更新时间:2024-10-13 19:06:19作者:留学世界
1. pink的词性及释义
- pink作为形容词,意为“粉红色的”、“淡红色的”;
- pink作为名词,指代一种颜色,也可指代粉红色的物品;
- pink作为动词,意为“使变得粉红色”。
2. pink在不同语境下的用法
- 在日常生活中,我们经常会听到“pink dress”(粉红裙子)、“pink flower”(粉红花朵)等用法;
- 在商业领域,pink也被用作品牌名称,如知名化妆品品牌Pink Sugar、时尚服饰品牌Victoria's Secret Pink等;
- 在音乐界,pink是美国著名歌手兼演员Alecia Beth Moore的艺名,她以其独特的音乐风格和强烈的个人风格而备受关注。
3. pink在文化中的象征意义
- 粉红色通常被视为女性和少女们喜爱的颜色,在西方文化中也被认为是代表温柔、浪漫和爱情的象征;
- 在中国文化中,粉红色也有着不同的象征意义。在传统文化中,它被视为吉祥和幸福的象征,因此在婚礼等重大场合经常能见到粉红色的装饰;
- 在日本,粉红色则被视为可爱和年轻的象征,因此在动漫、游戏等文化产品中也经常使用粉红色。
4. pink在流行文化中的影响
- 粉红色作为一种时尚元素,经常出现在服饰、配饰、家居用品等方面。特别是近年来,“millennial pink”(千禧粉)成为了流行趋势,被广泛运用于时尚界;
- 电影《穿着Prada的恶魔》(The Devil Wears Prada)中,女主角安迪曾说过一句著名台词:“你以为那件毛茸茸的衣服是自然而然地变成粉红色的吗?”这句话也反映了粉红色在时尚界的重要性;
- 英国摇滚乐队Pink Floyd也以其独特的音乐风格和另类形象而备受关注。
1. Pink是一个英语单词,读作/pɪŋk/,音标为[pɪŋk],是一个形容词,意为“粉红色的”。
2. 在英语中,pink还可以作为名词使用,指代粉红色。
3. Pink一词源自古英语中的“pinca”,意为“小瓶子”,后来演变为指代淡红色。
4. 在英国传统的颜色分类中,粉红色被认为是男孩的颜色,而蓝色则是女孩的颜色。
5. Pink也可以用来形容某种颜色或物品具有浅淡的红色调。
6. 除了作为颜色名称外,在英语中还有许多与pink相关的习语和短语。比如“in the pink”,意为“健康、活跃”;“tickled pink”,意为“非常高兴”;“see pink elephants”,意为“幻觉”等等。
7. 在流行文化中,Pink也是美国歌手兼演员Alecia Beth Moore(艾莉西亚·贝丝·摩尔)的艺名。她以其强劲而独特的嗓音和反叛风格闻名于世,并多次获得格莱美奖提名。
8. 除此之外,在国际象棋中,Pink也是一种开局方式,又被称为“法兰西防御”或“双马防御”,其特点是黑方将两个马都放在中心的f6和d6位置。
9. 总的来说,pink是一个常用的英语词汇,具有多种含义和用法。无论是作为形容词还是名词,它都代表着柔和、温柔和可爱的意象,在不同场合都有不同的表达方式
1. Pink作为一个名词,表示粉色,是红色和白色混合的颜色。它通常被认为是女性和少女的喜爱颜色,也可以表示柔和、温柔、浪漫等含义。
- She loves to wear pink dresses.
- The walls of her bedroom are painted in a lovely shade of pink.
2. Pink作为一个形容词,表示带有粉红色调的。它也可以用来形容某人的脸颊因为愤怒、羞耻或激动而变得发红。
- She was blushing pink with embarrassment.
- The sunset turned the sky a beautiful shade of pink.
3. Pink还可以作为动词,意思是使变成粉红色。
- The flowers were pinked by the sun's rays.
- She used a special dye to pink her white dress.
4. Pink还可以用来表示某人或某物的外观或性质类似于粉红色。
- The sky was pink with the first light of dawn.
- Her cheeks were pink with excitement.
5. Pink也可以作为一个名词,表示一种植物,又称为山茶花。
- The garden was filled with beautiful pink blooms.
6. Pink还可以用来表示某人或某物是最好的、最优秀的。
- She is the pink of perfection in her dance performance.
- This restaurant is the pink of fine dining.
7. Pink也可以用来表示偏爱、钟爱。
- She loves everything pink, from clothes to accessories.
- He has always been a fan of pink and has a collection of pink ties.
8. Pink还可以作为一个缩写词,表示“Pretty In Nifty Knickers”的意思,指的是一种粉色色调的内裤。
- She bought a set of pink underwear for her honeymoon.
9. Pink还可以用来表示某人或某物具有偏向于左翼、自由主义的政治立场。
- The singer is known for her pink views on social issues.
- The new government is expected to have a more pink approach towards economic policies.
1. "In the pink" - 意为健康、状态良好,常用于形容一个人的身体状况或精神状态。
例如:After taking a long vacation, she came back to work feeling in the pink.
2. "Tickled pink" - 意为非常高兴、兴奋,常用于形容某件令人开心的事情。
例如:I was tickled pink when I received the news that I got accepted into my dream university.
