

更新时间:2024-05-29 17:15:01作者:留学世界






举个例子吧!如果你想说“我有很多朋友”,可以说“I have many friends.”但如果想强调自己有很多朋友,“I have a lot of friends.”也许更合适。而如果想说“我有更多朋友”,就应该用“I have more friends.”来表达。

除了表示数量和程度上的比较外,more和much还可以用来修饰形容词和副词。例如,“He is more handsome than his brother.”(他比他哥哥帅)和“He runs much faster than me.”(他跑得比我快)


1. "Much"是一个常用的比较级形式,它的比较级形式为"more"。

2. 在英文中,"much"通常用来表示数量多或程度高,而"more"则表示更多或更高的程度。

3. 例如,当我们想要表达一个人比另一个人更有钱时,可以说"He has much more money than him."(他比他有更多的钱。)

4. 另外,当我们想要表达某个事物具有更多的特征或属性时,也可以使用"much more"来强调。例如:"This book is much more interesting than the last one."(这本书比上一本书更有趣。)

5. 需要注意的是,在英文中使用比较级时,需要根据名词单复数和性别变化。例如:"She is much more beautiful than her sister."(她比她姐姐更漂亮。) "They have much more experience than us."(他们比我们有更多经验。)

6. 此外,在口语中,也可以使用缩写形式来表示比较级。例如:"This car is way more expensive than that one."(这辆车比那辆贵得多。) "He is so much taller than me."(他比我高得多。)

7. 总而言之,当我们想要表达某个事物具有更高程度或数量时,可以使用much的比较级形式more来强调。记住根据语境和名词变化使用正确的形式,就可以轻松掌握"much"的比较级用法啦!


1. much的比较级用法

- much的比较级常用于表示“更多”的意思,通常与than连用。

- 也可用于修饰名词、形容词或副词,表示程度更深或更大。

- 在某些情况下,much的比较级可以与形容词或副词的最高级搭配使用,表达强调的语气。

2. much的比较级双语例句

- I like this dress much better than the one I tried on yesterday.


- She is much taller than her sister.


- The movie was much more exciting than I expected.


- You should study much harder if you want to pass the exam.


- This restaurant is much more expensive than the one we went to last week.


- He is much too young to understand such complicated issues.



1. "More than" - 比...更多

例如:"I have more than enough money to buy a new car."(我有足够的钱买一辆新车。)

2. "Greater than" - 比...更大

例如:"Her love for him is greater than anything else in the world."(她对他的爱比世界上任何事都要大。)

3. "Higher than" - 比...更高

例如:"The temperature today is higher than yesterday."(今天的温度比昨天高。)

4. "Farther than" - 比...更远

例如:"The nearest gas station is farther than I thought."(最近的加油站比我想象中要远。)

5. "Beyond" - 超过,超出

例如:"Her skills are beyond what I expected."(她的技能超出了我的预期。)

6. "Surpassing" - 超越,胜过

例如:"His intelligence is surpassing that of his peers."(他的智力超越了同龄人。)

7. "Exceeding" - 超过,超出

例如:"The number of participants exceeded our expectations."(参与者人数超出了我们的预期。)

8. "Outdoing" - 胜过,做得比...好

例如:"She is outdoing herself with each performance."(她每次表演都在超越自己。)

9. "Superior to" - 优于,胜过

例如:"His skills are superior to mine."(他的技能比我的优秀。)

10. "More advanced than" - 比...更先进

例如:"The new technology is more advanced than the old one."(这项新技术比旧的更先进。)


1. More

- The more, the better. (越多越好)

- I have more money than you. (我比你有更多的钱)

- He is more intelligent than his brother. (他比他兄弟更聪明)

2. Greater

- The greater the risk, the greater the reward. (风险越大,回报也越大)

- She has a greater understanding of the situation. (她对这个情况有更深的理解)

- This is a much greater challenge than we anticipated. (这是一个比我们预期的挑战更大的挑战)

3. Larger

- The larger the group, the harder it is to make decisions. (群体越大,做决定就越难)

- We need a larger budget for this project. (我们需要为这个项目提供更大的预算)

- Her new house is much larger than her old one. (她新的房子比旧的大得多)

4. Bigger

- The bigger the cake, the happier the guests will be. (蛋糕越大,客人就会越开心)

- He has a bigger car than his neighbor's. (他比邻居有一辆更大的车)

- This year's sales are expected to be bigger than last year's. (今年的销售额预计会比去年的要高)

5. Higher

- The higher you climb, the better view you'll have. (你爬得越高,视野就会更好)

- She has a higher salary than her colleagues. (她比同事的薪水更高)

- The stakes are getting higher in this game. (这场比赛的赌注越来越高)

6. Superior

- The superior product will always win in the market. (优质的产品总是能在市场上取胜)

- He is considered to be a superior athlete. (他被认为是一名出色的运动员)

- Her performance was far superior to her competitors'. (她表现远远超过了她的竞争对手)

7. Better

- The better you understand the topic, the better your essay will be. (你对这个话题理解得越好,文章就会写得更好)

- He has a better job than his brother. (他比他兄弟有一份更好的工作)

- This year's profits are better than last year's. (今年的利润比去年要好)

8. Finer

- The finer the details, the more accurate the results will be. (细节越精确,结果就会越准确)

- She has a finer taste in music than her friends do. (她对音乐有着比朋友们更精细的品味)

- This restaurant is known for its fine dining experience. (这家餐厅以其精致的用餐体验而闻名)

9. More excellent

- The more excellent your work is, the more recognition you'll receive. (你的工作越出色,就会得到越多认可)

- She is known for her more excellent communication skills. (她以她更出色的沟通能力而闻名)

- This new version is more excellent than the previous one. (这个新版本比之前的更出色)

10. More exceptional

- The more exceptional your talent is, the more opportunities you'll have. (你的才华越出众,就会有越多机会)

- He has a more exceptional memory than most people. (他的记忆力比大多数人都要出众)

- This painting is more exceptional than any other in the gallery. (这幅画比画廊里任何一幅都要更杰出)






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