

更新时间:2024-05-29 07:05:58作者:留学世界






1. 表示感动

当我们说某件事或某个人 “moved me”时,通常是指这件事或这个人让我们感动、震撼或者激励。比如,“The movie really moved me.”(这部电影真的让我很感动。)或者,“Her story really moved me.”(她的故事真的让我很感动。)

2. 表示搬迁

当我们说 “I have moved to a new apartment.”(我已经搬到了新公寓。)时,其中的 “moved” 就表示搬迁、迁居的意思。这里的 “move” 也可以换成 “relocate” 或者 “shift”。

3. 表示改变

“Moved” 还可以用来表示改变或转变。比如,“I have moved on from that relationship.”(我已经从那段感情中走出来了。)或者,“The company has moved in a new direction.”(公司已经朝着一个新的方向发展了。)

4. 表示影响

在商业或政治领域,我们也经常会听到 “moved the market” 或者 “moved the needle”的表达,意思是某件事情对市场或趋势产生了影响。比如,“The new product launch really moved the market.”(新产品的发布真的对市场产生了影响。)或者,“His speech really moved the needle in the election.”(他的演讲在选举中起到了重要作用。)





那么,如何在日常生活中正确使用这个词呢?下面给大家举几个例子吧。假设你和朋友一起看电影,在电影结束后,朋友可能会问你:“How did you feel about the movie?”(你对这部电影有什么感觉?)这时候,如果你被电影moved得很深刻,可以回答:“I was really moved by the movie.”(我被这部电影深深地感动了。)又或者,你在听完一首歌后,感叹道:“This song always moves me to tears.”(这首歌总是让我感动得流泪。)这样的用法就很地道了哦。

不过,除了用来形容被感动的情况,moved还可以用来表示移动的意思。比如,当你要搬家时,可以说:“I have to move to a new house next month.”(下个月我要搬到新家了。)或者当你想把某个物体从一个地方移到另一个地方时,也可以说:“Can you help me move this table?”(你能帮我把这张桌子搬过去吗?)


1. moved的基本含义


2. moved作为动词的用法

a. 表示感情受到影响:e.g. The movie really moved me. (这部电影真的让我很感动。)

b. 表示被某种力量所驱使:e.g. I was so moved by her words that I couldn't help but donate to the charity. (她的话让我如此感动,以至于我忍不住向慈善机构捐款。)

c. 表示移动物体:e.g. We moved all the furniture to the new house yesterday. (昨天我们把所有家具都搬到了新房子。)

3. moved作为形容词的用法

a. 表示受到感情影响而产生变化:e.g. She was deeply moved by his proposal and accepted it immediately. (她被他的提议深深打动,立刻接受了。)

b. 表示心情不佳、沮丧:e.g. He seemed quite moved after receiving the bad news about his grandmother's death yesterday.(昨天他收到关于祖母去世的坏消息后,看起来很沮丧。)

c. 表示感情流露:e.g. Her moved expression told me that she was truly sorry for what she had done. (她那感动的表情告诉我,她对自己所做的事情感到非常抱歉。)

4. 双语例句

a. The performance of the young actress moved the audience to tears.


b. The touching story of the old couple moved everyone who read it.


c. He was deeply moved by his friend's loyalty and support during his difficult times.


d. The charity organization's work has moved many people to donate and help those in need.



1. Feeling moved: 感动的

2. Emotionally moved: 情感上的触动

3. Deeply moved: 深受感动的

4. Moved to tears: 感动得流泪了

5. Touched and moved: 被感动了

6. Moved by kindness: 被善良所感动

7. Moved by the story: 被故事所感动

8. Moved by the music: 被音乐所感动

9. Powerfully moved: 强烈地被感动了

10. Moved to action: 被激发行动起来


1. Touched: This word can be used to describe the emotional impact of something that is moving. For example, "The movie's ending was so touching, it left me in tears."

2. Stirred: Similar to "touched," this word also conveys a strong emotional response to something. It can be used in a sentence like, "The speech by the activist stirred the audience to action."

3. Affected: This word can be used to describe a deep and lasting impact on someone's emotions or thoughts. For instance, "The tragic news affected me deeply."

4. Emotive: This word refers to something that evokes strong emotions or feelings. For example, "The artist's work is highly emotive and often leaves viewers moved."

5. Heartfelt: This word describes something that is sincere and deeply felt. It can be used in a sentence like, "Her heartfelt apology moved me and I forgave her immediately."

6. Poignant: This word describes something that is deeply moving and often brings about a sense of sadness or nostalgia. For instance, "The old photograph was a poignant reminder of happier times."

7. Impactful: This word refers to something that has a strong effect or influence on someone or something else. It can be used in a sentence like, "The charity's work has been impactful in changing the lives of many people."

8. Compelling: This word describes something that is powerful and captivating, often causing one to feel moved or inspired by it. For example, "The author's compelling storytelling had me completely moved by the end of the book."

9. Evocative: Similar to "emotive," this word also refers to something that brings out strong emotions or memories in someone. It can be used in a sentence like, "The music was so evocative, it brought back memories of my childhood."

10. Gripping: This word describes something that is intense and holds one's attention completely. For instance, "The gripping documentary about poverty in third world countries left me deeply moved and motivated to make a difference."



moved是什么意思 moved的中文翻译、读音、例句


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