

更新时间:2024-10-16 13:45:18作者:留学世界




1. 南瓜:首先当然要提到最常见的意思了。pumpkin作为一个名词,就是指代那种大大的、橙色的、圆滚滚的水果。它不仅可以做成美味的南瓜派,还可以用来做装饰品和万圣节灯笼。


2. 脑袋:是不是有点惊讶?没错,pumpkin也可以指代头部。这个意思来源于英语俚语中“脑袋”的另一个说法“pumpkin head”。所以,如果你听到有人说“use your pumpkin”时,别以为他在夸你可爱呢。

3. 懒人:在美国俚语中,pumpkin也可以指代懒惰或者懒散的人。这可能与南瓜生长缓慢、需要耐心等特点有关吧。所以如果有人说你“lazy pumpkin”,那可不是什么好事。

4. 约会:作为动词时,pumpkin可以指代约会。这个意思来源于美国俚语中“pumpkin”和“date”谐音的关系。所以,如果有人说“let's pumpkin”,就是在邀请你一起约会啦。

5. 假期:最后一个意思,也是最近才流行起来的用法。pumpkin可以指代假期或者度假。这个意思可能是因为南瓜在秋季和万圣节时都非常受欢迎,而这些节日也通常是人们休息、放松的时候。




1. 南瓜灯(pumpkin lantern)

每逢万圣节,你可以在街上看到各种形状、大小、颜色的南瓜灯。它们可以是可爱的小动物,也可以是恐怖的鬼怪。不论是什么样子,它们都是由南瓜做成的。在英语中,“pumpkin lantern”就是指这些用南瓜制作的灯笼。

2. 南瓜派(pumpkin pie)

除了做成南瓜灯外,南瓜还有一个非常受欢迎的用途就是做成派。如果你喜欢甜食,那么一定不能错过这道美味又营养的甜点。在英语中,它就是“pumpkin pie”。

3. 南瓜馅饼(pumpkin filling)

除了派外,南瓜还可以被用来做其他甜点的馅料。比如著名的南瓜馅饼,它的英文就是“pumpkin filling”。这种馅料不仅可以用来做饼类甜点,还可以作为面包、曲奇等食品的馅料。

4. 南瓜籽(pumpkin seeds)

除了南瓜肉,南瓜籽也是一种营养价值很高的食物。它们富含蛋白质、锌、镁等营养物质,对人体有很多好处。在英语中,“pumpkin seeds”就是指这些小小的南瓜籽。

5. 南瓜色(pumpkin color)

说到南瓜,你一定会想到它那鲜艳的橙色。事实上,在英语中,“pumpkin color”就是指这种橙色。如果你喜欢这种颜色,可以用它来形容你喜欢的衣服或者其他物品。

6. 南瓜头(pumpkin head)


1. 作为名词,pumpkin指的是南瓜,常用于描述一种大型椭圆形的植物果实。例如:I carved a scary face into the pumpkin for Halloween. (我在南瓜上雕刻了一个可怕的脸来庆祝万圣节。)

2. 在美国,pumpkin也经常被用来指代一种甜点——南瓜派。它由南瓜泥、蛋、牛奶和香料混合而成,口感香甜,是秋季必不可少的美食。例如:I can't wait to have a slice of pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving dinner. (我迫不及待要吃一块南瓜派来庆祝感恩节晚餐。)

3. 除了作为名词,pumpkin也可以作为动词使用,意为“快速移动”。例如:The kids were pumpkining around the house, playing tag. (孩子们在屋子里快速跑来跑去,玩捉迷藏。)

4. 在英式英语中,pumpkin还可以用来形容一个人的外表或性格特点,意为“呆头呆脑的”。例如:He's such a pumpkin, always forgetting his keys. (他真是个呆头呆脑的人,总是忘记带钥匙。)

5. 双语例句:

- The pumpkin patch was filled with big, round pumpkins of all different colors. (南瓜地里长满了各种颜色的大大圆圆的南瓜。)

- She used a pumpkin carving kit to create a spooky Jack-o'-lantern for Halloween. (她用南瓜雕刻工具来制作一个吓人的万圣节灯笼。)

- I love the smell of pumpkin spice in the air during autumn. (我喜欢秋天空气中弥漫着的南瓜香料味道。)

