更新时间:2024-10-27 14:33:04作者:留学世界
1. rising的概念
2. rising的中文翻译
3. rising的读音
4. rising的例句
1) The sun is rising in the east.
2) The price of oil has been steadily rising.
3) With the rising popularity of social media, traditional advertising methods are becoming less effective.
4) The rising generation is more tech-savvy than their parents.
5) The rising cost of living has put a strain on many families' budgets.
1. rising的读音
2. rising的中文翻译
- The rising sun: 日出
- Rising inflation: 上涨的通货膨胀
- A rising star: 新星、冉冉升起的明星
3. rising的例句
- The cost of living is constantly rising, making it difficult for people to make ends meet. (生活成本不断上涨,使得人们难以维持生计。)
- With his hard work and determination, he managed to overcome all obstacles and achieve a rising career in the company. (凭借他的努力和决心,他成功克服了所有的障碍,在公司取得了飞速发展的职业生涯。)
- The rising demand for organic food has led to an increase in its production. (对有机食品的需求不断上升,导致其生产量也在增加。)
4. rising的其他含义
- The rising of the tide: 潮水的涨潮
- Rising costs: 不断上涨的成本
- A rising trend in technology: 技术发展中不断兴起的趋势
- The rising generation: 新一代人
1. 中文翻译:上升的,增长的
2. 读音:[ˈraɪzɪŋ]
3. 例句:
- The rising sun cast a warm glow over the city. (上升的太阳给城市带来了温暖的光芒。)
- The rising popularity of online shopping has greatly impacted traditional retail stores. (网购的日益流行给传统零售店带来了巨大的冲击。)
- With the rising cost of living, many people are struggling to make ends meet. (随着生活成本的上涨,许多人都在苦苦挣扎。)
- The rising star in the music industry is set to release her highly anticipated debut album next month. (这位音乐界的新星将于下个月发布备受期待的首张专辑。)
如果你还是无法理解这个发音方式,那么就可以参考一些例句来练*了。比如,“The sun is rising in the east.”(太阳正在东方升起)或者“You can feel the temperature rising.”(你可以感觉到温度正在上升)。通过反复练*这些句子中的发音部分,相信很快你就能掌握“rising”的正确读法了!
当然,在日常生活中,“rising”还有其他的含义。比如,“rising star”指的是新兴明星,“rising prices”则是指物价上涨,“rising tide”表示潮水上涨。所以,不仅要掌握它的发音,还要了解它的多种含义哦!
1. Rising trend - 上升趋势,指某种现象或事物逐渐增加或变得更加普遍的趋势。
例句:The rising trend of online shopping has greatly impacted traditional retail stores.
2. Rising costs - 上涨成本,指某种费用或成本逐渐增加的情况。
例句:The rising costs of raw materials have forced the company to increase their product prices.
3. Rising star - 新星,指具有潜力和前途的新兴人物或事物。
例句:The young musician is considered a rising star in the music industry.
4. Rising economy - 崛起的经济,指某个国家或地区经济发展迅速、处于上升状态的情况。
例句:China's rising economy has attracted many foreign investors.
5. Rising action - 高潮部分,指故事情节中紧张和关键性发展的部分。
例句:The rising action of the movie kept the audience on the edge of their seats.
6. Rising sun - 升起的太阳,也可以引申为希望、新生或光明的象征。
例句:After a long period of darkness, there is finally a rising sun in my life.
7. Rising generation - 新一代,指接替上一代人的年轻一代。
例句:It is important for the rising generation to learn from the mistakes of the past.
8. Rising tide - 涨潮,也可以引申为整体情况或趋势的变化。
例句:The rising tide of public opinion forced the government to take action.
9. Rising star syndrome - 新星综合症,指新兴人物在事业上迅速获得成功后所面临的挑战和压力。
例句:Many young celebrities suffer from the rising star syndrome and struggle to maintain their success.
10. Rising sign - 升星座,也称为上升星座,指出生时东方地平线上升的星座,被认为是个人性格和行为的重要影响因素。
例句:My rising sign is Scorpio, which explains my intense and passionate nature