更新时间:2024-11-07 04:59:22作者:留学世界
1. 概念解释
2. 吞咽的定义
3. Swallowed在日常用语中的应用
- Swallowed通常用来描述食物或液体被吞下的动作。例如:“我刚才不小心把水喝太快了,差点被呛到,但最后还是成功地swallowed下去了。”
- 还可以用来表示被迫接受某种不愉快或难以接受的事情。例如:“她听到这个消息时,感觉像是被一大块石头swallowed了下去。”
- 在医学领域,Swallowed也可以指服用药物。“医生建议每天早晚饭后各服用两片药物,要确保完全swallowed下去。”
4. Swallowed在文学作品中的运用
- 在英国著名作家乔治·奥威尔的小说《1984》中,Swallowed被用来比喻政府对人民言论自由的控制。其中一句话写道:“如果你想知道未来是什么样子,想象一个靴子踩在人类脸上永远不会抬起,直到他们swallowed了所有的谎言。”
- 在美国作家哈珀·李的经典小说《杀死一只知更鸟》中,Swallowed也出现在一句话中:“我不懂为什么有些人总是想让别人swallowed他们的意见。”这里用来表示被迫接受他人观点的强制性。
5. Swallowed与其他动词的区别
- Swallowed和eat都可以表示吃东西的动作,但eat更加通用,可以指吃任何形式的食物。而Swallowed则更加强调食物被吞咽下去。
- Swallowed和drink都可以表示喝液体的动作,但drink更常用于指喝水、饮料等。而Swallowed则更多指液体被吞咽下去。
- Swallowed和digest都与消化相关,但digest更侧重于身体对食物进行分解和吸收的过程。而Swallowed则只强调食物被吞咽进入消化系统
1. 首先,我们需要知道"swallowed"这个单词是由三个音节组成的。第一个音节是/swɔl/,第二个音节是/əʊ/,第三个音节是/d/.
2. 注意发音时,第二个音节/əʊ/需要重点强调,它的发音类似于汉语中的“哦”,但要比“哦”长一些。
3. 第一个音节/swɔl/和第三个音节/d/则比较简单,可以参考汉语中的“苏”和“德”的发音。
4. 将三个音节连起来读时,可以按照以下方式:首先发出第一个音节/swɔl/,然后在发出第二个音节/əʊ/时稍微停顿一下,最后将第三个音节/d/加上去。
5. 如果你觉得以上方法还不够直观清晰,那么可以参考以下英文句子来帮助你更好地理解"swallowed"的正确读法:
- She swallowed her pride and apologized.
- The whale swallowed the whole fish in one gulp.
- I feel like I've swallowed a rock.
6. 最后要提醒大家的是,"swallowed"这个单词的读音并不是/swɔləʊd/,而是/swɔləʊd/。希望以上内容能够帮助你准确地掌握这个单词的英语发音,让你在与外国人交流时更加自信和流利
1. 用法:Swallowed是动词swallow的过去式和过去分词形式,意为“吞咽”。它可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词。
2. 双语例句:
- She swallowed the pill with a glass of water.(她用一杯水吞下了药丸。)
- The little girl swallowed the candy without chewing it.(小女孩把糖果吞下,没有嚼。)
- He swallowed his pride and apologized to his friend.(他放下自尊,向朋友道歉。)
- The whale swallowed the small fish whole.(鲸鱼整个地吞掉了小鱼。)
3. Swallowed还可以引申为“忍受、接受”,常见搭配有swallow one's anger/pride/tears等。
4. 双语例句:
- She had to swallow her anger and continue working with her difficult colleague.(她不得不忍住怒火,继续和难缠的同事一起工作。)
- He couldn't swallow his pride and ask for help, even though he desperately needed it.(即使他迫切需要帮助,他也无法放下自尊去寻求帮助。)
- The child tried to swallow back her tears, not wanting to show her vulnerability in front of her classmates.(孩子努力忍住眼泪,不想在同学面前表现出自己的脆弱。)
- The country had to swallow the bitter pill of defeat and surrender to the enemy.(这个国家不得不接受失败的苦果,向敌人投降。)
5. 最后,swallowed也可以用作形容词,意为“被吞咽的、被吞没的”,常见搭配有swallowed up by等。
6. 双语例句:
- The ship was swallowed up by the stormy sea.(船被暴风雨中的海洋吞没了。)
- The small village was eventually swallowed up by the expanding city.(那个小村庄最终被不断扩张的城市吞噬了。)
1. Swallowed up:被吞噬,被吞没
2. Swallowed whole:整个地吞下,一口气吃下
3. Swallowed by the sea:被海水吞没
4. Swallowed by darkness:被黑暗吞噬
5. Get swallowed up in something:沉迷于某事物,被某事物所控制
6. Swallow one's pride:忍气吞声,屈辱求和
7. Swallow one's words:收回话语,改变主意
8. Swallow the bait:上钩,受骗
9. A bitter pill to swallow:难以接受的事实,令人不快的经历
10. Swallow hard:咽口水,强忍泪水或情绪
11. Swallowing one's anger:忍住怒气,压抑愤怒情绪
12. The big fish swallows the small fish:大鱼吃小鱼,弱肉强食的现象
13. Throat-swallowing laughter:令人窒息的大笑声
14. Swallowed in a hug: 被拥抱住
15. A gulp of swallowed tears: 咽下的眼泪
16. The snake swallowed its prey whole: 蛇整个地吞下了猎物
17.Swallowed by fear: 被恐惧所笼罩
18.Swallowed by the crowd: 被人群所淹没
19. Swallowed in darkness: 被黑暗吞噬
20. Swallowed by the void: 被虚无所吞噬
1. Ingested - This word is a synonym for "swallowed" and refers to the action of taking something into one's body through the mouth.
2. Consumed - This word can also be used as a synonym for "swallowed" and implies the act of eating or drinking something.
3. Devoured - This word has a more intense connotation than "swallowed" and suggests that something was consumed quickly and eagerly.
4. Gobbled - Similar to "devoured," this word implies a quick and voracious consumption of food or drink.
5. Imbibed - This word is often used in reference to drinking, but can also be used as a synonym for "swallowed" in a more formal setting.
6. Inhaled - While this word typically refers to breathing in air, it can also be used metaphorically to describe quickly taking in food or drink.
7. Engulfed - This word has a more dramatic connotation than "swallowed" and suggests being completely surrounded or overwhelmed by something.
8. Absorbed - This word can be used as a synonym for "swallowed" when referring to taking in liquid or nutrients through the digestive system.
9. Swilled - Similar to "gobbled," this word implies a quick and enthusiastic consumption of food or drink.
10. Chomped - This informal term means to bite down on something with force, often used when referring to eating quickly or hungrily