adventure and excitement drew him to travel to exotic places.(冒险和刺激的诱惑吸引他去旅行到异国他乡。)

- The lure of a luxurious lifestyle led her to make some questionable choices in her career.(奢华生活的诱惑导致她在事业上做出了一些可疑的选择。)


1. "lure someone in" - 将某人诱骗进来

例如:The salesman used a special discount to lure me in and buy the product.

2. "lure away" - 诱惑离开

例如:The company offered a higher salary to lure away their competitor's top employee.

3. "lure of the unknown" - 未知的诱惑

例如:Many adventurers are drawn to the lure of the unknown and seek out new experiences.

4. "false lure" - 虚假的诱惑

例如:Don't be fooled by the false lure of get-rich-quick schemes, they often lead to disappointment.

5. "lure of fame" - 名利的诱惑

例如:Some people are willing to do anything for the lure of fame, even if it means sacrificing their morals.

6. "lure of adventure" - 冒险的吸引力

例如:The young couple couldn't resist the lure of adventure and decided to travel around the world.

7. "bait and lure" - 钓饵和诱饵

例如:The fisherman used a variety of bait and lures to catch different types of fish.

8. "the irresistible lure of temptation" - 无法抗拒的诱惑

例如:Despite knowing it was wrong, she couldn't resist the irresistible lure of temptation and gave into her desires.

9. "lured by promises" - 被承诺所吸引

例如:Many people were lured by promises of a better life in the city, only to face harsh realities once they arrived.

10. "the lures of consumerism" - 消费主义的吸引力

例如:In today's society, we are constantly bombarded by the lures of consumerism, making it hard to resist buying things we don't need


1. Temptation: The meaning of lure in English can also be described as temptation, which refers to something that is attractive and desirable, but may not be good for us in the long run.

2. Allure: Another synonym for lure is allure, which has a similar meaning of being appealing and enticing. It can also refer to the power of attraction or charm that something or someone possesses.

3. Bait: Just like how fishermen use bait to attract fish, we can use the word bait as a synonym for lure. It means something that is used to entice or attract someone.

4. Seduction: This word may have a more negative connotation, but it is still a synonym for lure. It implies using charm or persuasion to lead someone into doing something they may not want to do.

5. Magnetism: When something has a strong power of attraction, we can say it has magnetism. This word can also be used as a synonym for lure, especially when describing something that draws people in.

6. Fascination: Similar to allure and temptation, fascination describes the feeling of being drawn towards something or someone because of its appeal and charm.

7. Enchantment: To enchant someone means to attract them with magic or charm. As a synonym for lure, it can imply being captivated by something's irresistible qualities.

8. Allurement: This word refers to the act of tempting or attracting someone with promises or rewards. It can also be used as a synonym for lure in the sense of being alluring and captivating.

9. Draw: When we say something draws us in, we mean it has an irresistible pull on us. This word can also be used as a synonym for lure when describing the power of attraction.

10. Invitation: While this word usually refers to an offer to attend an event or gathering, it can also be used as a synonym for lure when talking about something that entices or attracts us



lure over love 的翻译是

你是否曾经被“lure over love”这个短语所吸引?它的意思是什么?如何正确翻译它?在这篇文章中,我们将为你揭开这个谜团。从用法到双语例句,从相关词汇解析到同义词示例,我们将全面

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