更新时间:2024-10-25 17:34:06作者:留学世界
1. 什么是rebirth?
2. 宗教与哲学中的rebirth
3. 演艺圈中的rebirth
4. 个人成长中的rebirth
5. 重生与改变
1. 什么是rebirth?
2. 如何正确读音?
3. 有什么特别之处?
4. rebirth在当下年轻人中有什么流行用法?
除了作为普通名词使用外,rebirth也经常被用作动词,表示“使重生”、“使再生”。例如,“The death of her father rebirthed her passion for music.”(她父亲的去世让她重新燃起对音乐的热情。)此外,在游戏、电影等文化娱乐领域,rebirth也常被用来指代角色的重生或复活。
5. rebirth怎么读出年轻人的味道?
既然rebirth可以用来形容精神上的转变与重生,那么在年轻人中,它也常被用来表达对自我改变或成长的渴望。比如,“I want to experience a rebirth and become a better version of myself.”(我想要经历一次重生,成为更好的自己。)因此,在年轻人中,rebirth也可以有着积极向上、追求进步的意味。
1. 什么是rebirth?
2. rebirth的用法
3. rebirth在双语例句中的应用
(1) After going through a difficult period, she experienced a rebirth and became stronger than ever before.
(2) The city has undergone a rebirth in the past decade, with new buildings and businesses popping up everywhere.
(3) The artist's latest collection showcases his rebirth as an abstract painter.
(4) The company's new CEO brought about a rebirth of the struggling business.
1. "重生":rebirth的最直接翻译,表达出重新开始、重获新生的意思。
2. "再生":强调rebirth带来的全新生命,让人联想到花开、鸟儿叫等美好场景。
3. "重塑":指rebirth不仅仅是简单的重生,更是一种改变和进化,如凤凰涅槃般的蜕变。
4. "复苏":暗指rebirth带来的振奋和复兴,让人感到充满活力和希望。
5. "回归":强调回到原始状态,让人联想到重新找回自我、回归本真的意义。
6. "再启":指rebirth为人们带来新的开始和机会,让人感受到无限可能性。
7. "重返":暗指rebirth为人们带来重新出发的机会,让人不断前进、勇敢追梦。
8. "重焕":表达出焕然一新、焕发新生命力的意思,如春天万物复苏般。
9. "涅槃":暗指佛教中涅槃即是解脱和超越世俗束缚,与rebirth有着相似含义。
10. "重生之旅":将rebirth比喻成一场旅程,让人感受到重新出发、探索未知的刺激和魅力
1. Translated as "reincarnation": This term refers to the belief that a person's soul is reborn into a new body after death.
2. Also known as "renewal": This term emphasizes the idea of starting anew and making positive changes in one's life.
3. Referred to as "resurgence": This term suggests a revival or comeback, often used in relation to a person's career or reputation.
4. Can be translated as "reawakening": This term conveys the idea of coming back to life or rediscovering one's purpose and passion.
5. Often referred to as "rejuvenation": This term highlights the process of becoming youthful and energetic again, both physically and mentally.
6. Can be translated as "regeneration": This term emphasizes the idea of growth and development, often used in reference to personal growth and transformation.
7. Also known as "revitalization": This term suggests bringing something back to life or restoring it to its former glory.
8. Referred to as "rebirth": This term is often used in a spiritual or philosophical context, representing a new beginning or transformation on a deeper level.
9. Translated as "renaissance": This term refers to a cultural revival or rebirth, often associated with art, literature, and music.
10. Can also be called "restart" or "reboot": These terms are commonly used in modern slang to describe starting over or trying again after failure or setbacks