更新时间:2024-08-06 18:20:41作者:留学世界
1. 历史背景
2. 现代含义
虽然negro仍然可以用来指代黑人,但是在英文中更常见的用法是指代非洲裔美国人。它也可以作为形容词使用,例如“negro culture”(黑人文化)。
3. 与其他类似词汇的区别
在英文中,还有一些类似的词汇,例如black、African American等。那么negro和这些词有什么区别呢?其实,在不同的时期和地区使用习惯不同。通常来说,black更加普遍且中性化,在正式场合更受欢迎;而African American则更多用于美国本土。
4. 争议性
5. 如何正确使用
如果你想要使用这个词,最好避免在正式场合使用。如果你不确定对方是否接受这个词,最好还是用更中性的black或者African American来代替。总之,在使用任何形容人种的词汇时,请务必尊重他人。
1. 首先,我们需要知道negro是一个西班牙语单词,意思是“黑人”。它的发音类似于“nay-gro”,重点在于第一个音节的发音。
2. 如果你想更加准确地读出这个单词,可以参考一些在线发音工具,比如Google Translate或者Merriam-Webster的在线发音功能。这样可以帮助你更好地掌握正确的发音。
3. 除了西班牙语外,negro也在其他语言中有不同的意思和发音。比如在葡萄牙语中也是指黑人,但发音为“ne-gro”。
4. 在英文中,negro也有时被用作对黑人的贬称。因此,在正式场合或者与陌生人交流时,建议避免使用这个词汇。
5. 总的来说,在非正式场合使用negro时,重点在于保持轻松、俏皮的语气,并且要尊重他人。毕竟每个人都希望被尊重和平等对待。
1. negro的含义
2. negro的发音
3. negro的用法
negro一词曾经被广泛使用,但现在已经被认为具有贬义和歧视性。因此,在正式场合或公众场所,建议使用更加客观和尊重的词语来指代非洲裔人士,如“African American”。
4. 双语例句
(1) She is a proud African American, not a negro.
(2) The word "negro" is considered offensive by many people.
(3) The civil rights movement fought against the use of the word "negro" in the 1960s.
(4) He was shocked to hear someone still using the word "negro".
(5) The word "negro" has a long history and carries a lot of negative connotations.
(6) The term "negro" was commonly used during the era of slavery.
(7) In some countries, the word "negro" is still used without any negative connotations.
(8) She prefers to be called by her name rather than being referred to as a "negro".
1. Negro spiritual:黑人灵歌,是一种源自美国非裔文化的宗教音乐,通常用于教堂礼拜和宗教仪式。
2. Negro League:黑人棒球联盟,是美国历史上存在的一支职业棒球联盟,为非裔美国人提供了一个展示才华的舞台。
3. Negro History Week:黑人历史周,是为了纪念非裔美国人对美国历史和文化的贡献而设立的一周时间。
4. Negro Bar:黑人酒吧,是指20世纪中期至1964年之间在美国南部存在的一种种族隔离现象,在这些酒吧只允许非裔美国人进入。
5. Black Power Movement:黑权力运动,在20世纪60年代至70年代期间兴起的一场非裔美国民权运动,旨在争取平等权利和尊重。
6. Negrophobia:恐惧黑人症,指对于黑皮肤或非洲血统的个人或群体表现出的恐惧、厌恶或偏见。
7. Negritude:黑色主义,是一种强调非洲文化、身份和价值观的哲学思想,在20世纪初由非洲作家和知识分子提出。
8. Negro History Bulletin:黑人历史简报,是一份美国教育杂志,致力于向学生和教师传播非裔美国人的历史和文化。
9. Black Panther Party:黑豹党,是20世纪60年代至70年代期间在美国成立的一个非裔美国人政治组织,提倡黑人权利和社会主义。
10. Black Lives Matter:黑人命也是命,是一场抗议运动,旨在反对针对非裔美国人的暴力和歧视,并呼吁平等和正义
1. Black
Black is the most commonly used synonym for negro in English. It is a simple and straightforward word that means the same thing as negro. However, it is important to note that black can also be used to refer to a person's race or skin color in general, not just specifically for negro.
2. African-American
African-American is another commonly used synonym for negro. It specifically refers to people of African descent living in America. This term was coined to replace the word "negro" during the civil rights movement in the 1960s.
3. Person of Color (POC)
Person of Color is a term that has gained popularity in recent years as a way to refer to people who are not white or of European descent. It includes all people of color, including negroes, and is often used as an umbrella term for non-white individuals.
4. Colored
Colored was once a widely used term for referring to people of African descent, but it has since fallen out of favor due to its negative connotations and associations with segregation and discrimination.
5. Dark-skinned
Dark-skinned is a more descriptive term that can be used as a synonym for negro. It specifically refers to someone with dark skin, which is often associated with people of African descent.
6. Melanated
Melanated is a newer term that has gained popularity in recent years as a way to refer to people with high levels of melanin in their skin, such as those of African descent. It celebrates and embraces the natural beauty and diversity of darker skin tones.
7. Afro-descendant
Afro-descendant is a more specific term that refers to individuals who have ancestors from Africa but may not necessarily identify as black or negro themselves.
8. Non-white
Non-white simply means anyone who does not have white or European ancestry, making it an inclusive synonym for negro.
9. Brown-skinned
Brown-skinned is another descriptive term that can be used interchangeably with negro. It specifically refers to someone with brown skin, which is a common characteristic among people of African descent.
10. Minority
Minority is a term that refers to any group of people who are in a smaller numerical or social position compared to the dominant group, which in this case would be white individuals. Negroes are often considered a minority group in many countries around the world.
11. Descendant of Slaves
Descendant of Slaves is a term that specifically refers to individuals whose ancestors were brought to America as slaves from Africa. It acknowledges and highlights the history and struggles of negroes in America.
12. People of African Descent (PAD)
People of African Descent is another inclusive term that encompasses all individuals with African ancestry, including negroes.
13. Negroid
Negroid is an outdated scientific term that was once used to classify people with certain physical characteristics, including dark skin and coarse hair. However, it is now considered offensive and should not be used as a synonym for negro.
14. Black person/individual/man/woman
Similar to "Black," these terms simply refer to someone who identifies as black or has dark skin, including negroes.
15. Ethnic minority
Ethnic minority refers to any group of people who share cultural or ancestral ties and are in a smaller numerical or social position compared to the dominant group in society. This can include negroes as well as other racial and ethnic groups.
In conclusion, there are many synonyms for negro in English, each with its own connotations and historical context. While some terms may be more commonly used than others, it is important to be aware of their meanings and implications when referring to individuals of African descent