

更新时间:2024-05-25 20:20:55作者:留学世界




1. 什么是model?


2. model作为范例或样板

在这种意义上,model通常用来指代一种事物的典型或典范。比如,我们经常会听到“role model”(榜样)这个词,它指代的是一个值得学习和效仿的人。另外还有“model student”(模范学生)、“model citizen”(模范公民)等用法。

3. model作为模型

Model也可以表示一种物理实体或数字实体,用来展示某个事物的结构、形状或运行方式。比如,在建筑领域中,我们会听到“architectural model”(建筑模型)这个词;在计算机科学领域中,“computer model”(计算机模型)也是一个常见的术语。

4. model作为模特

除了以上两种用法外,model还可以指代一种职业——模特。当我们看到时装秀或广告中那些身材高挑、面容姣好的男女演员时,我们就可以说他们是“fashion model”(时装模特)或“commercial model”(商业模特)。

5. model作为模式


1. Model是一个英语单词,读作/mɒdəl/,其中“o”发音为短元音。

2. Model在英语中有多种含义,可以根据不同的语境来解释。下面将介绍几种常见的含义及其发音。

3. Model作为名词时,有两种主要的意思:

a. 模型、模范:读作/mɒdəl/。例如:She is a role model for young girls.

b. 模特儿:读作/mɒdel/。例如:She is a famous fashion model.

4. Model作为动词时,也有两种主要的意思:

a. 充当模特儿:读作/mɒdəl/。例如:She models for a famous brand.

b. 以…为模型、仿效:读作/mɒdel/。例如:The new design is modeled after traditional Chinese architecture.

5. 在计算机领域,Model通常指模型或者型号,读作/mɒdəl/。

6. 在数学中,Model指数学模型,读作/mɒdel/。

7. 在艺术领域,Model也可以指雕塑模型或者人体模型,读作/mɒdəl/。

8. 除了以上提到的几种常见含义外,在不同的行业和语境中还可能有其他不同的解释,请根据具体情况来确定发音。

9. 总的来说,Model这个单词的发音比较简单,但是要注意区分名词和动词的不同读音。同时,根据语境来确定具体含义也是很重要的。

10. 希望本小节能够帮助你正确地读出Model这个英语单词。如果还有其他疑问,请随时咨询英语老师或者通过网络资源进行学习。谢谢阅读!


1. Model作为名词,指的是模型、范例、典型等含义。在英语中,model也可以用来指代时尚模特或者模特儿。


- He is a model of kindness and generosity. (他是仁慈和慷慨的典范。)

- The fashion show featured top models from around the world. (这场时装秀展示了来自世界各地的顶级模特儿。)

2. Model也可以作为动词使用,意为“塑造、建立、模仿”等含义。


- She modeled her behavior after her mother's. (她以她母亲为榜样塑造自己的行为。)

- The architect modeled the building after a famous landmark. (建筑师仿照一座著名地标设计了这座建筑。)

3. Model也可以用作形容词,表示“典型的、模范的”。


- She is a model student, always getting top grades. (她是一个模范学生,总是拿到最高分。)

- This is a model example of how to handle a difficult situation. (这是一个处理困难情况的典范示例。)

4. 在计算机科学领域,model指代数学或者物理上对某个系统或者过程进行抽象和描述的方法。


- This model accurately predicts the behavior of the stock market. (这个模型准确地预测了股市的行为。)

- The researchers used a complex model to simulate the effects of climate change. (研究人员使用复杂的模型来模拟气候变化的影响。)

5. Model也可以用作动词,指代为某个系统或者过程建立数学或者物理上的模型。


- The team is modeling the effects of pollution on the environment. (团队正在建立污染对环境的影响模型。)

- The scientists modeled the spread of a virus in different scenarios. (科学家们在不同情况下模拟了病毒的传播。)

6. 在时尚界,model还可以指代服装设计师所设计的服装样板。


- This fashion designer's latest collection features bold and innovative models. (这位时装设计师最新的系列展示了大胆创新的服装样式。)

- The models on display at the fashion show were all handcrafted by local artisans. (时装秀上展示的服装都是当地手工制作的。)

7. 最后,model也可以用作动词,表示“以身作则、做榜样”。


- As a teacher, it's important to model good behavior for your students. (作为一名教师,向学生树立良好榜样非常重要。)

- Parents should model healthy eating habits for their children. (父母应该为孩子树立健康的饮食习惯榜样。)


1. Model behavior - 模特的行为

2. Role model - 榜样

3. Fashion model - 时装模特

4. Model citizen - 模范公民

5. Model student - 模范学生

6. Economic model - 经济模型

7. Business model - 商业模式

8. Mathematical model - 数学模型

9. Role-playing model - 角色扮演模型

10. Model agency - 模特经纪公司

11. Model contract - 模特合同

12. Model management - 模特管理

13. Fitness model - 健身模特

14. Model search - 模特选拔赛

15. Runway model - T台模特

16. Modeling career - 模特事业

17.Modeling industry- 模特行业

18.Modeling agency- 时装公司

19.Modeling competition- 时装比赛

20.Modeling portfolio- 时装作品集

21.Modeling tips- 时装秘诀

22.Modeling poses- 时装姿势

23.Modeling agencies in New York- 纽约的模特公司

24.Modeling schools- 时装学校

25.Fashion modeling jobs- 时尚模特工作


1. Definition of model

Model is a term that can be used in various contexts and has different meanings. In general, it refers to a representation or example of something, which can be used as a guide or standard for others to follow. It can also refer to a person or thing that serves as an inspiration or role model for others.

2. Synonyms for model

- Example: This word is often used interchangeably with "model" and refers to something that serves as a pattern or standard for others to follow.

- Prototype: This term refers to an original or first version of something that serves as a model for future versions.

- Exemplar: Similar to "example," this word also means a typical or representative instance of something.

- Paradigm: This term is often used in the context of science and refers to a theoretical framework or model that explains a phenomenon.

- Blueprint: This word is commonly used in the context of architecture and design, referring to a detailed plan or model for construction.

- Standard: As the name suggests, this word refers to something that is considered the norm or benchmark for others to follow.

- Ideal: This term refers to an ultimate standard of perfection, often used in the context of beauty or morality.

- Archetype: Similar to "exemplar," this word also means an original model or prototype from which other things are derived.

- Template: This term refers to a pre-designed format or structure that can be used as a starting point for creating something new.

- Specimen: This word is commonly used in science and biology, referring to an individual example of a species.

3. Examples using synonyms

a) The new car was designed based on the prototype created by their top engineer.

b) The successful businessman became an exemplar for many aspiring entrepreneurs.

c) The theory proposed by Einstein became the paradigm for modern physics.

d) The architect presented the blueprint for the new building to the client.

e) The company has set a new standard for customer service in their industry.

f) The ideal of beauty portrayed in magazines often creates unrealistic expectations.

g) The ancient Greek philosopher Plato is considered the archetype of Western philosophy.

h) The graphic designer used a template to create the layout for the magazine.

i) The scientists collected several specimens of the rare butterfly species for their research.

In conclusion, "model" can have various synonyms depending on its context, but they all refer to something that serves as a standard or example for others to follow. These words can be used interchangeably to add variety and depth to your writing





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