- He was so pumpkin-headed that he forgot his own birthday. (他太呆头呆脑了,竟然忘记了自己的生日。)


1. Pumpkin spice latte: 南瓜香料拿铁

2. Pumpkin patch: 南瓜田

3. Carved pumpkin: 雕刻南瓜

4. Pumpkin pie: 南瓜派

5. Pumpkin carving: 雕刻南瓜活动

6. Pumpkin festival: 南瓜节

7. Pumpkin lantern: 南瓜灯笼

8. Pumpkin seeds: 南瓜籽

9. Pumpkin bread: 南瓜面包

10. Pumpkin spice cookies: 南瓜香料饼干


1. Gourd

Gourd is a common synonym for pumpkin, especially in British English. It refers to the round, fleshy fruit of various plants in the gourd family, including pumpkins.

2. Squash

Squash is another word that can be used interchangeably with pumpkin. It is also a type of plant in the gourd family and produces similar fruits to pumpkins.

3. Jack-o'-lantern

Jack-o'-lantern is a term commonly used around Halloween to refer to carved pumpkins with a light inside. While it may not be an exact synonym for pumpkin, it is often used in place of pumpkin when talking about Halloween decorations or traditions.

4. Winter squash

Winter squash is a broad term used to describe certain types of squash that are harvested in the fall and can be stored throughout the winter months. Pumpkins fall under this category and can be referred to as winter squash.

5. Orange vegetable

Pumpkins are often referred to as orange vegetables because of their vibrant orange color and their status as a popular fall vegetable.

6. Cucurbita pepo

Cucurbita pepo is the scientific name for pumpkins, which comes from the Latin word "cucurbita" meaning gourd or pumpkin and "pepo" meaning cooked by heat or ripened on the vine.

7. Autumn fruit

Pumpkins are typically harvested in the fall season, making them synonymous with autumn or fall fruits.

8. Harvest fruit

Similar to autumn fruit, pumpkins are often referred to as harvest fruits due to their association with harvest season and being commonly seen at farmers' markets during this time.

9. Field pumpkin

Field pumpkin is another term used for pumpkins, specifically those grown for commercial purposes rather than ornamental use.

10. Carvable fruit

As mentioned earlier, pumpkins are often carved into jack-o'-lanterns for Halloween, making them a carvable fruit.

11. Thanksgiving squash

In the United States, pumpkins are often associated with Thanksgiving and are commonly used in dishes such as pumpkin pie. Therefore, they can also be referred to as Thanksgiving squash.

12. Pie pumpkin

Pie pumpkins are smaller varieties of pumpkins that are specifically grown for making pies and other baked goods. They have a sweeter, smoother flesh compared to larger pumpkins.

13. Cucurbit

Cucurbit is a term used to describe plants in the gourd family, including pumpkins. It comes from the Latin word "cucurbita" meaning gourd or pumpkin.

14. Winter melon

Winter melon is another name for certain types of squash, including pumpkins. It refers to their ability to be stored throughout the winter season.

15. Golden nugget

Golden nugget is a specific type of pumpkin known for its small size and bright orange color. It can also be used as a synonym for pumpkin in general.

16. Vegetable marrow

Vegetable marrow is an old-fashioned term for certain types of squash, including pumpkins. It comes from the French word "marrow" meaning soft or tender.

17. Field squash

Field squash is another term used for pumpkins grown for commercial purposes rather than ornamental use.

18. Cindermelon

Cindermelon is a playful term used to refer to pumpkins, often associated with fairy tales such as Cinderella where a pumpkin turns into a carriage.

19. Pumpkin patch

A pumpkin patch is an area where pumpkins are grown and harvested, often seen at farms or during fall festivals.

20. Gourd apple

Gourd apple is another name for certain types of squash, including pumpkins, due to their round shape and similarity in appearance to apples





2024-10-16 13:34



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2024-10-16 13:12

pugss MONEE 的翻译是

你是否听说过“pugss MONEE”这个词?它在翻译行业中的使用情况如何?有哪些相关术语和例句?是否有其他同义词示例?如果你对这个词一无所知,那么请继续往下阅读。今天,我将为你揭开

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