3. "Pink slip" - 意为解雇通知书,通常指公司裁员时给员工的解雇信。
例如:After receiving the pink slip, she started looking for a new job immediately.
4. "Seeing pink elephants" - 意为喝醉了,幻想出奇怪的事物。
例如:After drinking too much at the party, he started seeing pink elephants and couldn't remember anything the next day.
5. "Pink collar" - 指女性从事的职业,特指办公室文职工作。
例如:She is tired of working in a pink collar job and wants to pursue her passion for art.
6. "Pinkie promise" - 指小指扣在一起做出的许诺,表示信守承诺。
例如:We made a pinkie promise to always be there for each other no matter what happens.
7. "Pinko" - 指温和左翼人士,通常用来贬义地描述某人的政治立场。
例如:He is often called a pinko for his liberal views on social issues.
8. "Pink slip party" - 指一种求职活动,公司裁员后邀请被解雇的员工和其他公司的招聘人员参加。
例如:She attended a pink slip party and was able to network with potential employers.
9. "Pink eye" - 指结膜炎,一种常见的眼部感染。
例如:She had to stay home from work because she had pink eye and didn't want to spread it to her colleagues.
10. "Think pink" - 意为乐观积极地面对问题,相信一切都会好起来。
例如:Even though she failed the test, she decided to think pink and study harder for the next one
1. Rose
- 指代颜色,可以作为pink的同义词使用。例如:She was wearing a beautiful rose dress.
- 也可以指代玫瑰花,常用来表示浪漫、爱情等。例如:He gave her a bouquet of roses on Valentine's Day.
2. Magenta
- 一种深红色,与pink相似但略深。例如:The walls of the room were painted in magenta.
- 也可以指代一种植物,常见于热带地区。例如:The magenta flowers in the garden were blooming beautifully.
3. Coral
- 指代一种浅橘红色,与pink相近。例如:Her dress was a lovely shade of coral.
- 也可以指代珊瑚,常用来形容海洋生物。例如:The coral reef was teeming with colorful fish.
4. Salmon
- 指代鲑鱼的肉色,与pink相似但略深。例如:The salmon fillet was cooked to perfection.
- 也可以指代一种颜色,介于粉红和橙色之间。例如:The sunset sky was painted with shades of salmon and pink.
5. Blush
- 指代脸部因害羞、尴尬或兴奋而出现的红晕。常用来形容粉红色的脸颊。例如:She blushed when he complimented her.
- 也可以作为名词指代一种浅粉红色。例如:Her dress was a beautiful shade of blush.
6. Fuchsia
- 指代一种紫红色,与pink相似但略深。例如:The fuchsia flowers in the garden were in full bloom.
- 也可以指代一种植物,常见于热带地区。例如:The fuchsia tree was covered in bright pink flowers.
7. Carnation
- 指代康乃馨花,常用来表示母爱、友谊等。例如:He gave her a bouquet of carnations on Mother's Day.
- 也可以指代一种淡粉红色。例如:Her dress was a delicate shade of carnation pink.
8. Bubblegum
- 指代泡泡糖的粉红色,常用来形容明亮、鲜艳的粉红色。例如:The little girl's dress was the color of bubblegum.
- 也可以指代一种甜味的口香糖。例如:She blew a big bubble with her bubblegum.
9. Coral pink
- 指代珊瑚粉红色,介于粉红和橘色之间的颜色。常用来形容柔和、温暖的感觉。例如:The walls of the nursery were painted in coral pink.
- 也可以作为名词指代这种颜色。例如:Her blouse was a lovely shade of coral pink.
10. Dusty rose
- 指代灰粉色,介于粉红和灰色之间的颜色。常用来形容柔和、温暖的感觉。例如:The bridesmaids wore dusty rose dresses.
- 也可以作为名词指代这种颜色。例如:Her scarf was a beautiful shade of dusty rose.
11. Baby pink
- 指代婴儿粉红色,非常浅的粉红色。常用来形容柔和、可爱的感觉。例如:The nursery was decorated in shades of baby pink.
- 也可以作为名词指代这种颜色。例如:Her sweater was a soft baby pink.
12. Bubblegum pink
- 指代泡泡糖粉红色,非常明亮的粉红色。常用来形容明亮、活泼的感觉。例如:Her room was painted in bubblegum pink.
- 也可以作为名词指代这种颜色。例如:Her sneakers were a vibrant bubblegum pink.
13. Peach
- 指代一种浅橘黄色,与pink相似但略深。常用来形容柔和、温暖的感觉。例如:The sunset sky was painted in shades of peach and pink.
- 也可以指代一种水果,具有浅粉红色外皮和橙黄色果肉。例如:She enjoyed a juicy peach for breakfast.
14. Roseate
- 指代玫瑰色,常用来表示浪漫、温柔的感觉。例如:The sunrise sky was painted in shades of roseate pink.
- 也可以指代一种水鸟,具有粉红色的羽毛。例如:She spotted a flock of roseate spoonbills at the lake.
15. Watermelon
- 指代西瓜的粉红色部分,常用来形容明亮、鲜艳的粉红色。例如:Her dress was the color of watermelon.
- 也可以指代一种水果,具有绿色外皮和粉红色果肉。例如:She enjoyed a slice of juicy watermelon on a hot summer day