更新时间:2024-10-16 15:02:18作者:留学世界
当然,有时候我们也会用pupils来指代眼睛的黑色部分,也就是瞳孔。比如,当我们在做眼科检查时,医生可能会问:“Can you look at the light for me? I need to check your pupils.”(你能看着灯光吗?我需要检查一下你的瞳孔。)
除了指代学生外,有时候我们也会用“pupil”来形容某个人对某个领域特别感兴趣并且有潜力的学习者。比如,我们可以说:“She is a talented pupil in music.”(她是一个音乐方面有天赋的学生。)
1. 首先,我们来看一下这个单词的音标:/ˈpjuːpəlz/。它由两部分组成,第一部分是/pjuː/,读起来像是“pyoo”,第二部分是/pəlz/,读起来像是“puls”。所以整个单词的发音就是“pyoo-puls”。
2. 如果你觉得看音标还是有点抽象,那么可以试着用中文拼音来读这个单词:p-y-u-p-u-l-s。注意要把每个字母都念出来,并且把最后一个字母“s”也要念出来。
3. 还有一个小技巧就是将这个单词拆分成两部分来读。首先念出前面两个字母“pu”,类似于中文里的“普”,然后再接着念后面三个字母“pils”,类似于中文里的“皮尔斯”。
4. 除了以上几种方法外,还可以通过找一些相关的英文视频或者听力材料来模仿里面的发音。这样可以更加直观地学习正确的发音
1. “Pupils”是一个名词,指的是“小学生”或“学生”。它可以用来指代任何年龄段的学生,但通常用于指代小学生。例如,“The teacher asked the pupils to line up in front of the classroom.”(老师要求学生们在教室前排队)。
2. “Pupils”也可以用来指代“瞳孔”,即人眼中黑色的圆形部分。例如,“The doctor shone a light into the patient's pupils to check for any abnormalities.”(医生照了病人的瞳孔,检查是否有异常)。
3. 在英语中,“pupils”和“students”的区别在于,“pupils”通常指小学生,而“students”则可以指任何年龄段的学生。例如,“There are 500 pupils and 200 students in this school.”(这所学校有500名小学生和200名其他年级的学生)。
4. “Pupils”也可以用作形容词,表示“关于或属于小学生”的意思。例如,“The pupils' artwork was displayed in the school's art exhibition.”(小学生们的艺术作品在学校艺术展览中展出)。
5. 下面是一些双语例句,帮助你更好地理解“pupils”的用法:
- The teacher praised her pupils for their hard work and dedication this semester. (老师赞扬她的学生们这个学期的努力和奉献精神。)
- The pupils were excited to go on a field trip to the zoo. (小学生们兴奋地去动物园参加实地考察。)
- She noticed that her pupils' eyes were dilated, indicating they were scared. (她注意到学生们的瞳孔放大了,表明他们很害怕。)
- The students' parents were invited to attend the pupils' graduation ceremony. (学生的家长被邀请参加小学生的毕业典礼。)
- The pupils' artwork was displayed in the school's art exhibition for everyone to see. (小学生们的艺术作品在学校的艺术展览中展出,供所有人欣赏。)
1. "pupils"是指小学生或中学生,可以用来表示学生的年龄段,例如:"primary school pupils"(小学生)和"secondary school pupils"(中学生)。
2. "pupil"也可以指眼睛的瞳孔,这个意思通常用在医学或科学领域。
3. "dilated pupils"指瞳孔扩大,可能是由于兴奋、药物或心理因素引起。
4. "constricted pupils"指瞳孔收缩,可能是由于恐惧、压力或药物引起。
5. "bright-eyed pupils"指瞳孔明亮,可以用来形容年轻人充满活力和精神焕发的状态。
6. "pupil-teacher ratio"是指师生比例,用来衡量教育质量的重要指标之一。
7. "teacher's pet"是指老师最喜欢的学生,通常这个学生表现出色、成绩优秀并且受老师欢迎。
8. "apple-polisher"是指拍老师马屁的人,不被同龄人所喜欢。
9. "class clown"是指班级里最爱闹腾的一个人,经常给老师添麻烦但也会让同学们开心笑声不断。
10. "teacher's pet"和"class clown"通常是班级里的两极分化,但有时也会出现一个人同时具备这两种特质。
11. "pupil"也可以用来指学生的眼睛,例如:"Her pupils were fixed on the board, eagerly waiting for the teacher's next move."(她的眼睛盯着黑板,急切地等待老师的下一步。)
12. "black-eyed pupils"指黑色的眼瞳,可以用来形容人或动物的眼睛颜色。
13. "pupil of the eye"是指眼球里面的圆形黑点,也叫做瞳孔。
14. "the apple of one's eye"是指某人最宝贵、最重要的东西或人,在这个短语中,“apple”代表“pupil”。
15. "in the pupil of one's eye"是指某人最喜欢或最重视的东西,在这个短语中,“pupil”表示“心爱之物”。
16. "dunce cap"是一种惩罚性道具,通常用来惩罚不听话或不好好学习的学生。它有时也被称为“pupil cap”,因为戴上它后就像是一个大号的瞳孔。
17. "to be a pupil of someone"意思是受某人教导、跟随某人学习,例如:"He was a pupil of the famous artist for three years."(他跟随这位著名艺术家学习了三年。)
18. "to be a pupil of someone's eye"意思是某人最喜欢的人或物,在这个短语中,“pupil”表示“心爱之物”。
19. "pupil"也可以用来指眼睛里的光斑,例如:"The sun's rays created a beautiful pupil on the water's surface."(太阳的光线在水面上形成了一个美丽的光斑。)
20. "cat's eye pupils"指猫眼瞳孔,是一种常见的动物眼睛特征,也可以用来形容某人的眼睛像猫一样敏锐和警觉
1. Students
- Example: The students in this class are all very bright and hardworking.
2. Learners
- Example: The learners in this program come from different backgrounds and have different levels of proficiency.
3. Scholars
- Example: These young scholars have shown great potential in their academic pursuits.
4. Juveniles
- Example: The juveniles at the detention center are receiving education to help them turn their lives around.
5. Children
- Example: The children in this school are taught not only academic subjects, but also life skills.
6. Kids
- Example: The kids in the neighborhood often gather together to play games after school.
7. Minors
- Example: Minors under the age of 18 are required to have parental consent for certain activities.
8. Youngsters
- Example: These youngsters are the future leaders of our society and need proper guidance and education.
9. Pupils (British English)
- Example: The pupils at this school wear uniforms as part of their dress code policy.
10. Students (American English)
- Example: American students often have part-time jobs to support themselves while studying