更新时间:2024-11-01 16:22:10作者:留学世界
1. 概述
2. 动词释义
2.1 射击
- The hunter shot the deer with his rifle.(猎人用步枪射杀了鹿。)
- The soldiers were ordered to shoot at the enemy.(士兵们受命向敌人开枪。)
2.2 拍摄
- The film crew will shoot the movie in Paris next month.(电影组下个月将在巴黎拍摄电影。)
- She was hired to shoot a commercial for a famous brand.(她被聘请拍摄一家知名品牌的商业广告。)
2.3 增长迅速
- The flowers in my garden are shooting up after the rain.(雨后,我花园里的花朵迅速生长。)
- The price of bitcoin has been shooting up recently.(比特币的价格最近一直在飙升。)
3. 名词释义
3.1 射击
- The soldiers were ordered to take part in the shoot.(士兵们被命令参加射击活动。)
- She is very good at skeet shooting.(她非常擅长飞碟射击。)
3.2 射门
- He took a powerful shoot and scored a goal for his team.(他发出一记强力射门,为他的球队打入一球。)
- The goalkeeper saved the shoot with his fingertips.(守门员用指尖扑出了这次射门。)
4. 其他用法
4.1 突然移动
- The dog suddenly shot out of the house when it heard its owner's voice.(狗听到主人的声音后突然从屋子里冲了出来。)
- She shot across the room to grab her phone.(她冲过房间去拿她的手机。)
4.2 发芽
- The seeds have started to shoot after being planted for a week.(种子种植一周后开始发芽。)
- The plants are shooting up in the warm spring weather.(在温暖的春天气候中,植物迅速生长。)
1. 读音:
shoot的读音为 [ʃuːt],其中的oo发音为长音,u发音为短音,重音在第一个字母s上。
2. 词性:
3. 同义词:
4. 反义词:
5. 派生词:
6. 释义:
a) 射击:指用枪械或弓箭等武器进行射击。
b) 开枪:指用枪械发出子弹。
c) 拍摄:指用相机或摄像机进行影像录制。
d) 猛冲:指突然快速前进或向某个方向跳跃。
7. 搭配短语:
a) shoot down:击落;打倒;批驳。
b) shoot for:追求;争取。
c) shoot off one's mouth:嘴巴不干净;说话不负责任。
d) shoot up:急速增长。
8. 示例句子:
a) The hunter shot the deer with his rifle.
b) The soldiers shot at the enemy's camp.
c) The director is shooting a new movie in Paris.
d) The basketball player shot for the basket and scored.
9. 常见错误:
a) shoot和shot的区别:shoot是动词,过去式为shot,而shot是名词,意为“子弹”。
b) shoot和shoots的区别:shoot是第三人称单数形式,而shoots是第三人称复数形式。
b) shoot作为名词时,指子弹或射击的行为。
c) 在口语中,shoot也可以表示惊讶或愤怒的感叹词。
1. 用法:shoot是一个多义词,可以作为动词和名词使用。
2. 动词用法:
- 意思为“射击、开枪”,例如:He shot the target with great accuracy. (他准确地射中了目标。)
- 意思为“快速移动、冲出”,例如:The car shot out of the garage. (汽车从车库里冲了出来。)
- 意思为“拍摄、拍照”,例如:I love shooting photos of nature. (我喜欢拍摄大自然的照片。)
- 意思为“发芽、生长”,例如:The plants will shoot up in spring. (这些植物会在春天迅速生长。)
3. 名词用法:
- 指“射击、开枪”的行为或结果,例如:The police were investigating the shooting incident. (警方正在调查这起枪击事件。)
- 指“快速移动、冲出”的行为或结果,例如:The sudden shoot of the car startled the pedestrians. (汽车突然冲出来吓到了行人。)
- 指“拍摄、拍照”的行为或结果,例如:The director is planning for a shoot in the desert. (导演正在计划在沙漠进行一次拍摄。)
- 指“发芽、生长”的过程或结果,例如:The first shoot of the plant can be seen after a few days. (几天后就能看到植物的第一次发芽。)
4. 双语例句:
- The hunter took aim and shot the deer with his rifle. (猎人瞄准并用步枪射杀了鹿。)
- The basketball player shot the ball into the hoop from a long distance. (篮球运动员从远距离投篮命中了篮筐。)
