更新时间:2024-11-03 09:40:18作者:留学世界
现在你可能会问,“那么长袜子应该怎么说呢?”其实长袜子在英文中有两种说法,“knee-high socks”和“stockings”。前者指的是及膝袜,后者则指比及膝更长、贴身穿着的长袜。
除了表示袜子外,socks还可以用作动词,“sock”表示猛击或者重击的意思,比如“Don't sock me!”就是别打我!另外,还有一个常用的短语“pull up your socks”,意思是振作起来、加油努力
1. socks的英语音标是/sɑks/,其中的"o"发音为/ɑ/,而不是常见的/o/。
2. 你可能会想,为什么这个词的发音和它的拼写看起来不太一样呢?
3. 其实,在英语中,有很多单词的发音并不是按照它们的拼写来的。
4. 比如,"socks"中的"ck"实际上发音为/k/,而不是/c/。
5. 所以,当你在读这个单词时,一定要记住它的正确发音哦!
6. 不要再说成/sɒks/或者/səks/了,因为这样其实是错的。
7. 当然啦,如果你只是在和朋友开玩笑或者调侃时才故意读错,那就另当别论啦!
8. 总之,在正式场合还是要注意说话准确哦!
9. 希望这个小提示能够帮助你记住"s-o-c-k-s"怎么读
1. What is the correct pronunciation of "socks"?
In English, "socks" is pronounced as /sɑːks/ (sahks).
2. How do you use "socks" in a sentence?
- I wear socks every day to keep my feet warm.
- These socks are too small for me.
- Can you please take off your socks before entering the house?
3. 双语例句:
- 我每天都穿袜子来保暖。(I wear socks every day to keep my feet warm.)
- 这些袜子对我来说太小了。(These socks are too small for me.)
- 请你进屋前先脱掉袜子好吗?(Can you please take off your socks before entering the house?)
1. "Put on your socks!" - 穿上你的袜子!
2. "My socks are mismatched." - 我的袜子不配对。
3. "I need to buy new socks." - 我需要买新袜子。
4. "These socks are so cozy." - 这些袜子太舒服了。
5. "I always wear ankle socks." - 我总是穿踝袜。
6. "Do you prefer thick or thin socks?" - 你喜欢厚袜子还是薄袜子?
7. "I have a hole in my sock." - 我的袜子有个洞。
8. "She has a collection of colorful socks." - 她有一大堆彩色袜子。
9. "His lucky socks helped him win the game." - 他的幸运袜帮他赢得了比赛。
10. "I always lose one sock in the laundry." - 我总是在洗衣服时丢一只袜子
1. Hosiery - This is a more formal term for socks and refers to any type of legwear that covers the feet and legs.
2. Footwear - This is a broader term that includes all types of shoes and socks that are worn on the feet.
3. Stockings - This term refers to a type of hosiery that typically covers the feet and legs, but may also refer to knee-high or thigh-high socks.
4. Hose - Another term for hosiery, often used in a more formal or historical context.
5. Sox - A casual spelling of "socks" often used in sports teams' names or in informal settings.
6. Footies - These are low-cut socks that only cover the foot and are often worn with sneakers or low-cut shoes.
7. Legwarmers - These are long, tube-like socks that can be pulled up over the legs to keep them warm during exercise or dance routines.
8. Booties - Similar to footies, these are short socks that cover just the foot and are often worn with boots or booties (shoes).
9. Ankle Socks - These are shorter socks that only cover the ankle and may be worn with sneakers or low-cut shoes.
10. Crew Socks - These are medium-length socks that come up to the mid-calf and are often worn with athletic shoes