
name the three variables in childnt language acquisiti

更新时间:2024-05-31 01:14:55作者:留学世界




name the three variables in childnt language acquisiti





1. 年龄


2. 环境


3. 学习方式




1. 环境:环境是指儿童所处的文化、社会和家庭环境。这些环境会对儿童的语言习得产生巨大影响。比如,一个生活在英语国家的孩子,他的母语很可能是英语;而一个生活在法语国家的孩子,则更有可能以法语为母语。此外,家庭中的教育方式、父母对孩子使用语言的态度等也会对儿童的语言习得产生重要影响。

Environment: The environment refers to the cultural, social and family environment in which children live. These environments have a huge impact on children's language acquisition. For example, a child living in an English-speaking country is likely to have English as their first language; while a child living in a French-speaking country is more likely to have French as their first language. In addition, the way children are educated at home and their parents' attitudes towards using language with them can also have a significant impact on their language acquisition.

2. 学习者本身:每个儿童都是独一无二的,他们具有不同的认知能力、学习风格和个性特点。这些因素会影响儿童的语言习得过程。比如,有些孩子可能更善于模仿,他们可以很快地学会新的单词和表达方式;而另一些孩子则更善于理解,他们可能需要更多的时间来掌握语言规则。

The learner: Every child is unique, with different cognitive abilities, learning styles and personality traits. These factors can influence the process of language acquisition for children. For example, some children may be better at imitation and can quickly learn new words and expressions; while others may be better at understanding and may need more time to grasp language rules.

3. 输入:输入是指儿童从外界获得的语言信息。这包括听到的语言、阅读材料、与他人交流等。输入对儿童的语言习得至关重要,因为它提供了实践和反馈的机会。如果儿童没有足够的输入,他们就无法发展出正确的语言能力。

Input: Input refers to the language information that children receive from the outside world. This includes the language they hear, reading materials, and interactions with others. Input is crucial for children's language acquisition as it provides opportunities for practice and feedback. Without enough input, children cannot develop proper language skills


1. Child language acquisition: refers to the process by which children learn and acquire their native language(s). This process involves a range of linguistic, cognitive, and social factors.

2. Variables: factors or elements that can affect or influence the outcome of a situation. In the context of child language acquisition, there are three main variables that have been identified as playing a crucial role in how children learn and develop their language skills.

3. Linguistic variable: refers to the specific features and structures of a language that children are exposed to and must acquire in order to communicate effectively. This includes aspects such as phonetics, grammar, vocabulary, and syntax.

4. Cognitive variable: relates to the cognitive abilities and processes involved in language acquisition. These include memory, attention, problem-solving skills, and general intelligence. These cognitive factors play a significant role in how children process and understand language input.

5. Social variable: refers to the social context in which children acquire language. This includes interactions with caregivers, peers, and other individuals who provide input for language learning. Social variables also encompass cultural influences and societal norms that shape how children use language.

6. Input: refers to the exposure that children have to their native language(s) through interactions with others or through exposure to media such as television or books. The amount and quality of input have been identified as important factors in child language acquisition.

7. Language development: refers to the gradual process by which children acquire new linguistic skills and abilities over time, starting from basic sounds and words to more complex grammatical structures.

8. Language milestones: specific stages or achievements that mark a child's progress in acquiring their native language(s). These milestones can include first words, two-word combinations, sentence structure development, etc.

9. Language environment: encompasses all aspects of a child's linguistic environment including home life, school environment, media exposure, etc., which can influence their language learning experience.

10. Language acquisition device (LAD): a theoretical concept proposed by linguist Noam Chomsky, which suggests that children are born with an innate ability to acquire language through exposure to linguistic input.

11. Critical period: a specific time frame during which language acquisition is believed to be most effective, usually between birth and puberty. This period is thought to be crucial for children to develop their language skills and abilities.

12. Language immersion: an approach to language learning in which children are fully immersed in the target language, often through living in a community where the language is spoken. This method has been shown to be effective in promoting bilingualism and language acquisition.

13. Bilingualism: refers to the ability to speak two languages fluently. Children who are exposed to multiple languages from an early age have been found to have enhanced cognitive abilities and better language skills overall.

14. Language delay: refers to a delay or difficulty in acquiring language skills at the expected rate for a child's age. This can be caused by various factors such as hearing impairments, developmental disorders, or lack of exposure to adequate input.

15. Language disorders: refer to any impairment or difficulty in using or understanding language, often caused by underlying neurological or cognitive issues.

16. Parentese/motherese: refers to the simplified and exaggerated way that adults speak when communicating with young children. This type of speech is thought to aid in child language acquisition by making it easier for children to process and understand linguistic input.

17. Code-switching: the ability of bilingual individuals (including young children) to switch between two languages depending on the context or situation they are in.

18. Language socialization: refers to how children learn not only the linguistic aspects of their native language(s) but also the cultural norms and values associated with it through interactions with others.

19. Fossilization: a phenomenon where certain errors or patterns in a second language become ingrained and difficult to correct, often due to a lack of exposure or input in the target language.

20. Language learning strategies: refers to the conscious and deliberate actions that individuals take to improve their language skills, such as using mnemonic devices or practicing with a language partner


1. 儿童语言习得中的三个重要因素

2. 儿童语言习得中的三个关键变量

3. 儿童语言习得中的三大影响因素

4. 儿童语言习得中的三个主要变量

5. 儿童语言习得中的三个重要变量解析

6. 与儿童语言习得相关的三个重要变量

7. 从儿童语言习得角度看三个关键变量

8. 与儿童语言发展密切相关的三大因素

9. 从儿童语言学习角度探究三大关键变量

10. 影响儿童语言发展的三个重要因素





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