

更新时间:2024-11-08 01:13:23作者:留学世界



1. talking的含义



2. talking作为名词

当talking作为名词使用时,它可以指代一种口头交流的方式,也可以指代某人说话的内容。例如,“We had a good talking about our future plans”(我们就我们的未来计划进行了很好的交谈),“His talking always makes me laugh”(他说话总是让我笑)。

3. talking作为动词

当talking作为动词使用时,它通常表示正在进行的行为。例如,“He is talking to his friend on the phone”(他正在和他朋友通电话),“She was talking to herself while walking down the street”(她一边走路一边自言自语)。

4. 搭配用法

a. have a talk:意为“进行一次谈话”,例如,“Let's have a talk about our relationship”(让我们谈谈我们的关系)。

b. talk to:意为“和某人说话”,例如,“I need to talk to my boss about my promotion”(我需要和我的老板谈谈我的晋升问题)。

c. talk about:意为“讨论某事”,例如,“We should talk about this issue in our next meeting”(我们应该在下次会议上讨论这个问题)。

d. talk with:意为“和某人交谈”,例如,“I always enjoy talking with my best friend”(我总是喜欢和我最好的朋友交谈)。

5. 情景用法

a. small talk:指的是随意的、轻松的谈话,通常用于社交场合,例如,“We made some small talk while waiting for the bus”(我们在等公交车的时候进行了一些闲聊)。

b. pep talk:指的是激励性的讲话,通常用于鼓励或振奋士气,例如,“The coach gave us a pep talk before the big game”(教练在大赛前给我们做了鼓舞士气的讲话)。

6. 幽默用法

有时候,talking也可以用来表示“说大话、吹牛”,通常带有一种幽默或夸张的语气。例如,“He's always talking about how successful he is, but I've never seen any proof”(他总是吹嘘自己多么成功,但我从来没有看到过任何证据)


1. Say


- He said he would come to the party tonight. (他说他今晚会来参加派对。)

- I can't believe what you just said. (我无法相信你刚才说的话。)

2. Speak


- She speaks three languages fluently. (她能流利地说三种语言。)

- We need to speak about this issue in private. (我们需要私下谈论这个问题。)

3. Talk


- The students were talking about their summer vacation plans. (学生们在谈论他们的暑假计划。)

- We need to talk things out before making a decision. (我们需要先商量清楚再做决定。)

4. Tell


- Can you tell me how to get to the train station? (你能告诉我怎么去火车站吗?)

- She told him that she couldn't go to the party because she was sick. (她告诉他她因为生病不能去参加派对。)

5. Inform


- The teacher informed the students about the upcoming test. (老师告知学生们即将到来的考试。)

- The doctor informed me that I need to take better care of my health. (医生告诉我我需要更好地照顾我的健康。)

6. Express


- She expressed her disappointment with his decision. (她表达了对他的决定的失望。)

- He often struggles to express his emotions. (他经常难以表达自己的情绪。)

7. Utter


- He uttered a cry of pain when he fell off his bike. (他摔下自行车时发出一声痛苦的呼喊。)

- She couldn't utter a word when she saw her surprise birthday party. (当她看到她的惊喜生日派对时,她无法说出一句话来。)

8. Mention


- She mentioned that she might be late for the meeting. (她提到她可能会迟到参加会议。)

- The article mentions the importance of exercise for maintaining good health. (本次介绍提及了锻炼对于保持健康的重要性。)

9. State


- He stated that he didn't agree with the new policy. (他陈述说他不同意这项新政策。)

- The company's mission statement states their commitment to sustainability. (公司的使命宣言表明了他们对可持续发展的承诺。)

10. Convey


- The tone of his voice conveyed his disappointment. (他说话的语气透露出他的失望。)

- She used hand gestures to convey her message to the audience. (她用手势向观众传达她的信息。)


1. 在日常生活中,talking可以翻译为“说话”,表示进行交流或表达意见的行为。例如:He is talking on the phone.(他正在打电话。)

2. 在工作场合,talking可以翻译为“谈论”或“讨论”,指商讨问题或交换意见。例如:We are talking about the new project.(我们正在谈论新项目。)

