更新时间:2024-10-14 12:18:16作者:留学世界
1. 概述
2. 李子的起源
3. 李子在不同文化中的意义
4. plum这个词语还可以引申出其他含义
除了表示“李子”外,plum这个词语还可以引申出其他含义。比如,在美国俚语中,“plum”也可以用来形容某件事物或者情况非常棒、非常有价值。例如,“He landed a plum job at the company.”(他在公司找到了一份非常棒的工作。)
1. 拼音:plum的发音是/plʌm/,读起来像是“pl-uh-m”。
2. 英式英语:在英式英语中,plum的发音更接近“pl-uh-m”,而不是美式英语中的“pl-oo-m”。
3. 意思:plum作为名词,有两种常见的意思。一种是指一种水果,即李子;另一种意思是指一笔巨额的钱或财富。
4. 来源:这个词最初来源于古法语中的prune,意为“李子”。后来演变成现在的plum,但仍保留着原始意思。
5. 用法:在口语中,常用来形容某件事情非常棒或令人满意。例如:“这份工作真是个大李子(plum)啊!”表示这份工作非常好。
6. 衍生词:除了作为名词使用外,plum也可以作为形容词和动词。形容词时表示“优越的”或“令人满意的”,动词时表示“把某物放入热水中去皮”。
7. 幽默用法:有时候也会用来指代一个人非常幸运或得到了很多好处。例如:“他真是个大李子(plum),总能走运!”
8. 结合使用:在英语中,还有一句常用的谚语“life is just a bowl of cherries”,意为“生活就像一碗樱桃”,表示生活充满了甜蜜和美好。但是有时也会说成“life is just a bowl of plums”,表示生活充满了惊喜和幸运。
9. 总结:所以,plum不仅仅是一种水果,还可以用来形容好事、好运和幸福。希望你也能像个大李子一样,享受生活中的甜蜜和惊喜!
1. “Plum”在英语中是指“李子”的意思,它是一种甜美的水果,可以生吃或制作成各种美味的食品。
- I love to eat plums, they are so juicy and delicious.(我喜欢吃李子,它们又多汁又美味。)
- My mom made a plum pie for dessert, it was amazing.(我妈妈做了一个李子派作为甜点,太棒了。)
2. “Plum”也可以用来形容某件事物非常完美、无可挑剔。
- The new car is a plum, it has all the latest features and looks stunning.(这辆新车真是完美无缺,它拥有最新的功能并且看起来非常惊艳。)
- The job offer she received is a real plum, with high salary and great benefits.(她收到的工作邀请真是太棒了,高薪水和极好的福利待遇。)
3. “Plum”也可以用来表示某人得到了一份特别好的工作或机会。
- He landed a plum job at the top law firm in the city.(他在城里顶级律师事务所找到了一份好工作。)
- She was offered a plum role in the new movie by a famous director.(她得到了一位著名导演的邀请,在新电影中担任重要角色。)
4. “Plum”也可以用来形容某人的脸色红润、光彩照人。
- After a good night's sleep, her cheeks were like plums.(经过一晚上的好眠,她的脸颊就像李子一样红润。)
- The cold weather made his nose turn into a plum.(寒冷的天气让他的鼻子变得红彤彤的。)
5. “Plum”还可以用作动词,意为“把某物放置在某处”。
- She plumed the vase on the shelf to add some color to the room.(她把花瓶放在架子上,为房间增添了些许色彩。)
- He plumed the hat on his head and walked out of the door confidently.(他整理了一下头上的帽子,自信地走出门去。)
1. Plum in the pudding: 意为“布丁中的李子”,指的是最重要或最好的部分。
例句:The new employee is definitely the plum in the pudding of our team.
2. Plum job: 意为“李子工作”,指的是高薪、高地位和有吸引力的工作。
例句:After years of hard work, he finally landed a plum job at a top company.
3. Plum assignment: 意为“李子任务”,指的是有挑战性、有价值和受人尊敬的任务。
例句:She was given the plum assignment of leading the company's new project.
4. Plum benefits: 意为“李子福利”,指的是公司提供给员工的额外福利,如假期、保险等。
例句:One of the reasons I love working here is because of the plum benefits package.
5. Plum position: 意为“李子职位”,指的是高级或重要职位。
例句:He was promoted to a plum position after his outstanding performance last year.
6. Pick of the plums: 意为“精选李子”,指的是最好或最优秀的选择。
例句:Out of all the candidates, she was definitely the pick of the plums for this job.
7. Sour as a plum: 意为“像李子一样酸”,形容人心情不好或表现不佳。
例句:He's been sour as a plum ever since he lost the game.
8. Plum blossom: 意为“李花”,是中国传统文化中的象征物,代表着坚强、美丽和希望。
例句:The plum blossom is a symbol of resilience and hope in Chinese culture.
9. Plum wine: 意为“李子酒”,是一种以李子为原料制作的酒,有浓郁的果香和甜味。
例句:I love to relax after a long day with a glass of plum wine.
10. Plummet: 意为“垂直下降”,可以用来形容价格、温度等的急剧下降。
例句:The temperature plummeted overnight, making it freezing cold outside
1. Purple: Plum is often used to describe a deep shade of purple, so it can be considered a synonym for this color. For example, "Her dress was a beautiful plum color."
2. Dark red: Plum can also be used to describe a dark shade of red, similar to the color of ripe plums. For instance, "The sunset sky was a deep plum hue."
3. Burgundy: This is another color that can be associated with plum, as it is a dark red or purple-red shade. You might say, "The wine had a rich burgundy color, almost like a ripe plum."
4. Eggplant: This vegetable also has a deep purple skin, making it another synonym for plum in terms of color. For example, "The walls of the room were painted in an eggplant shade."
5. Magenta: Plum can also be used to describe a bright pinkish-purple color, similar to magenta. You could say, "Her hair was dyed in a vibrant magenta-plum shade."