

更新时间:2024-11-10 03:41:28作者:留学世界



1. throat的定义



2. throat的词源


3. throat在生理学上的意义


4. throat在文学作品中的象征意义

除了生理学上的含义外,在文学作品中,throat也常被用作象征性意义。例如,在莎士比亚戏剧《哈姆雷特》中,“to have one's throat cut”就被用来表示被谋杀;而在《圣经》中,“the voice of one crying in the wilderness”也有着类似的意义。

5. throat的常见症状


6. 常用表达

在日常生活中,我们也会用到一些与throat相关的表达。例如,“to clear one's throat”表示“清理喉咙”,指的是轻轻咳嗽以排除异物或准备发言;“to have a frog in one's throat”则表示“声音沙哑”,通常用来形容因为感冒或紧张而说话带有哑音。



1. throat的发音


2. throat的意思


3. throat在句子中的用法

(1) 作为主语:The singer's throat was sore from singing all night.


(2) 作为宾语:He cleared his throat before speaking.


(3) 作为介词宾语:She swallowed the pill down her throat.


(4) 作为定语:The narrow throat of the bottle made it difficult to pour out the liquid.


(5) 作为状语:She spoke through a sore throat.


4. throat的词性变化


5. 相关短语

(1) have a frog in one's throat:嗓子哑了。

(2) cut someone's throat:谋杀某人。

(3) down one's throat:大声地说;强迫某人接受。

(4) stick in one's throat:令人不快;难以接受。

(5) clear one's throat:清嗓子。

6. 拓展知识



1. throat的意思

- 名词,指咽喉部位,连接口腔和食管的部分。

- 口语中也可用来指声音的发声器官,如“我嗓子有点疼”可以说成“I have a sore throat”。

2. throat的用法

- 作为名词使用时,常见搭配有:sore throat(喉咙痛)、clear one's throat(清嗓子)、lump in one's throat(哽咽)、catch one's throat(窒息)等。

- 作为动词使用时,常见搭配有:throat something(用喉咙发出声音)、throat clearing(清理嗓子)等。

3. 双语例句

1) His voice was hoarse from shouting, and his throat was dry.


2) She had a sore throat and couldn't speak properly.


3) I need to clear my throat before I start singing.


4) The singer had a lump in her throat when she sang the emotional song.


5) The thought of giving a presentation made him feel like he had a frog in his throat.


6) She tried to swallow but the food caught in her throat.


7) He cleared his throat and began to speak.


8) The doctor examined my throat and said I had a mild infection.


9) He's been having trouble with his throat lately, so he can't sing tonight.


10) The smoke from the fire made her throat feel dry and scratchy.



1. Cut someone's throat: 毁灭某人,使某人失败

例如:His dishonesty cut his own throat in the end.

2. Clear your throat: 清嗓子,咳嗽

例如:She cleared her throat before starting her speech.

3. Stick in one's throat: 令人不快,难以接受

例如:The idea of working with him stuck in my throat.

4. At each other's throats: 敌对,争斗不休

例如:The two brothers are always at each other's throats over small things.

5. Have a frog in one's throat: 嗓子哑,说话有困难

例如:She couldn't sing at the concert because she had a frog in her throat.

6. Throat infection: 喉部感染

例如:He had to take antibiotics for his severe throat infection.

7. Down someone's throat: 强迫某人接受某事物

例如:I'm tired of you trying to force your opinions down my throat.

8. Cut off someone's air/throat supply: 扼杀某人的生计/扼住某人的喉咙

例如:The company's closure cut off many people's air supply, leaving them unemployed.

9. Clear one's name/throat: 洗刷污名/清洁喉部

例如:He finally cleared his name after being falsely accused of a crime.

10. Tighten one's grip/throat on something: 加强对某事物的控制/紧握住某物的喉咙

例如:The dictator tightened his grip on the country, suppressing any form of opposition


1. Esophagus

- The esophagus is a muscular tube connecting the throat to the stomach.

- The food travels down the esophagus before reaching the stomach.

2. Gullet

- The gullet is another term for the esophagus.

- It is responsible for transporting food and liquids from the throat to the stomach.

3. Pharynx

- The pharynx is a part of the throat that connects to both the nose and mouth.

- It serves as a pathway for both air and food.

4. Windpipe

- The windpipe, or trachea, is located in front of the esophagus.

- It carries air from the throat to the lungs.

5. Throat cavity

- The throat cavity refers to the space in between the nasal cavity and oral cavity.

- It is responsible for producing sounds and allowing air to flow through during breathing.

6. Larynx

- The larynx, also known as the voice box, is located at the top of the trachea.

- It contains vocal cords that produce sound when air passes through them.

7. Glottis

- The glottis is a part of the larynx that controls airflow during breathing and speaking.

- It opens up when we breathe and closes when we swallow to prevent food from entering our airway.

8. Adam's apple

- The Adam's apple is a visible protrusion in front of the larynx, more prominent in males than females.

- Its size can vary depending on hormone levels and age.

9. Epiglottis

-The epiglottis is a flap of tissue located at the base of tongue that covers over the entrance to larynx when we swallow.

- This prevents food from entering our airway, ensuring it goes down into our esophagus instead.

10. Throat pouch

- The throat pouch is a term used to describe the enlarged area in the throat of certain animals, such as pelicans and frigatebirds.

- It is used for storing food and expanding during swallowing



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