更新时间:2024-10-26 10:49:03作者:留学世界
1. 什么是rely?
2. rely的用法
a. rely作为动词,后面通常接介词on或upon,表示“依靠”、“依赖”。例如:
- I rely on my friends for support.(我依赖我的朋友们的支持。)
- We can always rely upon her to get the job done.(我们总是能够依靠她完成工作。)
b. rely也可用作及物动词,后面直接接宾语,表示“信任”、“指望”。例如:
- I rely on my instincts to make decisions.(我信任我的直觉来做决定。)
- She relies on her husband to take care of their children.(她指望丈夫照顾他们的孩子。)
c. rely还可以用作不及物动词,表示“有信心”、“有把握”。例如:
- He relies on his skills to win the game.(他有信心凭借自己的技能赢得比赛。)
d. rely也可用作名词,表示“信任”、“依赖”。例如:
- Our relationship is built on mutual trust and reliance.(我们的关系建立在相互信任和依赖的基础上。)
3. rely的同义词
rely的同义词包括depend、count on、trust、bank on等,它们都表示“依赖”、“信任”。
4. rely的反义词
5. rely与depend的区别
- I rely on my friends for emotional support.(我依赖我的朋友们提供情感支持。)
- The company depends on its employees to achieve success.(公司依赖员工来取得成功。)
6. rely作为名词时的用法
- reliance on/upon:对某人或物的信任和指望。
- self-reliance:自力更生。
- mutual reliance:相互依赖。
7. 与rely相关的短语
a. rely heavily on/upon:严重依赖。
b. can/could not rely on/upon:无法依靠。
c. be relied upon to do something:被指望做某事。
d. be someone's main/sole reliance:是某人主要/唯一的依靠。
8. rely的衍生词
a. reliable:可靠的,可信赖的。
b. reliability:可靠性,可信度。
c. reliably:可靠地,确实地。
9. rely的常见搭配
a. rely on/upon someone/something:依赖某人/某事。
b. rely heavily/mostly/largely on/upon someone/something:严重/主要/大量依赖某人/某事。
c. be able to rely on/upon someone/something:能够依赖某人/某事。
d. can/could not rely on/upon someone/something:无法依赖某人/某事
1. 先来说说这个单词的意思吧。Rely是一个动词,意为“依赖、信任”,可以用来描述某人或某物对另一人或物的依赖程度。
2. 那么,它的发音是什么呢?其实很简单,就是/rɪˈlaɪ/。记住这个发音,在下次遇到时就能轻松应对啦!
3. 如果你还是觉得有点难记,那就试试这个小技巧吧:把rily拆开来读——ri-ly,再加上一个弱化的l音/rɪ-/。是不是感觉容易多了?
4. 当然啦,如果你想要更准确地掌握它的发音,还可以去网上搜索相关视频进行学*哦!毕竟说起来容易做起来难嘛~
5. 最后再给大家分享一个小提示:在美国英语中,“rely”通常会被缩写为“rl”,所以如果你看到有人写“rl on me”,就知道他们是在说“rely on me”啦!
1. rely的意思
2. rely的用法
a. rely后面可以接名词或代词作宾语,表示依靠某个人或物体。例如:I rely on my parents for financial support.(我依靠我的父母经济支持。)
b. rely也可以接从句作宾语,表示信任某件事情或某个人能够发生或做出某件事情。例如:I rely on you to finish this project on time.(我相信你能按时完成这个项目。)
3. rely的双语例句
1) He can always rely on his best friend for help and support.
2) The company relies heavily on technology for its success.
3) I have to rely on public transportation because I don't have a car.
4) As a teacher, I have to rely on my students to do their homework and study for exams.
5) In this job, you need to be able to rely on yourself and make quick decisions.
4. rely的常见搭配
a. rely on sb/sth:依靠某人/某物
b. rely heavily/solely/entirely on:严重/完全/全部依赖
c. rely on oneself:依靠自己
d. can/cannot rely on:能够/不能够依靠
1. Rely on: 依赖,信赖
例如:I rely on my friends for support during difficult times.
2. Rely upon: 依靠,信任
例如:We can always rely upon our parents to guide us.
3. Rely heavily on: 严重依赖,极大依靠
例如:The company relies heavily on technology to improve its efficiency.
4. Rely solely on: 完全依赖,唯一依靠
例如:You can't rely solely on luck to achieve your goals, you need to put in effort as well.
5. Relying factor: 关键因素,决定性因素
例如:Communication is a relying factor in any relationship.
6. Reliable source: 可靠的来源,可信的消息来源
例如:It's important to get information from reliable sources before making any decisions.
7. Reliable friend: 可靠的朋友,可信赖的伙伴
例如:My best friend is my most reliable friend, I can always count on her.
8. Reliance on: 依赖,信任
例如:Our society has a heavy reliance on technology nowadays.
9. Place reliance in/on: 对...有信心,在...上寄予希望
例如:I place my reliance in/on my team to win this game.
10. Mutual reliance: 相互依赖,相互信任
例如:A strong relationship is built upon mutual reliance and trust between two people
1. Depend on
- Definition: to rely on something or someone for support, aid, or protection.
- Example: I always depend on my best friend for emotional support.
2. Count on
- Definition: to rely on something or someone to do what is expected or promised.
- Example: I can always count on my brother to help me with my homework.
3. Trust in
- Definition: to have confidence in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.
- Example: I trust in my team's skills and determination to win the game.
4. Lean on
- Definition: to depend on someone for help, support, or guidance.
- Example: During tough times, I often lean on my family for emotional support.
5. Bank on
- Definition: to rely heavily on something happening or being true.
- Example: We were banking on the weather being nice for our outdoor event.
6. Rest upon/on
- Definition: to depend or rely upon something as a basis or foundation.
- Example: The success of this project rests upon our team's hard work and dedication.
7. Hinge upon/on
- Definition: to be dependent upon something happening.
- Example: Our vacation plans hinge upon getting time off from work.
8. Place reliance on/upon
- Definition: to trust and depend on someone or something.
- Example: I place great reliance upon my assistant's abilities and judgment.
9. Reckon with/on/upon
- Definition: to take into account; consider; rely heavily upon.
- Example: We need to reckon with the fact that our budget is limited for this project.
10. Stand by/stand behind/stand up for/stand with
- Definition:
- Stand by - to support someone during a difficult time; be loyal and faithful.
- Stand behind - to support and endorse someone or something.
- Stand up for - to defend and support someone or something in the face of opposition or criticism.
- Stand with - to show support and solidarity with someone or a group.
- Example:
- I will always stand by my friends no matter what.
- The company stands behind their product and offers a money-back guarantee.
- It's important to stand up for what you believe in, even if it's not popular.
- We stand with our community in the fight against injustice