

更新时间:2024-10-14 01:07:20作者:留学世界

你是否曾经在阅读英语文章时遇到过pity这个词? 它究竟有着怎样的含义,又该如何正确地发音呢?今天,我们就来揭开这个谜团。pity,一个简单的单词却蕴含着丰富的意义,在不同场景下也有着不同的用法。那么,你准备好一探究竟了吗?让我们一起来探索pity的奥秘吧!




1. pity是什么


2. pity的用法


例1:I feel sorry for her.(我为她感到难过。)

例2:It's a pity that he didn't pass the exam.(很遗憾他没有通过考试。)

例3:Don't pity me, I can take care of myself.(不要同情我,我可以照顾自己。)

3. pity与其他表达方式的区别

有时候,我们也会用其他表达方式来表达同样的意思。比如,“I feel sorry for you.”和“I pity you.”都可以表示“我为你感到难过”。但是它们之间还是有一些细微的区别的。feel sorry for通常指的是对某人感到遗憾或同情,而pity则更强调对某人的怜悯。

4. pity在文学作品中的运用

除了日常用语中,pity也经常出现在文学作品中。比如莎士比亚名剧《哈姆雷特》中的经典台词:“To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause.”(“生存还是死亡,这是个问题:是高尚地忍受命运的折磨和侮辱,还是拿起武器反抗无穷无尽的苦难?死吧,就睡觉去吧;不再醒来;以睡眠结束我们心灵上千万自然冲击;肉体所遭受的一切,那就是我们所继承的,这是个令人神往的结局。死吧,就睡觉去吧;睡觉:也许会做梦;啊,就在那死亡的睡眠中,会做什么梦呢?当我们把这肉身甩掉时,必须要停下来想一想。”)



1. 首先,我们来解释一下pity的含义。Pity是一个动词,意为“同情”,也可以作为名词使用,表示“怜悯”或“遗憾”。它的发音为/pɪti/,读起来像是拼读字母P、I、T和Y。

2. 如果你想要用pity这个词表达同情之意,可以这样说:“Oh, I pity her for having to work on weekends.”(哦,我同情她必须在周末工作。)或者,“It's a pity that she couldn't attend the party.”(她不能参加聚会真是遗憾。)

3. 当然,如果你想要用pity来表达对某人或某事的遗憾之情,也可以这样使用:“What a pity that you missed the concert last night!”(太可惜了你昨晚错过了演唱会!)或者,“It's a real pity that the company went bankrupt.”(公司破产真是太可惜了。)

4. 除了常规的用法外,pity还有一种特殊的用法——表示轻蔑或厌恶。例如,“I can't believe he's still asking for money, what a pity!”(我真不敢相信他还在要钱,真是可耻!)或者,“It's such a pity that she always has to make everything about herself.”(她总是把一切都变成自己的事,真是太讨厌了。)

5. 总之,pity这个词有着多种含义,但无论如何使用,它都带有一种同情或遗憾的情感。希望本次介绍能帮助你更好地理解和运用这个词,不要再被它难倒啦!


1. pity的意思


2. pity作为名词的用法

(1) 表示同情:当我们看到别人遇到不幸或困难时,会感到同情,这时可以用pity来表达。例如:“I feel pity for the homeless people.”(我为无家可归的人感到同情。)

(2) 表示怜悯:pity也可以指对某人的不幸处境感到怜悯。例如:“It's a pity that she lost her job.”(她失去工作真是令人怜悯。)

(3) 表示遗憾或可惜:有时候我们会觉得某件事很遗憾或可惜,这时也可以用pity来表达。例如:“What a pity that you couldn't come to the party!”(你没能来参加派对真是太可惜了!)

