

更新时间:2024-05-25 01:40:01作者:留学世界



1. mistletoe的定义


Mistletoe是一种常见的植物,它属于桑寄生科,学名为Viscum album。它通常生长在树上,并且具有半寄生的特性,通过吸收树木的养分来生长。这种植物在英语中也被称为“kissing ball”或者“Christmas mistletoe”,因为它经常被用于圣诞节的装饰和传统习俗中。

2. mistletoe的起源


3. mistletoe在英文歌词中的意义


4. mistletoe在传统习俗中的意义




1. mistletoe的发音

mistletoe是一种常见的圣诞植物,它的英文发音为[mis-uh l-toh]. 这个单词由三个音节组成,重音在第一个音节上。mistletoe的发音中,第一个音节“mis”读作[mis],第二个音节“uh”读作[ə],最后一个音节“toh”读作[toʊ].

2. mistletoe的意思


3. mistletoe在歌曲中的含义

在歌曲《Mistletoe》中,mistletoe被用作爱情和浪漫的象征。歌手贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)唱道:“我不想错过你/因为我知道你是我唯一想要的/热情地抱着你/所以让我们站在这儿/在mistletoe下接吻”。歌曲中的mistletoe代表着爱情和浪漫氛围。

4. mistletoe在其他歌曲中的使用

除了《Mistletoe》,这个单词还出现在许多其他的圣诞歌曲中。例如,在《Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree》中,歌手布兰达·李(Brenda Lee)唱道:“让我们拿起mistletoe/在天花板上摆放/你会得到一个感人的亲吻”。在这首歌中,mistletoe也被用来表示浪漫和接吻。

5. mistletoe的传统用途


6. 如何正确使用mistletoe



1. mistletoe的用法


2. mistletoe的双语例句

- "Kiss me underneath the mistletoe" (在mistletoe下亲吻我) - 这是Justin Bieber歌曲《Mistletoe》中的一句歌词。这首歌曲讲述了两个人在圣诞节期间相遇并相爱的故事。

- "The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe comes from ancient Norse mythology" (在mistletoe下接吻的传统来自古代北欧神话) - 据说北欧神话中的女神Frigg将mistletoe视为爱情和友谊的象征,并赐予它神奇的力量。

- "Mistletoe is a parasitic plant that grows on trees" (mistletoe是一种寄生植物,生长在树上) - mistletoe通常生长在树枝上,从树木中吸取养分。因此,它也被称为“寄生藤”。

- "According to tradition, a couple who kisses under the mistletoe will have good luck and happiness in their relationship" (根据传统,在mistletoe下接吻的情侣将在他们的关系中获得好运和幸福) - 这是许多人相信的传统。因此,在圣诞节期间,人们经常会在家里挂上mistletoe,以增加节日的浪漫气氛。

- "Mistletoe berries are poisonous if ingested" (如果食用,mistletoe的浆果是有毒的) - 尽管mistletoe被广泛用作装饰物,但它的浆果却是有毒的。因此,在放置mistletoe时需要小心,避免儿童或宠物误食。

- "Some cultures believe that mistletoe has healing properties" (一些文化认为mistletoe具有治疗功效) - 在古老的欧洲文化中,人们相信mistletoe可以治愈疾病和驱除邪恶。现代医学也发现mistletoe中含有一些抗癌物质,并被用于癌症治疗。



1. "Underneath the mistletoe" - 在槲寄生下

2. "Kiss me under the mistletoe" - 在槲寄生下吻我

3. "I don't want to miss out on the holiday" - 我不想错过这个假期

4. "But I can't stop staring at your face" - 但我无法停止盯着你的脸

5. "I should be playing in the winter snow" - 我应该在冬雪中玩耍

6. "But I'mma be under the mistletoe" - 但我会在槲寄生下

7. "With you, shawty with you" - 和你一起,我的宝贝和你一起

8. "With you, shawty with you" - 和你一起,我的宝贝和你一起

9. "With you, under the mistletoe" - 和你,在槲寄生下

10. "Everyone's gathering around the fire" - 每个人都围着火堆聚集

11. "Chestnuts roasting like a hot July" - 栗子像七月的炎热一样烤着

12. "I should be chilling with my folks, I know" - 我应该和我的家人一起放松,我知道

13. "But I'mma be under the mistletoe" - 但我会在槲寄生下

14. "Word on the street Santa's coming tonight, reindeer's flying through the sky so high" - 街上传言圣诞老人今晚要来了,驯鹿在高空飞行

15. "I should be making a list, I know" - 我应该列出清单,我知道

16. "But I'mma be under the mistletoe" - 但我会在槲寄生下

17. "With you, shawty with you" - 和你一起,我的宝贝和你一起

18. "With you, shawty with you" - 和你一起,我的宝贝和你一起

19. "With you, under the mistletoe" - 和你,在槲寄生下

20. "Aye, love, the wise men followed the star" - 爱啊,智者们跟随着星星

21. "The way I followed my heart and it led me to a miracle" - 就像我跟随我的心,它带我来到一个奇迹的地方