- The photographer was shooting a wedding ceremony in the park. (摄影师正在公园里拍摄一场婚礼仪式。)
- After a few weeks of watering, the seeds finally shot up and grew into beautiful flowers. (经过几周的浇水,种子终于发芽并长成了美丽的花朵。)
1. shoot for the stars:追求高远的目标,力求成功
2. shoot from the hip:毫无准备地做出决定或行动
3. shoot down:击落,驳斥,拒绝
4. shoot off one's mouth:夸夸其谈,吹牛
5. shoot oneself in the foot:自讨苦吃,自找麻烦
6. shoot up:迅速增长,飞涨;射击;注射毒品
7. shoot the breeze:闲聊,闲谈
8. shoot a glace at:瞥一眼
9. shoot for the moon:追求最高目标,力争完美
10. take a shot at:尝试做某事,试图达成某个目标
11. shoot the messenger:把责任推给传递消息的人,不接受坏消息的责任
12. shoot one's bolt:竭尽全力做某事,用尽所有的资源和能力
13. on target/shoot: 正确的,在目标上;精准地打中目标;充满活力和效率地工作或生活
14. call the shots: 发号施令,掌控一切决策权;决定如何做某事或处理某种情况
15. ready, aim, fire: 准备好了、瞄准、开火!用于发射武器或开始某项行动
16. shoot the works: 全力以赴,不遗余力;冒险做某事,不顾一切地去做
17. shoot the rapids: 舟车劳顿,忙碌不停;勇敢面对困难或挑战
18. shoot the moon: 冒险做某事,冒险去追求最高目标;打破常规,突破极限
19. shoot one's cuffs: 拉起袖口,整理衣袖;显示出自信和优雅的姿态
20. shoot to kill: 射杀,无情地杀死目标;采取极端手段解决问
1. Fire:指射击或开枪,常用于军事或警察行动中。例如:“The soldiers were ordered to fire at the enemy.”(士兵们接到命令向敌人开火。)
2. Shoot down:指击落飞机或导弹等,也可用于比喻性的意义。例如:“The enemy managed to shoot down our helicopter.”(敌人设法击落了我们的直升机。)“The politician's argument was quickly shot down by his opponent.”(政治家的论点很快被对手驳斥。)
3. Blast:指爆炸或猛烈的发射,也可用于形容枪声等。例如:“The bomb blast destroyed the entire building.”(炸弹爆炸摧毁了整栋建筑物。)“He fired his gun with a loud blast.”(他大声地开枪。)
4. Hit:指命中目标,也可用于比喻性的意义。例如:“The sniper hit his target with precision.”(狙击手精准地击中了目标。)“Her speech hit all the right points and won over the audience.”(她的演讲抓住了所有要点,赢得了观众的认同。)
5. Strike:指突然攻击或打击,也可用于比喻性的意义。例如:“The army launched a surprise strike on the enemy camp.”(军队对敌人营地发起了突然袭击。)“The news of the scandal struck a blow to the company's reputation.”(丑闻的消息给公司的声誉带来了重大打击。)
6. Gun down:指用枪击毙,通常用于描述暴力事件。例如:“The gangsters gunned down their rivals in a drive-by shooting.”(匪徒们在一次汽车射击中枪杀了他们的对手。)
7. Fire off:指快速地开枪或发射,也可用于比喻性的意义。例如:“The soldiers fired off a round of shots to scare away the enemy.”(士兵们开火吓走了敌人。)“She fired off an angry email to her boss.”(她向老板发了一封愤怒的电子邮件。)
8. Aim:指瞄准目标,也可用于比喻性的意义。例如:“The archer aimed carefully before releasing the arrow.”(弓箭手在放箭前仔细瞄准了目标。)“His criticism was aimed at the government's policies.”(他的批评针对的是政府的政策。)
9. Pull the trigger:指扣动扳机,也可用于比喻性的意义。例如:“He hesitated before pulling the trigger, not wanting to take a life.”(他犹豫着扣动扳机,不想夺走一个生命。)“The company decided to pull the trigger and invest in the new project.”(公司决定冒险投资新项目。)
10. Fire a shot:指开枪或发射一枚子弹,也可用于比喻性的意义。例如:“The sniper fired a shot and hit his target.”(狙击手开了一枪,命中了目标。)“He fired a shot at his rival during the debate.”(在辩论中,他向对手发起了攻击。)