更新时间:2024-11-04 01:35:15作者:留学世界
1. 概述
2. 名词sorrow的含义
作为名词,sorrow指的是一种强烈的负面情绪,通常由失望、痛苦、悲哀等引起。它可以是个人内心感受的表达,也可以是对外界事物所产生的反应。例如:“She couldn't hide her sorrow when she heard the bad news.”(当她听到坏消息时,她无法掩饰自己的悲伤。)
3. 动词sorrow的含义
作为动词,sorrow指的是感到悲伤或悔恨。它通常与介词over连用,表示为某件事或某人而感到悲伤。例如:“He sorrowed over the loss of his beloved pet.”(他因为失去心爱的宠物而感到悲伤。)
4. sorrow在文学作品中的使用
在文学作品中,sorrow经常被用来描写人物内心深处的情感。它可以是主角面临的挑战和困难,也可以是对生活的无奈和苦痛。例如:“The novel is filled with sorrow and tragedy, but it also shows the strength of human spirit.”(这部小说充满了悲伤和悲剧,但也展示了人类精神的力量。)
5. 衍生词汇
- Sadness:指一种更轻微、更持久的悲伤情绪。
- Grief:指因为失去某人或某物而感到极度悲痛。
- Misery:指极端的痛苦和痛苦。
- Melancholy:指一种忧郁、消沉的心情
1. 首先,让我们来了解一下sorrow这个单词的发音。它的读音为/sɒrəʊ/,其中的“o”发音为短元音,类似于“哦”的发音。
2. 如果你觉得这个发音有些难记,不妨把它拆分成两部分来记忆。前半部分的“sor”读起来像是“酸”,后半部分的“row”读起来像是“肉”,所以可以想象在吃了一块酸肉后会感到悲伤和难过,就像是sorrow这个词所表达的感情一样。
3. 当然,如果你觉得有点枯燥,也可以用一些幽默的方式来记忆这个单词。比如把它读成“so-rrr-ow”,就像是哭泣时发出的声音,“嗷~嗷~嗷~”。
4. 不管是哪种方式,只要能够帮助你记住这个单词的发音就好了。因为当我们在阅读或听到关于悲伤和难过的内容时,经常会用到sorrow这个词。
5. 还有一个小提示,如果你想要表达更强烈的悲伤和悲痛,可以在sorrow前面加上形容词“deep”,就像是“deep sorrow”,表示深深的悲伤。
6. 总的来说,sorrow这个单词并不难读,只要记住它的发音和一些小技巧,就能轻松掌握。希望你在阅读英文文章或与外国朋友交流时,能够更加自信地使用这个词表达自己的感受
1. 意思解释
2. 用法示例
- I could see the sorrow in her eyes. (我能从她的眼睛中看出悲伤)
- He was filled with sorrow when his father passed away. (当他父亲去世时,他充满了悲伤)
- The song was full of sorrow and longing. (这首歌充满了悲伤和渴望)
3. 双语例句
1) He expressed his sorrow at the loss of his best friend.
2) The family was overcome with sorrow when their pet dog died.
3) She couldn't hide her sorrow when she heard the news.
4) The old man's eyes were filled with sorrow as he talked about his past.
5) The whole town was in sorrow after the tragic accident.
6) The widow's sorrow was evident as she mourned her husband's death.
7) His sorrow turned into anger when he found out the truth.
8) Despite her sorrow, she managed to find strength and move on with her life.
9) The painting captured the essence of sorrow and despair.
10) He wrote a heartfelt poem expressing his sorrow for the loss of his dear friend.
1. Deep sorrow: 深深的悲伤
2. Heartache: 心痛
3. Grief-stricken: 悲痛欲绝的
4. Sorrowful tears: 悲伤的眼泪
5. Heavyhearted: 心情沉重的
6. Sorrowful sighs: 悲伤的叹息
7. Agony of sorrow: 悲伤之痛
8. Bitter sorrow: 苦涩的悲伤
9. Profound sorrow: 深刻的悲哀
10. Overwhelming grief: 压倒性的悲痛
11. Heart-wrenching sorrow: 令人心碎的悲伤
12. Unbearable sadness: 难以忍受的悲哀
13. Endless sorrow: 无尽的悲伤
14. Sorrowful memories: 悲伤的回忆
15. Tears of sorrow: 悲伤之泪
16. Remorseful sorrow: 后悔的悲哀
17. Soul-crushing grief: 压垮灵魂的悲痛
1. Grief
- Definition: deep sadness, especially caused by someone's death or a great loss
- Example: The sudden death of her husband filled her with grief.
2. Sadness
- Definition: feeling or showing unhappiness or sorrow
- Example: She couldn't hide the sadness in her eyes when she talked about her past.
3. Misery
- Definition: extreme unhappiness or suffering
- Example: The refugees were living in misery, with no food or shelter.
4. Heartache
- Definition: emotional pain or distress, especially caused by love or loss
- Example: After their breakup, he couldn't shake off the heartache and cried every night.
5. Suffering
- Definition: physical or mental pain caused by injury, illness, or loss
- Example: The victims of the natural disaster were suffering from hunger and thirst.
6. Woe
- Definition: great sorrow or distress
- Example: The country was in a state of woe after the devastating war.
7. Melancholy
- Definition: a feeling of sadness and pensive thoughtfulness, typically with no obvious cause
- Example: As she walked through the empty streets at night, she couldn't help but feel a sense of melancholy.
8. Anguish
- Definition: severe mental or physical pain
- Example: She was filled with anguish when she received the news of her mother's passing.
9. Despair
- Definition: complete loss of hope
- Example: After failing his exams for the third time, he was filled with despair and didn't know what to do next.
10. Sorrowfulness
- Definition: full of sorrow; sad
- Example: Her eyes were filled with sorrowfulness as she watched her daughter leave for college