更新时间:2024-10-26 22:49:07作者:留学世界
1. revert是一个动词,意为“恢复”、“回复”、“还原”,也可以指“退回”、“归还”。
2. 在翻译行业中,revert通常用来表示翻译的结果与原文一致,没有偏差或错误。
3. 例如,当客户提出修改意见后,翻译人员会进行相应的修改,并在邮件中回复客户“revert to original translation”,即恢复原始的翻译结果。
4. 在IT行业中,revert也常用来指撤销操作或恢复到之前的状态。
5. 因此,“revert英文翻译”的标题可以理解为询问该标题的含义是什么,同时也暗示了翻译结果应该是准确无误的
1. 当作动词使用时,表示“恢复、回复”的意思。比如,“I will revert to your email as soon as possible.”(我会尽快回复你的邮件。)这种情况下,我们可以将“revert”读作/rɪˈvɜːt/。
2. 当作名词使用时,表示“还原、恢复原状”的意思。比如,“The software has a revert function.”(这个软件有一个还原功能。)这种情况下,我们可以将“revert”读作/riˈvɜːt/。
3. 在法律文件中,revert也可以表示“归还、返还”的意思。比如,“The property will revert to the original owner after 10 years.”(这块地产将在10年后归还给原始所有者。)这种情况下,我们可以将“revert”读作/rɪˈvɜːt/
1. revert的基本含义
2. revert的用法
a. revert + to + 名词/代词:表示回复到之前的状态或位置。
例句:I want to revert back to my old job.
b. revert + back + to + 名词/代词:同样表示回复到之前的状态或位置。
例句:The company decided to revert back to their original plan.
c. revert + to + 动名词:表示重新开始做某事。
例句:He reverted to studying law after working in finance for several years.
d. revert + from + 名词/代词 + to + 名词/代词:表示从某种状态转变为另一种状态。
例句:She reverted from being a vegetarian back to eating meat.
e. revert on/upon/to :表示谈论或讨论某个特定话题。
例句:We will have to wait and see what she reverts on this issue.
3. revert的双语例句
a. The company decided to revert back to their previous marketing strategy.
b. After trying a new hairstyle, she quickly reverted back to her old one.
c. The government is planning to revert the land back to its natural state.
d. He reverted to his childhood habits when he returned home for the holidays.
e. The company's decision to revert from paper to digital records was met with resistance from some employees.
1. revert back to - 回复到
2. revert to the old ways - 回归旧有的方式
3. revert to the original state - 恢复到原始状态
4. revert to childhood - 回到童年时期
5. revert to traditional values - 回归传统价值观
6. revert to previous version - 恢复到之前的版本
7. revert back to square one - 回到原点
8. revert a decision - 撤销决定
9. revert a change - 撤销改变
10. revert a trend - 颠覆一个趋势
11. revert a process - 逆转一个过程
12. revert ownership - 归还所有权
13. revert control to someone else - 将控制权交给他人
14. revert responsibility back to the team - 将责任重新交给团队
15. revert assets - 还原资产
16. legal right of reversion- 还本权利
17.revert payment- 退款
18.revert an email- 回复一封邮件
19.revert a phone call- 回拨电话
20.revert changes- 恢复更改
1. Restore
- Definition: To bring back to a previous or original state.
- Example: The software allows you to easily restore the changes made to the document.
2. Undo
- Definition: To reverse an action or change that has been done.
- Example: You can use the undo function to revert any accidental deletions in your document.
3. Rollback
- Definition: To go back to a previous version or state.
- Example: The team decided to rollback to the previous version of the website after receiving negative feedback from users.
4. Revoke
- Definition: To cancel or annul something that has been done.
- Example: The company had to revoke their decision due to public outcry.
5. Retract
- Definition: To take back or withdraw something that has been said or done.
- Example: The author had to retract his statement after realizing it was based on false information.
6. Revert back
- Definition: To return to a previous state or condition.
- Example: The changes made by the new management were not successful, so they decided to revert back to the old strategies.
7. Reclaim
- Definition: To take back possession of something that was lost or taken away.
- Example: The company was able to reclaim their market share after implementing new marketing strategies.
8. Retrieve
- Definition: To get back something that was lost, stolen, or misplaced.
- Example: The IT department was able to retrieve all the lost data from the crashed server.
9. Reset
- Definition: To restore something back to its original settings or state.
- Example: You can reset your phone if you encounter any technical issues with it.