更新时间:2024-10-31 09:48:11作者:留学世界
1. separated的定义
2. separated的中文翻译
根据不同的语境,separated可以有多种中文翻译。常见的翻译有“分离、分开、隔离、分居”等。例如,“The couple has been separated for a year.”(这对夫妇已经分居一年了。)
3. separated的读音
4. separated的例句
(1) The two sisters were separated at birth and didn't meet until they were adults.
(2) The wall separates the kitchen from the living room.
(3) The school has a policy of separating boys and girls in different classes.
5. separated在日常用语中的应用
由于separated具有“分离”的含义,因此它常被用来描述人与人之间关系或物品之间的距离。比如,“separated parents”(分居的父母)、“separated lovers”(分隔两地的恋人)、“separated by a wall”(被一面墙隔开)等。
6. separated与其他词汇的区别
- Divide强调将一个整体分成几部分,通常是均等的。
- Split指将一个整体分成两部分,可以是不均等的。
- Part则表示某物从整体中脱离出来,但并没有明确指出是否有其它部分与之相连
1. separated的发音
2. separated的中文翻译
3. separated的例句
- Their parents are separated and they live with their mother.
- The two countries have been separated by war for decades.
- The teacher separated the students into groups for the project.
4. separated与其他单词搭配
- be/get/seem separated:被/得到/似乎被分离、分开
- be/seem/get separated from:与...分开、隔离
- be/seem/get separated out:被区别出来、被分类
5. 必须注意的用法区别
The teacher separates the students into groups.(老师把学生们分成小组。)
The students are now separated into groups.(学生们现在被分成小组。)
6. separated的近义词
- divided:分开的、被分割的
- isolated:孤立的、被隔离的
- detached:分离的、独立的
7. separated的反义词
- united:团结的、联合的
- connected:连接的、相连的
8. separated在句子中可以作为形容词或动词使用,具体取决于句子结构和语境。例如:
The separated couple finally decided to get a divorce.(这对分居夫妇最终决定离婚。)
The teacher separated the students into two groups for the activity.(老师把学生们分成两组进行活动。)
1. 中文翻译:分开的,分离的
2. 读音:/ˈsepəˌreɪtɪd/
3. 例句:
- Our family was separated during the war, and it took years for us to reunite.
- The separated couple decided to get a divorce after months of trying to work things out.
- The separated twins were overjoyed when they finally found each other after being adopted by different families.
1. separated的读音是/seprəˌreɪtɪd/,其中重音在第二个音节。
2. 在英语中,separated的发音可以分为两种情况:
a. 当separated作为动词时,读作/seprəˌreɪtɪd/,意为“分离、隔离”。
b. 当separated作为形容词时,读作/ˈsepərətɪd/,意为“分开的、独立的”。
3. 在美式英语中,separated还可以读作/seprəˌret̬·ɪd/。
4. separated的同义词包括divided、isolated、detached等。
5. separated的反义词包括connected、united、attached等。
6. 下面是一些例句,帮助你更好地理解separated的用法和含义:
a. They have been separated for three years, but they still remain good friends.
b. The two countries are separated by a mountain range.
c. The children were separated into two groups for the activity.
1. "Separated from reality" 意思是脱离现实,常用来形容某人思想不切实际,想法不现实。例如:She's completely separated from reality, thinking she can become a millionaire overnight.
2. "Separated by distance" 意思是被距离分隔,常用来描述两个地方之间的距离。例如:The two lovers were separated by distance but their love never faded.
3. "Separated at birth" 意思是出生时就被分开,通常用来形容双胞胎或者长相极为相似的人。例如:They were separated at birth and only reunited after 30 years.
4. "Legally separated" 意思是法律上分居,指夫妻虽然没有离婚但已经正式分居。例如:They are legally separated but still living together for the sake of their children.
5. "Separated from the rest" 意思是与众不同,突出出众,常用来形容某人在某方面的特别能力或者特点。例如:She's separated from the rest of the team with her exceptional skills in coding.
6. "Separated into categories" 意思是按类别分开,常用来描述将物品或者信息按照不同的类别进行分类。例如:The books in the library are separated into categories for easy browsing.
7. "Separated by a thin line" 意思是难以区分或者界定,常用来形容两者之间的差别非常微小。例如:The meanings of these two words are separated by a thin line, making it difficult for non-native speakers to distinguish them.
8. "Separated from the group" 意思是与群体分开,常用来描述某人离开了原本的团队或者朋友圈。例如:After the argument, she felt separated from the group and decided to find new friends.
9. "Separated by time" 意思是被时间隔开,常用来形容某事情发生的时间差距很大。例如:The two events were separated by time but had a significant impact on each other.
10. "Separated from the truth" 意思是与真相脱离,常用来形容某人说谎或者被欺骗的情况。例如:His version of the story was completely separated from the truth, causing more confusion among his friends