3. 在娱乐活动中,talking可以翻译为“聊天”或“闲谈”,指轻松愉快的交流。例如:We spent the whole night talking and laughing.(我们整晚都在聊天和笑闹。)

4. 在学术领域,talking可以翻译为“演讲”或“发言”,指在公开场合表达自己的观点和想法。例如:She will be giving a talk at the conference tomorrow.(她明天将在会议上发言。)

5. 在语言学*中,talking可以翻译为“口语练*”或“会话练*”,指通过对话来提高口语能力。例如:We have a lot of talking practice in our English class.(我们英语课上有很多口语练*。)

6. 在技术领域,talking可以翻译为“通信”或“传输”,指通过电子设备进行信息交流。例如:The two computers are talking to each other.(这两台电脑正在通信。)

7. 在心理学中,talking可以翻译为“倾诉”或“交流”,指通过言语来表达内心的感受和想法。例如:Talking to a therapist can help you deal with your emotions.(与心理咨询师交谈可以帮助你处理情绪。)


1. Small talk - 闲聊,指日常生活中的轻松、随意的交谈。

2. Engaging in conversation - 参与对话,指积极参与交流和讨论。

3. Making small talk - 进行闲聊,指开始或进行轻松的对话。

4. Striking up a conversation - 开始一场谈话,指开始或引发一次对话。

5. Breaking the ice - 打破僵局,指用轻松、幽默的方式开启一次交流。

6. Keeping the conversation flowing - 保持对话顺畅,指维持良好的交流氛围并避免尴尬沉默。

7. Having a chat - 聊天,指进行简单、随意的对话。

8. Making conversation - 进行交谈,指参与一场有意义的对话。

9. Talking casually - 随便说说,指不太正式或严肃地交谈。

10. Having a friendly chat - 友好地聊天,指以友好、轻松的方式进行交流。

11. Getting to know someone - 认识某人,指通过交谈来了解某人。

12. Striking up a rapport - 建立融洽关系,指通过交流建立良好的关系和互信。

13. Making introductions - 进行介绍,指介绍自己或他人给新认识的人。

14. Breaking the ice with small talk - 通过闲聊打破僵局,指用轻松的话题开启一次交流。

15. Engaging in light conversation - 进行轻松的对话,指进行简单、随意的交流。

16. Making polite conversation - 进行礼貌的对话,指以礼貌和尊重为基础进行交流。

17. Talking about the weather - 谈论天气,指用天气作为开场白或闲聊的话题。

18. Discussing current events - 讨论时事,指谈论当下发生的事件或新闻。

19. Sharing personal experiences - 分享个人经历,指通过交流来分享自己的经历和故事。

20. Asking open-ended questions - 提出开放性问题,指提出需要对方思考和回答的问


1. How to Express Yourself in English

例句:Do you know how to express yourself in English?

2. Speaking English: Tips and Tricks

例句:Here are some tips and tricks for speaking English.

3. Communicating in English: What You Need to Know

例句:Do you have the necessary skills for communicating in English?

4. The Art of Conversation in English

例句:Mastering the art of conversation in English can be challenging.

5. Expressing Yourself Fluently in English

例句:Fluently expressing yourself in English takes practice and dedication.

6. Conveying Your Thoughts in English

例句:Are you able to effectively convey your thoughts in English?

7. Chatting Away in English: How to Do It Right

例句:Learn how to chat away like a pro in English.

8. The Ins and Outs of Speaking English Like a Native

例句:Discover the secrets of speaking English like a native.

9. Unlocking Your Communication Skills in English

例句:Unlock your communication skills and speak confidently in English.

10. From Small Talk to Deep Conversations: Mastering Speaking Skills in English

例句:Take your speaking skills from small talk to deep conversations with these tips for mastering spoken English





2024-11-08 01:03



2024-11-07 23:49

talent 的翻译是


2024-11-07 23:39



2024-11-07 23:29



2024-11-07 23:19

Takizawa rola的翻译是

Takizawa rola,这个名字对于翻译界来说并不陌生。她是谁?她的翻译作品又有哪些?她的翻译风格又是怎样的?她的成就和影响力又有多大?她又将会分享哪些翻译方法和技巧?让我们一起来

2024-11-07 23:09