更新时间:2024-10-24 20:04:05作者:留学世界
1. 简介
2. 名词用法
作为名词时,rage指的是一种强烈的情绪反应,通常是由于激烈的愤怒或激动引起的。比如,“He was filled with rage when he found out his car had been stolen.”(当他发现自己的车被偷后,他充满了愤怒。)在这个例子中,rage表示极度愤怒和愤恨。
3. 动词用法
作为动词时,rage指的是表现出极度愤怒或暴力行为。比如,“The protesters raged against the government's decision.”(抗议者们对政府的决定进行了激烈抗议。)在这个例子中,rage表示抗议者们表现出了极度愤怒和暴力行为。
4. 源自拉丁语
5. 同义词
1. 想必大家都知道,rage是一个很常见的英文单词,它有着“愤怒、暴怒”的意思。但是你知道它的正确读音吗?不要再说“拉吉”了,让我来教你如何正确地读出rage的发音吧!
2. 首先,我们需要注意的是,rage中的a并不是平常我们所说的那个发音。它其实是一个长元音,类似于“ei”的发音。所以正确地读出rage应该是“reɪdʒ”。
3. 如果你还不太确定这个发音,可以试着把它拆分成两个部分来读:首先读出re这个音节,像是在念英文单词ray一样;然后再加上后面的ge这个音节,就像在念英文单词age一样。把两个音节连起来就是rage啦!
4. 当然,在日常生活中我们也会遇到一些相关的短语和表达,比如“in a rage”(勃然大怒)、“fly into a rage”(勃然大怒)、“be consumed by rage”(被愤怒所支配)等等。如果你想更加流利地表达自己的情绪,请务必记住正确的发音哦!
5. 最后,我想提醒大家一点,虽然rage的意思是“愤怒、暴怒”,但在英文中它也有“流行、狂热”的意思。比如我们常说的“all the rage”(非常流行)、“the latest rage”(最新的热门事物)等等。所以在不同的语境下,rage也可能会有不同的含义哦!
6. 希望通过本次介绍,大家能够掌握正确读音,并且对rage有了更深入的了解。现在你可以自信地和朋友们交流关于rage的话题啦!记住,正确读音是“reɪdʒ”,加油!
1. 什么是rage?
2. rage作为名词的用法
- 指强烈的愤怒或暴怒:He was filled with rage when he found out the truth.(当他发现真相时,他充满了愤怒。)
- 指激烈的行为或事件:The protesters took to the streets in a rage against the government.(抗议者们愤怒地走上街头抗议政府。)
- 指流行的情绪或活动:The latest fashion rage is oversized sunglasses.(最新流行的时尚是超大号太阳镜。)
3. rage作为动词的用法
- 表示感到愤怒或暴怒:She raged at her boss for not giving her a raise.(她对老板不给她加薪大发雷霆。)
- 表示激烈地进行:The storm raged all night long, causing widespread damage.(暴风雨整夜肆虐,造成广泛的损失。)
4. 双语例句
- He was consumed by rage and couldn't control his actions.(他被愤怒吞噬,无法控制自己的行为。)
- The news of the scandal caused a public outrage.(丑闻消息引发了公众的愤怒。)
- She was in a rage when she found out her car had been stolen.(当她发现自己的车被偷时,她勃然大怒。)
- The political debate raged on for hours without any resolution.(政治辩论持续了数小时,却没有任何结果。)
1. Fly into a rage: 暴怒,勃然大怒
2. Road rage: 马路暴怒,道路愤怒
3. In a fit of rage: 一时冲动,一时愤怒
4. Rage against the machine: 对抗体制,反抗机器
5. Blind rage: 盲目的愤怒
6. Rage on: 持续愤怒,持续狂怒
7. Rage quit: 愤然退出游戏或活动
8. White-hot rage: 炙热的愤怒,火冒三丈的情绪
9. Rage virus: 狂暴病毒,暴力病毒(指电影《28天后》中的故事情节)
10. Road rage incident: 马路暴力事件,道路愤怒事件
11. Bursting with rage: 怨气冲天,满腔愤恨
12. The rage of the crowd: 人群的愤怒,群情激奋之情
13. A fit of blind rage: 盲目暴怒的发作,失去理智的愤怒爆发
14. A storm of rage and fury: 愤恨与狂暴的风暴,情绪汹涌澎湃之势
15. Suppress one's rage: 抑制自己的愤怒,控制住自己的怒火
16. A wave of rage: 愤怒的浪潮,情绪的高涨
17. Rage-filled eyes: 充满愤怒的眼神,燃烧着怒火的眼睛
18. A burst of rage: 爆发性的愤怒,一阵愤怒
19. The rage of the elements: 自然界的暴力,大自然的愤怒
20. A seething rage: 激烈的愤怒,滚烫的情绪
21. The blind rage of jealousy: 盲目嫉妒之火,失控的嫉妒情绪
22. A senseless rage: 无谓的暴怒,毫无意义的愤怒
23. The red mist of rage: 狂躁之气,盲目暴跳之态
24. Rage and resentment: 愤恨与仇恨,愤懑与不满
25. The cold, calculating rage of revenge: 冷酷、计算式的复仇之火,冷静而残忍地报复
26. A fiery rage burning within: 内心燃烧着熊熊怒火,内心激荡着强烈愤恨
27. The wrath and fury of a betrayed lover: 被背叛爱人所引发出来的愤怒与狂怒,情感上的愤恨与暴跳
28. The righteous rage of a victim: 受害者的义愤之火,受害者的正义愤怒
29. A deep-seated rage: 根深蒂固的愤恨,内心深处的仇恨
30. The uncontrollable rage of a madman: 疯狂人士失控的怒火,疯狂之人无法控制的暴怒
1. Anger
- Definition: a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility towards someone or something.
- Example: His rage towards his boss was evident in the way he slammed the door on his way out.
2. Fury
- Definition: intense and uncontrollable anger.
- Example: The driver's fury was evident as he shouted and honked at the car in front of him.
3. Wrath
- Definition: extreme anger that is often accompanied by a desire for revenge.
- Example: The king's wrath was feared by all those who disobeyed him.
4. Outrage
- Definition: a feeling of anger and shock caused by something unjust or offensive.
- Example: The public's outrage over the politician's scandal led to his resignation.
5. Indignation
- Definition: anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment.
- Example: She expressed her indignation at being overlooked for the promotion once again.
6. Temper
- Definition: a sudden outburst of anger or rage.
- Example: His temper got the best of him when he found out his car had been towed.
7. Ire
- Definition: intense anger or wrath, often directed towards someone or something specific.
- Example: The customer's ire towards the poor service caused a scene in the restaurant.
8. Enraged
- Definition: to be filled with intense anger or fury towards someone or something.
- Example: The citizens were enraged at the government's decision to raise taxes again.
9. Seething
- Definition: to be filled with intense but suppressed anger; to be boiling with rage internally.
- Example: She was seething with rage as she watched her ex-boyfriend flirt with another girl at the party.
10. Vexation
- Definition: irritation, annoyance, or frustration caused by something that is perceived as troublesome or unfair.
- Example: The constant delays and cancellations caused great vexation among the passengers