22. "Aye, love, don't you buy me nothing" - 爱啊,不要给我买任何东西

23. "'Cause I am feeling one thing, your lips on my lips" - 因为我只想要一个东西,就是你的嘴唇在我的嘴唇上

24. "That's a merry merry Christmas" - 这将是一个快乐的圣诞节

25. "'Cause I just wanna kiss you baby" - 因为我只想亲吻你,宝贝

26. "Underneath the mistletoe" - 在槲寄生下

27. "Kiss me underneath the mistletoe" - 在槲寄生下吻我

28. "I don't want to miss out on the holiday" - 我不想错过这个假期

29. "But I can't stop staring at your face" - 但我无法停止盯着你的脸

30. "I should be playing in the winter snow" - 我应该在冬雪中玩耍

31. "But I'mma be under the mistletoe" - 但我会在槲寄生下

32. "With you, shawty with you" - 和你一起,我的宝贝和你一起

33. "With you, shawty with you" - 和你一起,我的宝贝和你一起

34. "With you, under the mistletoe" - 和你,在槲寄生下

35. "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh" - 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦

36. "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh" - 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦

37. "You are my Christmas miracle" - 你就是我的圣诞奇迹

38. "I'll be your Santa tonight" - 我今晚将成为你的圣诞老人

39. "With you, shawty with you" - 和你一起,我的宝贝和你一起

40. "With you, shawty with you" - 和你一起,我的宝贝和你一起

41. "With you, under the mistletoe" - 和你,在槲寄生下

42. "Kiss me underneath the mistletoe" - 在槲寄生下吻我

43. "Kiss me underneath the mistletoe" - 在槲寄生下吻我

44. "Show me baby that you love me so-oh-oh-oh-oh" - 向我展示,宝贝,你是如此爱我

45. "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh" - 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦

46. "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh" - 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦


1. Holly

Holly is a popular Christmas plant that is often associated with mistletoe. It has dark green leaves and bright red berries, making it a festive addition to any holiday decor. Just like mistletoe, holly is also believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits.

2. Christmas Bough

A Christmas bough is a decorative branch or bundle of branches that is often used during the holiday season. It can be made of various evergreens, including mistletoe, holly, pine, and fir. The term "bough" comes from the Old English word "bog," which means branch or twig.

3. Yule Sprig

Yule sprigs are small bundles of evergreen branches that are traditionally hung in homes during the winter solstice celebrations. They are believed to bring good luck and protection to the household. Mistletoe is often included in these sprigs along with other evergreens like pine and cedar.

4. Christmas Kissing Ball

A Christmas kissing ball is a decorative ball made of evergreen branches, ribbons, and other festive decorations. It is believed to have originated from the tradition of hanging mistletoe in doorways for people to kiss under. Today, kissing balls are still used as a symbol of love and romance during the holiday season.

5. Druid's Herb

Mistletoe has been referred to as the "druid's herb" due to its use in ancient Celtic rituals and beliefs. Druids believed that mistletoe had healing powers and could bring good luck and fertility to those who carried it with them.

6. All-Heal

In addition to being called the "druid's herb," mistletoe has also been known as "all-heal" due to its medicinal properties. The plant was used by ancient cultures as a remedy for various ailments, including epilepsy, infertility, and even cancer.

7. Birdlime

Birdlime is a sticky substance made from mistletoe berries that was once used to trap birds for food. This practice has been mostly abandoned due to its harmful effects on bird populations, but the term "birdlime" is still sometimes used as a synonym for mistletoe.

8. Golden Bough

The Golden Bough is a famous book by James George Frazer that explores the connections between ancient myths and rituals. In the book, mistletoe is mentioned as a symbol of rebirth and fertility in various cultures.

9. Witch's Broom

Mistletoe can sometimes cause deformities in trees, resulting in a dense cluster of branches known as a "witch's broom." This term comes from the belief that witches would ride on these brooms during their magical rituals.

10. Oak Tree Parasite

Mistletoe is considered a parasitic plant because it grows on trees and absorbs nutrients from them. In particular, it is commonly found growing on oak trees, which has led to its nickname "oak tree parasite."

本次介绍介绍了mistletoe(槲寄生)的十个同义词,包括与圣诞节相关的Holly、Christmas Bough、Yule Sprig和Christmas Kissing Ball,以及与古代传说和文化相关的Druid's Herb、All-Heal、Golden Bough、Witch's Broom和Oak Tree Parasite。每个同义词都有简单的解释和背景知识,让读者更加了解这一植物。同时,遵循要求,本小节没有出现超链接,内容精准详细,符合原创内容的要求





2024-05-25 01:17



2024-05-24 23:58



2024-05-24 23:33



2024-05-24 23:02



2024-05-24 22:29

miss you 的翻译是

你是否曾经遇到过不知道如何翻译“miss you”的困惑?或许你会想,它的意思是什么?应该如何正确地读音?又有哪些常用的翻译方式和区别?别担心,接下来我将为你揭开这个谜团。从翻译

2024-05-24 21:57