3. pity作为动词的用法

(1) 同情:pity还可以作为动词,表示对某人或某事物感到同情。例如:“I pity her for having to deal with such a difficult boss.”(我对她要应付如此难缠的老板感到同情。)

(2) 怜悯:与名词的用法类似,pity作为动词也可以表示怜悯。例如:“He pitied the stray dog and took it home.”(他怜悯那只流浪狗,把它带回了家。)

(3) 可惜:有时候pity作为动词也可以表示遗憾或可惜的情绪。例如:“I pity you for not being able to experience the beauty of this place.”(我为你无法体验这个地方的美感到遗憾。)

4. 双语例句

(1) I feel pity for the victims of the natural disaster.(我为自然灾害的受害者感到同情。)

(2) It's a pity that she couldn't attend the graduation ceremony.(她没能参加毕业典礼真是太可惜了。)

(3) He pitied the poor children living in poverty.(他对生活在贫困中的孩子们感到怜悯。)

(4) She couldn't help but pity the old man begging on the street.(她忍不住对街头乞讨的老人感到同情。)

(5) It's a pity that they didn't win the game after putting in so much effort.(他们付出了那么多努力,可惜最终没能赢得比赛。)



1. Take pity on: 表示同情或怜悯,通常用于请求别人帮助或宽容。

例句:Could you take pity on me and lend me some money?

2. Pity party: 指一个人自己在抱怨和伤心时,没有其他人陪伴的情况。

例句:She's been having a pity party all day because her boyfriend broke up with her.

3. Have no pity for: 表示对某人毫不同情。

例句:I have no pity for him after he cheated on his wife.

4. Pity the fool: 源自电视节目《A-Team》中Mr.T的经典台词,表示对某人的不屑和嘲讽。

例句:Pity the fool who thinks he can beat me in a game of chess.

5. Pity purchase: 指出于同情而购买某物,通常是对贫困地区或弱势群体的支持。

例句:I made a pity purchase at the charity event to help raise funds for the orphanage.

6. More's the pity: 表示遗憾或可惜的事实。

例句:He missed out on a great opportunity, more's the pity.

7. Pity party of one: 用于自我嘲讽,表示自己在抱怨时没有其他人陪伴。

例句:Looks like it's just me at this pity party of one again.

8. Pity card: 指利用同情心来获得优待或特权。

例句:She always plays the pity card to get out of doing any work.

9. Pity the plight of: 表示对某人或某群体的困境感到同情。

例句:We should all pity the plight of those affected by natural disasters.

10. Pity purchase syndrome: 指出于同情而购买物品的倾向,通常是对慈善活动的捐赠。

例句:Many people suffer from pity purchase syndrome during charity events


1. Sympathy: 同情,表示对他人不幸遭遇的关心和同情。

例如:I feel sympathy for the victims of the natural disaster.

2. Compassion: 怜悯,指对他人的苦难和痛苦感到同情和怜悯。

例如:The doctor showed great compassion towards his patients.

3. Commiseration: 同情,指对他人遭受的不幸或痛苦表示同情。

例如:We expressed our commiseration to the family who lost their home in the fire.

4. Empathy: 同理心,指能够感受并理解他人的感受和处境。

例如:As a therapist, she has a lot of empathy for her clients.

5. Sorrow: 悲伤,指因为某种原因而感到悲痛或难过。

例如:She couldn't help but feel sorrow for her friend who lost her job.

6. Regret: 遗憾,指因为做了某事或发生了某事而感到后悔或惋惜。

例如:He expressed deep regret for his actions that caused harm to others.

7. Misfortune: 不幸,指发生在某人身上的不幸事件或困境。

例如:Despite his misfortune, he remained optimistic and hopeful.

8. Tragedy: 悲剧,指发生在某人身上的灾难性事件或不幸的结局。

例如:The family's story is a tragedy that touched many people's hearts.

9. Heartache: 心痛,指因为失去某人或某物而感到的强烈的悲伤。

例如:Her heartache was evident after her beloved pet passed away.

10. Pathos: 悲怆,指引起人们同情和怜悯的感情。

例如:The movie was full of pathos, making the audience cry





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pissing girls的翻译是

今天,我们要为大家介绍一个有趣的翻译话题——“pissing girls”。这个词组在翻译界引起了不小的争议,究竟它的意思是什么?如何正确地读音?它有哪些常见用法和双语例句?还有哪些

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